Example 889734789 of why Diversity is Our Strength!

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Post by REDinFL »

Flame Red wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2019 1:02 pm
CaptBarty wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:48 am and lay off white males.
New mantra now in corporate America. Wife just got wacked. They provided a spreadsheet of who was layed off and everyone was over 50. Obviously they openly practice illegal age discrimination, but no one sues since only the lawyers make any $ out of it. And now all the Indians they imported for the last 20 year have reached the mismanagement ranks. My wife's boss was an Indian. He openly bragged that he was laying her off so he could replace her with another Indian. I remember years ago the executives saying that India is dangerously underemployed.
Yes, they openly display/spout their racism, and there's nothing you're going to do about it. They jabber the fast talk cleverly and fool managers, but don't know their asses from a hole in the ground.

By the way, that "promote women and minorities...lay off white males" came directly from a managers briefing given by an Executive Vice President at Chase Manhattan Bank in 1991. The EVP was a John Scicutella, who was quite young; his meteoric rise obviously was by "playing the game."
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Post by SteyrAUG »

ABOC wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2019 9:26 am This one has to be example 889734800 of why Diversity is Our Strength...

Just Outside Denver, Black Male (Oghaleoghene Atuno) Deliberately Targets Two White Boys in Hit-And-Run Racial Assault

As usual the link below is safe and you won't feed the sub-human mainstream propagandist media scum by clicking on it:
http://www.unz.com/sbpdl/just-outside-d ... l-assault/

First it was Landen Hoffman (a five-year-old white boy) targeted in Minneapolis at the Mall of America by a black man who was looking to kill.

Now, a black man has targeted two white kids in the suburbs of Denver, deliberately running them over in a hit and run. [Security Video Leads To Arrest In Hit-And-Run That Injured 2 Boys, Denver CBS, April 16, 2019]:

An Aurora man has been arrested in connection to a hit-and-run collision which took place on April 5. Oghaleoghene Atuno, 21, was arrested on suspicion of using his vehicle to run over two boys, ages 11 and 12.

One boy was so badly injured, his skull was fractured.

Law enforcement said security footage from the area showed Atuno circling the cul-de-sac several times before allegedly hitting the boys. The boys were walking on the sidewalk.

State Patrol used surveillance video from homes and schools to identify the vehicle in the incident. After the image was released to the public, someone reported a similar vehicle at an apartment complex.

The vehicle matched the description, and belonged to Atuno’s mother, an arrest affidavit said.

When law enforcement questioned Atuno, he confessed to the hit-and-run, according to the affidavit. When asked why he left the scene, law enforcement said Atuno claimed to be scared.

A motive for the incident was not released, or identified by law enforcement in their report.

Atuno faces felony charges of vehicular assault and leaving the scene, and is being held at the Arapahoe County Jail on a $250,000 bond. State patrol said Atuno could face more charges as the investigation continues.

A motive for the incident was not released…

It’s the same motive behind the Landen Hoffman attack (a five-year-0ld white boy tossed off a 3rd story balcony at the Mall of America by a black male).

Anti-white hate attacks are not to be discussed in the corporate media.

This, the deliberate hit-and-run of two white boys by a black male, is one of those such attacks.

As usual expect deluded civic nationalist boomers to rationalize what happened. I am sure they will find a way to blame all this on some brake or steering malfunction or the fact that he did not speak the language. Let's not forget that virtue signaling to people who hate you and want you and your civilization dead is paramount to civic nationalists and cuckservatives alike.

God forbid one might actually realize the sheer ugliness of what a multi-cultural society truly is and the destruction this concept is bringing to the Christian nations of the West because someone might call you "RACIST" and everybody knows there is nothing worse in life than that - not even having you kids "culturally enriched" by becoming one with your neighborhood's sidewalk. After all, if it makes some low IQ third-worlder with no impulse control feel good about himself, then it was all worth it.
So riddle me this joker.

When black guys in Chicago kill other black guys in numbers that would shame any 1960s chapter of the KKK, is it because of racial hatred towards blacks? Diversity problems? If we had more Chinese kids in Chicago would black violent criminals stop shooting other black violent criminals? Or is there something else at play, like tolerance of violent criminals among some segments of black populations?

And honestly, would you actually feel better of the kid who got tossed at the mall was an Eskimo? If the black hit and run driver deliberately targeted two hispanic kids would that solve your problems? If a hispanic male deliberately targeted two black kids in a hit and run incident would that make your day seem better?

At what point do you realize ignorant people with violent tendencies are more a problem of environments that tolerate and / or foster such things than the level of a persons genetic sun tan?

