Need attorney in Pinellas

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Need attorney in Pinellas

Post by REDinFL »

Specifically, I need to consult with a divorce attorney. I've been waffling back and forth, but I can se it's inevitable. The hard part is being able to set it all up discreetly. I want to get the first few questions answered via e-mail. such as feasibility, and so I don't make a mistake which will make the attorney's job more difficult as it all progresses. That has been a sticking point as I've met with a "No" from a few I've asked via their websites, though I've explained my reasons. I am not trying to pick brains and then do it myself, I know better, and need a professional. My most amusing answer came from a major firm, which runs a forum. An obvious intern, a "Tamika" said they would do it but I needed to make an appointment for the email. OK, obviously no idea how e-mail works: A good test to see if it's a firm with which I wish to deal.

What I want to do is lay out a current financial position, not complicated, but is best seen on paper or on screen for a whole picture. The question, understanding nothing is 100%, will relate to alimony. That's why a knowledge of Pinellas judges and mediators and their attitudes is critical. The rest I'll get into in private. I'm not asking for a free ride, but give me a decent rate for a process which makes the use of time more efficient; I'll gladly pay fairly even if for a second opinion. When we get ready, and I'm ready to go, we'll do normal meetings and phone calls.

So, if you have a good attorney, and maybe put in a word for me so they'll accept the e-mail start, I'd appreciate it.
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Post by flcracker »

Just call Alan Rosenthal's office and set up a free consultation. Bring your papers and ask your questions in person.

No attorney that I know will answer any questions from a stranger via email. They are not going to want to give you any sort of response over the phone or by email - how can they be assured that you are who you say you are, and not someone trying to pull a fast one on them?
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Post by TC6969 »

I'm just waiting for some moron to come along and tell you to go talk to every divorce lawyer in town so they cant deal with your wife. :lol:
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Post by REDinFL »

flcracker wrote: Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:24 pm

Just call Alan Rosenthal's office and set up a free consultation. Bring your papers and ask your questions in person.

No attorney that I know will answer any questions from a stranger via email. They are not going to want to give you any sort of response over the phone or by email - how can they be assured that you are who you say you are, and not someone trying to pull a fast one on them?

You have a point there; sort of why I asked for "put in a word." Had not thought of that possibility, not sure what I could pull, at the early stages anyway, especially just the feasibility question. Mr. Rosenthal is one of the first ones I contacted as he was mentioned by you or someone else on the forum. I explained my reason, trying to keep things quiet before filing. I'm retired, and comings and goings are noticed and questioned. My first question would have been, given incomes and assets, the likelihood of alimony, based on the attorney's experience with the judges and mediators. (I understand Pinellas requires mediation before hearings.) He'd need to see it laid out. I got a "No., we don't do that."

Obviously, lacking that information I've been at a standstill. It's too late when the proverbial cat is out of the bag. BTW, this was several months ago, why it's been diddling so long.
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Post by REDinFL »

TC6969 wrote: Fri Feb 22, 2019 3:03 pm I'm just waiting for some moron to come along and tell you to go talk to every divorce lawyer in town so they cant deal with your wife. :lol:
Yeah, I've seen that on divorce forums. Nutso, even though it sounds plausible. Too many lawyers in Pinellas to be able to do that. I just want to find one experienced lawyer to see an income and asset statement, a simple one, and render an opinion on alimony, which I need to avoid. I'm ready to walk away from a lot of other assets.
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Post by Outgunu »

Is your wife hot? Please post pic.
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Post by lakelandman »

Good luck man hope it all works out.
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Post by REDinFL »

Thanks. I don't see what is so off-putting about the first few questions via email, particularly when I explain my need to keep it quiet. Once the D word is out, that's toothpaste one can't put back in the tube. I just want an attorney familiar with the courts I'll be in, to look at a financial position and give me an idea of alimony probability. There are no kids. The house I can walk away from. But, I can't walk away until I have some idea, and a few procedural questions.

I can see an attorney thinking I want to pick his brain, and then go pro se. No way, and I make that clear. Hey, what's to stop someone who waltzes into the attorney's office and shoots the bull from doing the same? Or, is it like that issue I mention in my OP, they don't know how e-mail works? I'll tell you, if it wasn't for the possibility that a screwball court or biased judge looking towards election and needing female votes would be able to attack and attach federal pensions, I'd just disappear and let everyone else look to themselves.
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Post by REDinFL »

Outgunu wrote: Fri Feb 22, 2019 9:55 pm Is your wife hot? Please post pic.
Reminds me of a comedian in the 1950s and 1960s, Henny Youngman, whose famous line was, "Take my wife, please. Someone...."
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Post by Molivo »

TC6969 wrote: Fri Feb 22, 2019 3:03 pm I'm just waiting for some moron to come along and tell you to go talk to every divorce lawyer in town so they cant deal with your wife. :lol:
Sopranos episode knowledge right
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