Language. Always a tough subject

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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Outgunu wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 9:20 pm Why even bring this up? This isn't a child site and grown ups shouldn't get to butt hurt to hear an occasional cuss word if one is warranted. There are tons of lurkers on this site, just not as many posters. Don't really think it has any bearing on membership or posts. Who are these members that are complaining and why to you? Maybe they should make their own post...
I agree with him
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

rentprop1 wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:54 pm I'm on my phone so I'm not even going to try to quote individuals but I'll point out a couple interesting observations.

Your 9 year-old did not learn swear words from FSN ....if he did you've got bigger problems

This is a gun form, while all ages may enjoy firearms, this network isnt about cooking, nitting or toys and while we don't have many posters under the age of 18 or females blame it on whatever you want ...but foul language is not why they dont participate.

As it was said in another thread that forms are going downhill with the rise of social media, you old guys may think that you're all we have left and we should bend over or cater to you....but that does not apply to the younger internet generation.... this isn't Moose Lodge or the American Legion ....but both of those places, you can hear more curse words in an hour then you could read on FSN in a week.

I don't want to use get with the times as an excuse but there are more curse words and sexual material including LGTBQ situations on Primetime TV. We already dont do nudity , even a girls with gins thread , why the hell not ?....its always been no nips , no lips.

If you have to complain to a moderator about someone swearing I'm not sure you really fit in with the crowd that we have here.... so I guess if no one speaks up you'll get your way and FSN will end up the "whole world's going to revolve around you " and your......cuss free zone ....enjoy your club gents :roll:

I'm sure I'll have more to say tomorrow but I've had a long day..... I'm going to have to get rid of my part-time girl anybody need a part time job in the gun shop.... we curse and complain, look at almost naked gn bunnies, and drink at the end of the work day......hell come to think of it why do I waste my time on FSN anymore ..??
trouter3 wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:13 pm I knew this was gong to get nasty, I m a combat veterans who spent 19 months in jungles of south east Asia, wounded four times, captured and escaped once and spent 30 months in rehab,my name appears in books and Proud of it, so I've earned the right to voice my opinion, have you? my grandchildren look up to me and use me as an example of the way people civily talk to one another and the obscene language offends me, outgun u my 9 year grandson enjoys firearms and reading posts on this site, no longer allowed on here, when he comes over with his iPad and asked me the meaning of "cunt" and points it out, yea it pisses me off royally, let's not play mind games we are all adults calling people out who complained that's pure unadulterated BS, you wanna be a real hero quit using obscenities there is no need for it, I made a promise to the administrator of this site that I'd calm down and not insult people by calling them names when I lose patience with their dump posts, I know some of ya don't give a rats arse what I think, so be it, I know of three people, one introduced me to FSN a heavy contributor that is no longer here for this reason, we are losing some senior people because the occasional posters have nothing of value to say, if we decide to continue on this road we'll lose more good people, to the op that called me out yes I was one who spoke to the moderator, don't ever call me out here or on the street it isn't in my DNA to put up with nonsensical crap ill confront ya....

Peace and tranquility
I agree with him too well said. :lol: I'm more shocked by what's said and shown on TV wayyy more than what could or has ever been said here. What about some of those video games kinds play. Have you listened to how they talk. His friends probably know more cuss words than all of us. These young kids will bait you with questions when they know darn well what these words mean. They just want to see how you respond
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

trouter3 wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 11:22 pm Rentprop1 who are you to judge me,what gives you that right ? people who live in glass houses should not throw stones, you don't recall your post regarding Jews, very offensive, you got a short memory you may be able to intimidate some members on here with all you bluster, but it doesn't bother me in the least no place for obscenity don't matter what kinda subjects are covered here, don't make you a man using the term cunt to describe something, you don't look very intelligent using obscenities to express your thoughts ,this is one of the few if any web sites that I've ever seen that allows that bs language a damn shame I say ....
Rent is not judging you. No one is. You are the one acting like a liberal now. By telling people how they should talk, act and behave according to your standards. Your doing all the judging here. As far as your service. I have no problem with you talking about it as much as you want.

I love hearing stories of what vets did. I used to sit for hours and listen to Ben Jones at Gun Craft in Ruskin before he died. It did not matter to me how many times he retold the same story. It was fine with me.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

lakelandman wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:06 am I just don't understand why people can't just read the post and move on or skip it all together if I see a post I don't agree with just move on.
Exactly why vote on anything. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Simply, well said lakelandman another damn good post oops
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Post by Legio »

I am closing this discussion and in a few days after everybody has read this, I will remove its "sticky" status.