Pet Peeves

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Pet Peeves

Post by Tenzing_Norgay »

1. Window clerk @ McD's using heavily scented hand-lotion or perfume. Take a swig of coffee and you can smell it... :evil:

2. D-bags at Home Depot who park in the contractor's loading zone. I'm loading up a stack of drywall and they come strolling out with a box of nails...(then have the nerve to ask "How long you gonna be? I have to get out...") :roll:

3. Grocery clerk/bagger who comments on your food choices. "Are these any good?" "Wow, you sure drink a lot of milk!". STFU and just bag my groceries... :x
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Flame Red
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Post by Flame Red »

Just about all of mine have to do with all the wonderful Gooberment levels that make us suffer.

I don't fly anywhere as the TSA and airlines makes traveling so much fun. But I digress, just getting groceries here in Crime Hills is no joy.

Top of my list is riding on Death Race 2018 - aka the I4 Ultimiate Death Match Unimprovmenent Project where at least one fatal accident a week occurs. But you will destroy your suspension with the tank traps there. Don't mind the 3 sets of lane markers on that road - you just gotta guess and hope the person next to you does not smash into you. I particular like the one that if you follow the right set it will lead head on to a nice concrete barrier! SMASH! Then the RoadRa(n)ge(r) scrapers come and peel your remains off the slab to mail back to your family.

And let's not forget all the roofing nails and screws that contractors drop out of their trucks. I just had to spend almost $400 last week replacing two of the wife's tires. And then there is the joy of meeting a nice long step ladder in the middle of two lanes while going 70 mph! All while paying the most expensive tolls in the country on our wonderful toll roads.

And let's not forget the 10 minute lights at every intersection here is Mosquito County that help make sure you hit every single red light, while making sure no traffic passes through any intersection. My average speed shows as 20 MPH. The county appreciated the extra gas tax revenue burning up the streets.

And if you do my any luck happen to find a stretch of any road with no traffic or lights, well it is your lucky day as the Mosquito County revenue collectors LEO will appreciate your donation to the local political corruption fund.
Ah that's one thing about our Flame, doesn't play any favorites! Flame hates everybody!
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Post by better2have&notneed »

I leave at 3am for work..hit the first stop light (going west). It’s red, so I wait, and wait. About the time someone comes north/south it turns red for them so I can go and then they have to wait. It inconveniences everyone. Same thing happens at three other stop lights.

Every day, six days a week this happens, I want to add of the time it wastes but I would piss me off more.

Why aren’t there smart stop lights everywhere??????
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Post by Iosef »

Sorry, no pet peeves at all. I expect people to do stoopid things to get in my way and I rarely get disappointed. I've learned to enjoy not even noticing things that might piss off someone else :-)

I recently got to the doctor's office only 5 minutes before my appointment. That's the closest I've been to being late for something in 30 years... maybe longer.
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Post by neverenoughguns »

Wife wanted to name our dog Peaves so she could introduce him as our pet Peeves. VETO power utilized.
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Post by Bmup »

A partial list:

1. If you're on the "On" ramp, you have to be going the same speed as everyone else in order to merge safely. You cannot merge at 30 mph.
2. If you're on the "Off" ramp, you don't need to slow down to 25mph until you get close to the end where the stop light/sign is. Driving 25 mph on a mile long off ramp is stupid, counterproductive & inconsiderate to those of us behind you.
3. If you're retired or on vacation, DON'T DRIVE DURING RUSH HOUR unless you can keep pace with everyone who's in a hurry to get to work. That's why it's called "Rush Hour" you inconsiderate asshole.
4. Look in your rear view mirrors occasionally. If you're leading a parade of cars & there's no one in front of you, you're driving too slow - get over to the right hand lane & stay there. If you're already IN the right hand lane, pull over so the rest of us can carry on with our lives.
5. Don't drive slow in the left hand lane. You are NOT a cop & it is NOT your job to MAKE everyone else drive the speed limit. Some of us may be on the way to the emergency room with a sick or bleeding child in the car.
6. In short, BE CONSIDERATE of others and like Clint Smith of Thunder Ranch says,"Don't be a dick." two cents.
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Post by flcracker »

1. Idiots who casually stroll/bike across traffic mid-block, usually less than three car-lengths from a legal crosswalk. Seems more frequently these days that it happens while my car radio is playing a news story about how Florida streets are so dangerous to pedestrians/bicyclists.

2. Assholes who throw takeout bags, diapers, and other refuse on the ground instead of in a garbage can.

3. People who have never hunted anything more lifelike than a clay pigeon telling me what kind of gun I need or don't need for hunting.
....and some rin up hill and down dale, knapping the chucky stanes to pieces wi' hammers, like sae mony road-makers run daft - they say it is to see how the warld was made!
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Post by N4KVE »

Bmup wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2019 8:43 am 3. If you're retired or on vacation, DON'T DRIVE DURING RUSH HOUR unless you can keep pace with everyone who's in a hurry to get to work. That's why it's called "Rush Hour" you inconsiderate asshole.
And remember, if you still work, to leave early enough so if you have to pass by an accident, you will still arrive to work on time without having to drive like MARIO Andretti. Shave at home, not in your car. Put on your makeup at home, not in the car. Do your texting before you leave home, not while you drive. It always amazed me when I worked how so many people drove to work like they were in the Indy 500. I was never in a rush to get to work. But I made sure I left early enough so that I would never arrive late, even if there was an accident on the way. $hit. When I’m working a gun show, I get there an hour before it opens. Not 30 seconds. GARY.
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Post by rentprop1 »

old people who think they are entitled

people who don't respect others might have to get someplace

forum idiots who don't use the search function

Gun Guys who think they know it all :mrgreen:
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Post by flcracker »

rentprop1 wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2019 5:51 pmGun Shop Guys who think they know it all :mrgreen:
....and some rin up hill and down dale, knapping the chucky stanes to pieces wi' hammers, like sae mony road-makers run daft - they say it is to see how the warld was made!
Saint Ronan's Well - Sir Walter Scott, Bart. (1824)
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