Some Guests at State of the Union to be about Gun Control. One is a Guest of Rick Scott.

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Some Guests at State of the Union to be about Gun Control. One is a Guest of Rick Scott.

Post by Miami_JBT »


Georgia's Rep. Lucy McBath (D) is bringing Jeff Binkley as her guest to the State of the Union. Who is Mr. Binkley? He's the father of Maura Binkley; one of the victims at the Tallahassee Yoga Shooting back in November.

According to WCTV;
Rep. McBath said in a press release on Monday, "Just three months ago, the Binkleys experienced a tragedy that no parent should ever endure. The pain of losing a child to gun violence never ends. Too many families experience tragedies like ours every single day, and it's that pain that drives my work for common-sense gun safety legislation. Maura's story must be told. It's vitally important that we continue to share these stories as we work to keep families like ours from experiencing the horror and heartbreak brought on by gun violence. Our community and our nation cannot wait any longer for common-sense gun safety solutions."
Rick Scott (R), ex Governor and now junior Senator of Florida is also not wanting to be left out. Is bringing Andy Pollack, father of Meadow Pollack, victim of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
"Since the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas last year, I have gotten to know Andy and his family, and I have been humbled to see their dedication to improving our state in honor of Andy's daughter, Meadow," Scott said.

"I worked closely with Andy to pass the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act (SB 7026), and I will continue to work with him in Washington to improve our schools and make sure our students are kept safe. I am honored to have Andy as my guest at the State of the Union, and will never stop fighting for the safety of our children."
Additionally, California’s Rep. Eric Swalwell (D) is inviting Cameron Kasky, student activist and survivor of Parkland. Kasky co-founded Never Again MSD; a Gun Control Group.
“Too many families, friendships, and communities across our nation have been torn apart by gun violence. It’s time this epidemic be met with real action – not moments of silence and thoughts and prayers,” said Swalwell. “The shooting massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., happened while I was in congressional orientation in December 2012, and I figured Congress would have to act. As Republicans stymied all efforts since then, I started to grow frustrated – but the clear, loud, unwavering voices of the Parkland generation have inspired me to renew our efforts.”

“In the face of unimaginable tragedy, Cameron Kasky has shown remarkable strength. He stands at the forefront of the fight for action to address gun violence, bringing thousands of his peers together to demand we finally do something. I’m proud to have Cameron join me at the Capitol, nearly one year after he faced a horror no kid should endure at school, to continue this fight, because there is no right more important than the right to live.”

“I am very excited to join Rep. Swalwell for the State of the Union so we can have meaningful discussions about how we can take action to tackle gun violence for the horrific epidemic it is,” said Kasky. “Rep. Swalwell is one of the most effective change makers out there these days and I’m proud to stand alongside him in this fight.”
What does this mean for Gun Owners? I bet you can figure it out. Especially with Rick Scott, Lucy McBath, and Eric Swalwell teaming up.
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Post by wjbarricklow »

I don’t know that Andrew Pollack is exactly for gun control. He seems neutral on it.
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Post by Flashooter22 »

From all I have seen and read from Mr Pollack, he is not for gun control at all. He has had numerous interviews and articles where he places blame in the persons responsible for the tragedy, not the tools that assisted with it.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Agree plus I believe also in his push to arm school personal is a hugh plus.

Also for his loss he suffered in that horrendous act by a madman. While law enforcement did absolutely nothing but stand there and LET IT HAPPEN.

Then to have L.E. blame it all on lack of gun control, NRA, people like YOU and I for believing that we some how have rights granted to us by the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS. To even own guns.

Essentially L.E. blamed it on everything but their incompetence. Then when sued. U.S. District Judge Beth Bloom ruled and I quote
" U.S. District Judge Beth Bloom said neither the school nor sheriff’s deputies had a legal obligation to protect students from the alleged shooter, Nikolas Cruz, who is accused of killing 17 people at the school Feb. 14. Her reasoning? The students were not in state custody, the Sun Sentinel reported.

Bloom, who was nominated to the bench by President Barack Obama in 2014, wrote in her opinion:

“The claim arises from the actions of Cruz, a third party, and not a state actor. Thus, the critical question the Court analyzes is whether defendants had a constitutional duty to protect plaintiffs from the actions of Cruz.

“As previously stated, for such a duty to exist on the part of defendants, plaintiffs would have to be considered to be in custody.”
Are not schools run by the state and while your kids are at school are they not in the states custody. Also is it not the law that they MUST ATTEND SCHOOL. the JUDGE was wrong on this ruling.

So here's a great point to ponder.

"U.S. judge says law enforcement officers had no legal duty to protect Parkland students during mass shooting or any U.S. CITIZEN for that fact from harm of any kind. Unless they are in the states custody, like prisoners.

In case you were wondering. This is exactly WHY those wise men who were this nations forefathers put the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights,,,

Sheriff Israel even had the gall to fall back on this ruling. Let me ask this question. Were any of those LEOs kids in that school at the time of the shooting.

I bet you had there been any of those officer's kids in that school they'd been like RAMBO TEARING IN THERE. If it were the sheriff's station under attack would they go in to protect their brothers in blue.

How about this. If it were a police academy that a shooter was at do you think they would have stood around outside. I bet you they'd been all over any of those situations that involves their own.

How about a government building. Do you think they'd have stood around outside with an active shooter inside. Hell no they would not have. Every damn one that did would be fired.

Yet how many times have we heard the DEMOCRATS say. You do not need guns BECAUSE THE POLICE WILL PROTECT YOU. How many times have they used this lie.

I think Mr Andrew Pollack had every right to be there. Given everything he's been through and his push for armed teachers.
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Post by P5 Guy »

Vetting any school board employee is paramount.
I can't imagine a liberal teacher, you know the ones that say all gun owners are time bombs waiting to snap, running around a campus with loaded pistol.

FIX-IT is championed by Pollack and MSD student Kyle Kashuv. Arming school employees and hardening the campus perimeter. Also more attention to student's behavior.
Last edited by P5 Guy on Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Swamp Water »

wjbarricklow wrote: Wed Feb 06, 2019 1:10 am I don’t know that Andrew Pollack is exactly for gun control. He seems neutral on it.
Umm he is praised with helping pass the MSD public safety act (gun control).
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