FL Democrat Gubernatorial Primary Race & what it means for Gun Owners. It sure ain't good.

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FL Democrat Gubernatorial Primary Race & what it means for Gun Owners. It sure ain't good.

Post by Miami_JBT »

Democratic candidates for Florida governor (from left): Real estate investor Jeff Greene, former Miami Beach Mayor Jeff Levine, former Congresswoman Gwen Graham, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, and businessman Chris King.

As many of my fellow members here know; the Florida Primaries for the governor's seat is August 28 and on the Democrat side. It is a full field... full of gun grabbers that it.

Currently in the lead is Gwen Graham a one-time member of Congress and the daughter of Florida's former governor, Bob Graham. She rose to top place (20% - Florida Atlantic University Poll) with her bold proclamation.


If elected, she promised to ban 'assault weapons' via executive fiat in her first week in office.
"My commitment to you is action, not words. I have found a public safety statute that allows the Governor, whoever she may be, to sign an executive order for public safety reasons banning the sale of military assault weapons,"
And straight from her campaign website comes this:
"The Legislature has shown they're not willing to act, and Adam Putnam isn't even enforcing the weak background check laws we have today. I'm not willing to wait until the next tragedy. In my first week of office, I will issue a pair of executive orders to immediately ban the sale of military-style assault weapons and to implement universal background checks on all gun sales," Graham said. "I have no doubt the NRA will sue me to stop these commonsense proposals but, I've beat them before, and I'm going to beat them again as governor."

Well Gwen, I hate to tell you. The Constitution doesn't allow such a thing.


Taking second place (16% FAU Poll) is Phillip Levine, former mayor of Miami Beach and he's a major bankroller in the post-Parkland gun control movement in Florida.



To give you an idea of how left-leaning Miami Beach is, the current Chief of Police (installed by Levine) is Daniel J. Oates. The head LEO that supported his cops going with guns drawn at law abiding Floridians simply fishing. (Read here, here, here, and herefor the full run down of what happened.)


Following up in third place (14% FAU Poll) is Jeff Greene, a man who once actually ran for office as a Republican back in 1982 for California's 23rd Congressional District race and then decided to be a Capitalist before embracing Socialism.


Jeff Greene is your typical jet setting limousine leftist. At the 2015 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland he told the world;
"America's lifestyle expectations are far too high and need to be adjusted so we have less things and a smaller, better existence. We need to reinvent our whole system of life". - Bloomberg News
Greene was met with criticism after it came out that he had flown his wife, children and two nannies on a private jet plane to Davos for the week. He's also the same when it comes to the 2nd Amendment. He is against you and I owning firearms but he sure loves that armed security.

Fourth place (9% FAU Poll) is Chris King. Another rich 'Do as I say, not as I do' Socialist'.


Chris King stands out because he's promised to refuse to accepting campaign contributions from Florida's Big Sugar. But he does have backing from Twitter's Corporate Board.

Last place (7% FAU Poll) is current wannabe despot of Tallahassee, Mayor Andrew Gillum. Always ready to side with anything that would help benefit his career. Gillum is front and center. Especially anything Anti 2nd Amendment related in Tallahassee like the March For Our Lives Propaganda Rallies.


Gillum went from being a rising star in the Democrat Party to being a zero. It all happened when he hitched his wagon to Hillary Clinton's campaign. Originally selected to be her running mate as Vice President. It all came crashing down when the rigged elections occurred for her primary. But now, in a moment of desperation. Bernie Sanders has endorsed Gillum.

"As governor, Andrew Gillum will work to provide health care for all through a Medicare-for-All program, raise the minimum wage to a living wage, invest in sustainable energy, improve education, make sure the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share of taxes, and be welcoming to immigrants. Andrew has never backed down from a fight, including beating the NRA and standing up against xenophobic politicians. Andrew Gillum will set a new course for Florida --- a governor who represents all the people and not just powerful special interests." Sanders said in a statement released by the Gillum campaign to the Tallahassee Democrat.
Here's Gillum attacking Gwen on who can out gun control each other.


In the end, none of them are worth a damn and I hope they all lose to what gets stuck to the bottom of my shoe. They are all a threat to Floridians' 2nd Amendment Rights and would gladly support the forced violation of our civil liberties.
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Post by jjk308 »

Why does your post lead off with photos of the membership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party? :lol:
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Post by Miami_JBT »

jjk308 wrote: Fri Aug 03, 2018 7:29 am Why does your post lead off with photos of the membership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party? :lol:
Because they're all fucking commies.
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Post by pharmer »

I've been a "registered" Democrat since my 1 st election in 1972. Haven't voted for a Dem since 1976. I always vote in the primary for the biggest loser. I voted for crazy uncle Bernie in 2016, that was sweet. I haven't decided who the biggest loser is out of this field, yet. Joe
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Post by macattack321 »

I love how a number of Dems say that they will accept no NRA money. In order to accept it, you must first be offered it.
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Post by rentprop1 »

you know we have a political section to put this shit in :roll:
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Post by Skoll »

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... s-are.html

Love it when a dude with five mansions wants to run for Governor and tell me I need less.
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Post by Clyde621 »

I tell you I just get really flustered when I read their statements on gun issues and wonder how they have gotten as far as they have when they don't understand some of the basic facts of our constitution and the rule of law. It's just dumbfounding.

BT! None of the above are worth the dust on your shoes.
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Post by avmech »

None if the dem candidates are worth a crap. They all want the same thing, to ban all guns......
I found an excellent gun control law we should all follow. It's called the Second Amendment.
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Post by P5 Guy »

Confiscate firearms, raise taxes, more indoctrination camps (public not charter schools), Kill Dixie Crystals.
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