Or is it your premise that even Neil Degrasse Tyson could one day without warning go on a crime spree where he shoots up a bunch of white folks and tries to do a hit an run on every Chinese kid he sees?
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Post by SteyrAUG »

Dr. Dickie wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2019 5:56 am Diversity means, not all white males. All women, no diversity problems. All black, no diversity problems.
So, diversity is based on the idea that there is no diversity within white males. As if every white male, no matter where they were raised, no matter how they were raised, no matter what their life experience has been, there is no diversity in the way they look at things and think about things.
Therefore, the Left has changed the idea of diversity to mean, Not the Best. Don't go for the best person, instead hire lesser quality people so that there there are vaginas and higher levels of melanin in your employees--because even thought there is no difference in men and women, or whites and blacks, having less qualified women and blacks will make your workforce better. How? No one knows, it just will because you have less competent people working there, so it will be better.
Why not just hire the best there is! If that happens to be a women or a black, then so be it and so what? Hire the best, no diversity, shoot for excellence, because diversity from excellence, it just less mediocrity.
You are talking about the problem of "preferred racism" which was just as bad when white people did it decades ago. The fact that everyone else is now doing it doesn't translate to equality or even diversity, it just means we have institutionalized forms of racism that everyone declared were wrong and evil during the civil rights movement.
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Post by SteyrAUG »

Chigger wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 2:18 pm Diversity has everything to do with it.
The world has proven it time and time again for as long as time has been ticking.

You cannot dump people from hugely diverse back grounds and cultures together in a short period of time and expect them to play nice. Your living in a fantasy world if you think it can be done.

America's melting pot worked for a time when the common goal was to become an American, following America's beliefs and systems.

Now this diversity is change America to the 3rd world shit hole they come from.

Using the term race is just an excuse to condemn old fat white guys who by the way for the most part built this country to the what it was or is depending on your out look. So if your one of those who condems old fat white guys, fuck off.
Go somewhere where old fat white guys had no influence in creating and let me know how that works out for you.

While there may be no direct evidence, given the apparent over whelming makeup of the MOA crowd, a white kid is quite the coincidence. I've won much money at the track on worse odds than that.
Actually you can, IF everyone is from a culture that doesn't embrace violence and has a decent work ethic and set of personal values. In fact you can take people from horrible places such as communist states and put them in the US and they will work their asses off to make things better because that kind of opportunity was never given to them.

But on the other side of the coin, you can't put six people in the same room if they are thugged out gang banger types. They might all look the same, talk the same and come from the same town, but if they are not all from the same set there is going to be a problem.
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Post by Dr. Dickie »

SteyrAUG wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:15 pm
Dr. Dickie wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2019 5:56 am Diversity means, not all white males. All women, no diversity problems. All black, no diversity problems.
So, diversity is based on the idea that there is no diversity within white males. As if every white male, no matter where they were raised, no matter how they were raised, no matter what their life experience has been, there is no diversity in the way they look at things and think about things.
Therefore, the Left has changed the idea of diversity to mean, Not the Best. Don't go for the best person, instead hire lesser quality people so that there there are vaginas and higher levels of melanin in your employees--because even thought there is no difference in men and women, or whites and blacks, having less qualified women and blacks will make your workforce better. How? No one knows, it just will because you have less competent people working there, so it will be better.
Why not just hire the best there is! If that happens to be a women or a black, then so be it and so what? Hire the best, no diversity, shoot for excellence, because diversity from excellence, it just less mediocrity.
You are talking about the problem of "preferred racism" which was just as bad when white people did it decades ago. The fact that everyone else is now doing it doesn't translate to equality or even diversity, it just means we have institutionalized forms of racism that everyone declared were wrong and evil during the civil rights movement.
Which is what people mean these days when they use the term "diversity."
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Post by Shadowbob »

SteyrAUG wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 3:49 am
Clyde621 wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 9:19 am Only thing I can say is WOW. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be with your own kind.
But who is my own kind? The heroin addicted, hillbilly POS trailer trash that came to infest my once working class neighborhood? Bill and Hillary Clinton? Charles Manson? Is commonality of skin pigment really anything at all?

Truth be told I'd rather hang out with George Clinton all day than Bill Clinton. Growing up I thought Robert Conrad was "the man" but it didn't have anything to do with skin pigment. My other primary role model was a short asian guy named Bruce Lee.

Diversity is neither automatically good or automatically bad, it depends upon the actual members of your diverse group. If I'm with a diverse group who are also representative of the United States special forces, I'm confident that I will be around 99% amazing people. But if I'm with a diverse group who is also representative of second chance or substance abuse recovery programs, there is a high probability I'll be around a lot of shitbags.

Also race isn't really a thing. It's a arbitrary visual classifier based upon humancentric tendencies. If you get to the genetic level we find massive exceptions and people who look like they should be in Group A actually have more genetic commonality with Group B and vice versa. Humans who live in closed cultures have far more genetic commonality than groups we define by race.

So what is "my kind"? Honestly it doesn't matter. If you are mostly honest, mostly carry your own weight, tend to your business without telling me how to tend mine and have some understanding of honor and integrity, you are probably my kind and it will matter little where you were born, where you were raised or how well your skin absorbs Vitamin D from the sun due to level of melanin.
Well written and on point Steyr
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Post by ABOC »

Well here's something you won't hear or read about in the national mainstream media...
Unfortunately for them someone actually noticed and wrote an article about it.

