I also went into the military at 17 right after graduating from HIGH SCHOOL.
I went to basic, AIT, Airborne school and after AIRBORNE came home on tdy as a recuiter for 6 months believe it or not. That was in 79.
Big mistake though because all I did was party and get out of shape
Reported to Ft Stewart Ga. to in process. Had the weekend off and partied my ass off in Savannah Ga.
That following Monday a man showed up wearing a BLACK RANGER beret. Called my name and a few others. Handed us a beret without a flash and said ditch that ball caps.
Took us to HUNTER ARMY airfields in Savannah to a place called the mole hole out on the flight line away from main post. This was R.I.P. RANGER indoctrination program.
That 6 months of partying caught up with. But I passed and was assigned to the 1st RANGER Batt. I was still 17 or just turned 18. Went to RANGER SCHOOL 3 or 4 months later. I was a PFC at the time.
Yes you could be a RANGER at that rank and age. I actually had the 1st Batt on my enlistment contract. Now if I'd failed I'd been sent to the 24th inf div. Not good, 24th was created as an all black unit.
I was not racist in anyway back then. We had a very few BLACK RANGERS in batt. They were great. To be honest black, white or purple. If you were not a RANGER you weren't crap. BLACK RANGERS did not like BLACK LEGS. Which meant to us. Non RANGER AIRBORNE personnel
except for LEG females
I had not really been exposed to RACISM yet.
It was not till I got out of the military that I truely found out what racism was. It was not whites that were racist or caused racism.
It was the black people and they way they treated not only whites but everyone.
Black people are the most RACIST people I've ever met and is what created my RACISM towards them.
Alone they are fine. But once in a group where they believe they have power. They will attack whites IF GIVEN A CHANCE.
Just because they are white. I do not trust BLACK PEOPLE based upon my experience with them.
Now alot of the older black people. I believe most are good people. But most the younger ones no. Not once they get together in their little gangs. They act out the crap they listen to in that rap music. They can't tell the DIFFERENCE between music and real life.
Yet no matter what they are the victims. They can kill, rape, rob or beat the hell out of an innocient white person. But yet they are still the victim of OBAMA'S so called WHITE PRIVILEGE.