Florida’s Semi-Auto Rifle Ban Amendment Gaining Ground

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Swamp Water
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Post by Swamp Water »

I hate to say it but Florida will be the next lost state I fear. Born and raised here I say it with a tear because I have lived here all of my life. I’ve served this State and it’s citizens for 15 years. If we go this route I’m out of here as soon as I retire. 😢
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Post by lakelandman »

I'm not sure but with the gun laws passed already in Florida sounds like it's going to get worse here before it gets better when that happens I'm out of here.
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Post by flcracker »

You guys sound like the fight is already lost. How about fighting to reverse the trend? There are dozens of rural counties in Florida that aren't overrun by Yankee transplants and millions of gun owners in all of our counties, regardless of the degree of urbanisation. Let's make sure that every gun owner in the State of Florida knows what these bass turds are trying to do.

If Marion and the FlaNRA aren't taking up this fight, then let's help MiamiJBT and JonathanW get a postcard campaign underway.
....and some rin up hill and down dale, knapping the chucky stanes to pieces wi' hammers, like sae mony road-makers run daft - they say it is to see how the warld was made!
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Post by Miami_JBT »

flcracker wrote: Tue Feb 12, 2019 5:44 am You guys sound like the fight is already lost. How about fighting to reverse the trend? There are dozens of rural counties in Florida that aren't overrun by Yankee transplants and millions of gun owners in all of our counties, regardless of the degree of urbanisation. Let's make sure that every gun owner in the State of Florida knows what these bass turds are trying to do.

If Marion and the FlaNRA aren't taking up this fight, then let's help MiamiJBT and JonathanW get a postcard campaign underway.
As I've said before....

What makes Conservative States successful is also their downfall. It is the honey that attracts the flies. It attracts those from places that are cluster fucks. And when they come here, they bring the ways of the old country with them.

Tennessee, Florida, Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, and other states have been advertising big time that they're business friendly, offer tax breaks for companies to relocate, have affordable housing and low personal taxes, and are just in general better than places like New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey , etc....

Well, the end result is this.



Look at how small the Democrat held precincts are. Yet that is where the majority of the population lives. The Republican controlled ones are majority rural and trees, dirt, and rocks don't vote.

California went through this after WWII. It was once a Conservative bastion and now is a left shithole. Why? Because of massive migration to that State after the war. Both from other parts of the US and internationally.


It sucks, but that is the truth. We have nowhere to go to. The locusts hop from one farm to another when they're done ravaging their last location.

Even if Florida for example were to be divided in half. The panhandle would shift Leftist immediately. The panhandle is only 1,407,925 people.The Tallahassee metropolitan area population alone is 382,627 people. That is majority Leftist. With the predictable outcome of migration from South Florida upon them becoming their own state due to failed tax policies. That Leftist population in North Florida would expand and grow dramatically.

Furthermore, most Conservative areas are rural and low in population. Trees don't vote, people do. Rural areas are in a population decline.
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Post by jaytwillerham »

Is this attempt at denying our rights addressing all semi autos or just the dreaded black rifles that scare the sheep should one come into view?
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Post by Odessaman »

It's helpful to know what we're facing, in order to realize the importance of this fight. Go to BAWN's website - download and read the petition.

Here are the proposed constitutional changes to Article I, Section 8 - Right to Keep and Bear Arms:
(e) The possession of an assault weapon, as that term is defined in this subsection, is prohibited in Florida except as provided in this subsection. This subsection shall be construed in conformity with the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution as interpreted by the United States Supreme Court.
1) Definitions -
a) Assault Weapons - For purposes of this subsection, any semiautomatic rifle or shotgun capable of holding more than ten (10) rounds of ammunition at once, either in a fixed or detachable magazine, or any other ammunition-feeding device. This subsection does not apply to handguns.
b) Semiautomatic - For purposes of this subsection, any weapon which fires a single projectile or a number of ball shots through a rifled or smooth bore for each single function of the trigger without further manual action required.
c) Ammunition-feeding device - For purposes of this subsection, any magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device for a firearm.
2) Limitations -
a) This subsection shall not apply to military or law enforcement use, or use by federal personnel, in conduct of
their duties, or to an assault weapon being imported for sale and delivery to a federal, state or local governmental
agency for use by employees of such agencies to perform official duties
b) This subsection does not apply to any firearm that is not semiautomatic, as defined in this subsection.
c) This subsection does not apply to handguns, as defined in Article I, Section 8(b), Florida Constitution.
d) If a person had lawful possession of an assault weapon prior to the effective date of this subsection, the person's
possession of that assault weapon is not unlawful (1) during the first year after the effective date of this subsection,
or (2) after the person has registered with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement or a successor agency,
within one year of the effective date of this subsection, by providing a sworn or attested statement, that the weapon
was lawfully in his or her possession prior to the effective date of this subsection and by identifying the weapon
by make, model, and serial number. The agency must provide and the person must retain proof of registration in
order for possession to remain lawful under this subsection. Registration records shall be available on a permanent
basis to local, state and federal law enforcement agencies for valid law enforcement purposes but shall otherwise
be confidential.
3) Criminal Penalties - Violation of this subsection is a third-degree felony. The legislature may designate greater, but not
lesser, penalties for violations.
4) Self-executing - This provision shall be self-executing except where legislative action is authorized in subsection (3) to
designate a more severe penalty for violation of this subsection. No legislative or administrative action may conflict with,
diminish or delay the requirements of this subsection.
5) Severability - The provisions of this subsection are severable. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or subsection
of this measure, or an application thereof, is adjudged invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, other provisions shal l
continue to be in effect to the fullest extent possible.
6) Effective date - The effective date of this amendment shall be thirty days after its passage by the voters.
Notice the definition of "Assault Weapon" includes any ammunition feeding device "fixed or detachable" that holds more than 10 rounds. Rimfires are not exempted. Under this proposed amendment, your Marlin Model 60 .22 with a 15 round fixed tubular magazine is "an Assault Weapon," and possession of that rifle is a third degree felony (preventing you from legally owning ANY firearm.)