Expect more first grade level logic, false analogies and asinine reasoning from chronic virtue signalers and apologists.
After all John Wayne Gacy was white, so how could good little boys like them ever identify with such an evil group?!?

For those with a spine and a brain I copied the full unedited article below and linked to the video.
As usual the links to the article and video are safe and NOT from a corporate media site.

https://www.americanthinker.com/article ... rters.html

Link to associated video:



Outbreak of Colorblindness Strikes Chicago Reporters By Colin Flaherty

Chicago picked a strange time to go all colorblind on us. The occasion was the occasional riot in one of America’s premier high-end shopping districts: the Magnificent Mile.

Wednesday night, 500 people rampaged through downtown looting, destroying property, attacking white people, defying police, stopping traffic, threatening tourists, and created lots of mayhem and chaos.

All on video. Some of which you can find here.[video link at the beginning of the post]

If local media is to be believed, race had nothing to do with the fact that every single one of the rioters was black.

Strange behavior from a local media that is obsessed with race, especially white racism and black victimization. Every day, it is easy to find stories in Chicago about black schools, black politicians, black businesses, black neighborhoods, black income, black funeral homes, black mayors, black police chiefs, black district attorneys, black football players, black baseball players, black churches, black music, black television, black movies, black actors (wassup Jussie!!!), black history, black community activists, black nationalists and of course all the things that white people do to constantly aggravate them and force them into crime and violence wildly out of proportion.

Sorry about that. My check for reparations is in the mail.

This colorblindness may not be a permanent affliction, but it is at least the third time this year local media have come down with it.

Last Saturday night, a couple of hundred of the fellas and lovely ladies did pretty much the same thing in the same place.

Ditto a few weeks before that.

To their credit, at least the Second City Cop blog and CWBChicago.com let us know about the violence and the official indifference to it. But even these usually stalwart sources of good info about Chicago just could not bring themselves to mention that, for at least the third time this year, Chicago had a good old-fashioned race riot.

The Fox affiliate did not even report the violence: They only real thing that happened was a large police presence “triggered,” apparently, for no reason whatsoever except for “monitoring.”

At least the NBC affiliate tried: Their crew said a large number of police where there for “crowd control,” and their ace reporter actually found an actual rioter to speak with. Though there is no video record of it, she said the “teen” told her they were down there doing something or other because they do not have anything else to do. Or anywhere else to do it.

Someone please notify the Pulitzer people.

Meanwhile, the Chicago captain in charge of explaining it all to us said the whole thing was about “socioeconomic” conditions. And for that, we need a higher authority for some deeper understanding. Who better than the cast of West Side Story and their 1961 tribute to socioeconomic conditions:

Dear kindly Sergeant Krupke

Ya gotta understand

It’s just our bringin’ up - me

That gets us outta hand

Our mothers all are junkies

Our fathers all are drunks

Golly Moses natcherly we’re punks

Gee, Officer Krupke, we’re very upset;

We never had the love that every

Child oughta get

We ain’t no delinquents

We’re misunderstood

Deep down inside us there is good!

This is probably a better analysis than the one tendered by the former police superintendent Gary McCarthy, who told a black radio audience that black violence in Chicago was caused by the racist “Pilgrims.”

But not quite as good as the explanation from the former head of the local teachers’ union, Karen Lewis, who told us Chicago “belongs” to black people. Not “rich white people.”

Whoever is causing it, black mob violence and denial in Chicago is thoroughly documented in good ol’ Colin’s scintillating bestseller White Girl Bleed a Lot. Not that I was the only one who wondered about this periodic burst of colorblindness. Lots of people in Chicago were asking about it, just none who work for Chicago media.

The Chicago Tribune’s Steve Chapman took a whack a few years ago at explaining it -- not the black violence but the required colorblindness -- after he got sick of all the readers wanting to know if he had sought treatment for his optical deficiencies.

“There are good reason not to identify the attackers by race,” opined Mr. Chapman. “It’s the newspaper’s policy not to mention race in a story, whether about crime or anything else, unless it has some clear relevance to the topic. My question to readers accusing us of political correctness is: Why do you care so much about the attacker’s race? If you fear or dislike blacks, I suppose it would confirm your prejudice. But otherwise it tells you nothing useful.”

This is worse that it appears. Not only are they experiencing periodic colorblindness, but these same folks are apparently also afflicted with acute amnesia.


If you are so lost, brainwashed or more likely intellectually dishonest that you do not even know who "your own kind" is, don't worry.
Every single migrant from a third world nation who enters the US to replace you knows exactly who their own kind is.
Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are the living proof of it, and those two are just the beginning.

No amount of lying or obfuscating about "diversity" and "color blindness" is ever going to change that.
Last edited by ABOC on Tue Apr 30, 2019 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by REDinFL »

Maybe the "Roaring '20s" weren't so bad, after all. Yeah, there were gangs, but they fought each other. An old white guy like I am would not even be worthy of notice, let alone attack for "thrills" or the hell of it. And, I could have a Thompson, too, if I wanted it.
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a Single Star.
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