The definition of "Ammunition Feeding Device" is also purposefully vague, by including "or similar device for a firearm," in order to encompass any potential work-arounds.

Finally, the thermonuclear option - mandatory registration, under penalty of a third degree felony. Notice how information on your registered firearms is shared with "local, state and federal law enforcement authorities."

With constitutionally mandated registration, the grabbers nullify the provisions of Section 790.335:
790.335 Prohibition of registration of firearms; electronic records.—
(a) The Legislature finds and declares that:
1. The right of individuals to keep and bear arms is guaranteed under both the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and s. 8, Art. I of the State Constitution.

2. A list, record, or registry of legally owned firearms or law-abiding firearm owners is not a law enforcement tool and can become an instrument for profiling, harassing, or abusing law-abiding citizens based on their choice to own a firearm and exercise their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed under the United States Constitution. Further, such a list, record, or registry has the potential to fall into the wrong hands and become a shopping list for thieves.

3. A list, record, or registry of legally owned firearms or law-abiding firearm owners is not a tool for fighting terrorism, but rather is an instrument that can be used as a means to profile innocent citizens and to harass and abuse American citizens based solely on their choice to own firearms and exercise their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed under the United States Constitution.

4. Law-abiding firearm owners whose names have been illegally recorded in a list, record, or registry are entitled to redress.

(b) The Legislature intends through the provisions of this section to:
1. Protect the right of individuals to keep and bear arms as guaranteed under both the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and s. 8, Art. I of the State Constitution.

2. Protect the privacy rights of law-abiding firearm owners.

(2) PROHIBITIONS.—No state governmental agency or local government, special district, or other political subdivision or official, agent, or employee of such state or other governmental entity or any other person, public or private, shall knowingly and willfully keep or cause to be kept any list, record, or registry of privately owned firearms or any list, record, or registry of the owners of those firearms.

. . .
DO NOT ignore this dangerous attack on our rights. It needs to be vocally opposed and quashed before it gains further traction.
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Post by jaytwillerham »

Do you suppose any of these useful fools have any idea of what they are actually asking for?
About the time they actually wake up, it might just be too late.
Assuming they ever do wake up; most won't.
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Post by Chigger »

Never under estimate the stupidity of people in large groups.
A few know what they want....The rest are fools.

The landscape of this countries politics is changing and gun owners are laying down. I saw more activism back in the late 90's and early 2000 when the threats weren't as bad.

When the PB county comizars hosted a luncheon for the million mom march people in Palm Beach to push gun control, I and many others were there and I still have the post article, we used that as publicity to gather signatures for the term limits which ended on the ballot and got passed.

What was great is the Post thought a bunch of sign waving gun owners were wasting their time. What we were doing was using the Post's stupidity against them to get our message out there which worked tremendously.

It was a huge effort of a lot of freedom loving people and gun owners.

Something we need today desperately.

Don't let this be 3% of the people do 97% of the effort. We will lose.
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Post by Miami_JBT »

Hey Oddessaman, I made these for an upcoming article.




We both came to the same conclusion at the same time.
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Post by Odessaman »

Miami_JBT wrote: Tue Feb 12, 2019 3:11 pm Hey Oddessaman, I made these for an upcoming article.


We both came to the same conclusion at the same time.
Excellent. I just came up with some additional evil assault rifles, under this proposed amendment:

Remington 552 Speedmaster (15 round capacity, fixed tubular magazine)

Remington Nylon 66 (14 rd. capacity, fixed in-stock tubular magazine)

Browning SA-22 (11 rd. capacity, fixed in-stock tubular magazine)
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