Genius Anti of the Week Award Goes To...

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Genius Anti of the Week Award Goes To...

Post by Tenzing_Norgay »

I can't believe I read this... :roll:

Opinion | It’s Not the Guns, It’s the Ammunition

NOV 05, 2019 | 6:00 AM

Feeling pressure after a series of mass shootings this year, major retailers like Walmart and Dick's Sporting Goods have stopped selling some ammunition and guns while others have asked customers to stop openly carrying weapons in their retail stores.

Walmart got it right when it announced in early September, following the mass murder of 22 people at one of its El Paso stores, that it would cease selling ammunition for all handguns and military-style weapons. It was the corporation’s way of saying getting the guns is not the answer.

The truth is, the guns can’t be gotten. I’ve seen that in Connecticut, a state known for its stringent gun laws. Several months before the 2012 tragedy in Newtown, I happened to be in Stamford police headquarters. Taped to a wall was a flyer announcing the city’s latest anti-gun campaign, requesting that citizens voluntarily turn in their firearms.

“How many guns have you collected?” I asked the officer on duty.

“About 75.” It was more than he’d expected, he said.

For an informal effort in a small city where no mass shooting deaths have occurred, it seemed a worthwhile beginning, until I spoke with U.S. Rep. Jim Himes, my congressman.

“Oh yeah,” he said. “I went to one of those in Bridgeport not long ago. You should have seen the guns people turned in. Some of them were rusty. They looked about a hundred years old.”

According to Himes and the officer with whom I spoke, none of the near-useless weapons turned in was illegal. And that’s the fundamental problem. It’s difficult to convince legal gun owners to part with a viable weapon. What hope is there that a criminal, or a person who is mentally unfit, will voluntarily surrender one?

The illicit firearms currently on the streets are staying there, and their number is staggering. In 2018, in Chicago alone, police confiscated more than 9,600, an average of more than one an hour. And still, the Chicago Tribune reported, through Oct. 27 there have been 2,313 city shootings in this calendar year.

The most expedient method of removing firearms from those who shouldn’t have them would be to pass federal legislation making confiscation mandatory — as Australia did, following a spate of mass killings that culminated in a 1996 night club massacre that took 35 lives. Twelve days later, the nation enacted strict gun reform legislation that limited the types of firearms available to civilians. The government has since collected and destroyed more than a million weapons through buyback and amnesty programs. Over the next 18 years, Australia suffered not a single fatal mass shooting of five or more deaths.

A better solution here, where the National Rifle Association is so influential, would be to render illicit firearms useless.

It is not as insurmountable as it might appear.

Today, one can walk into a gun shop and purchase, for instance, a .22, .38 or .44-caliber handgun. Most firearms are built to accommodate one size round only. Here’s what would happen if the manufacture of today’s standard-size rounds were outlawed, and .21, .37, or .43-caliber rounds took their place: Eventually, gun owners would run out of the old ammo, and their weapons would become paperweights.

We’d have the opportunity for a national gun policy do-over. New, tougher gun registration and ownership policies, some already favored by NRA membership, would be enacted in conjunction with the changeover in rounds calibration. Fresh attention could be paid to newer, research-vetted strategies, such as the universal adoption of smart-gun technology and limiting the size of rounds available to civilians. Police and military would keep their current firearms and ammuntion, manufactured and distributed under strictest control.

To use the recalibrated rounds, people would have to purchase new weapons to fire them. Many would object. Why should a law-abiding citizen spend hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars to replace one’s gun collection?

Gun manufacturers could offer a six-month window for any person eligible to turn in their old weapons and receive a partial rebate toward the purchase of new ones. For manufacturers and retailers, these sales would amount to a windfall of epic proportions.

Jesse Jannetta, a senior policy fellow for the Urban Institute, said such a plan “might have a substantial impact on mass shootings.” As for street violence, he added, “A lot of that is about the circulation of illegal guns, so maybe it would have a lot of impact there, also.”

A democracy sometimes requires that we sacrifice convenience for the public good. Passing through airport security is a hassle, but we accept it. It helps keep us safe. So would this proposal, even if it’s not an overnight solution. Law-abiding citizens could still own guns. And that is all the second amendment promises. It does not prohibit federal or state governments from regulating the type of weapon one may own.

Ron Berler is the author of Raising the Curve: A Year Inside One of America’s 45,000* Failing Public Schools. He lives in Stamford. ... utType=amp
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Post by Skoll »

Gonna tell this guy I'mma trade my 9mm Lugers in for 8mm Mausers, he'd probably think his plan works.
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Post by GunsandHoses »

Complete DUMBASS!
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Post by REDinFL »

But, I'm sure he's very proud of himself for being so clever.

One problem - sabot.

Another problem - reloaders; yes, I know, we'll have to outlaw that.

He speaks of "democracy", clearly in the collectivist way, run by an authority.

Overall, an example of the type of clown, albeit a dangerous one, who knows the use of the best kind of lie, the half-truth. Yes, people can still own guns, but there will be obstacles designed ultimately to make it too much trouble.
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Post by Joecruiser »

I've heard this BS argument before....
Their thinking is "The right to keep and bare arms" applies to the actual firearm...not AMMUNITION.
So they're desperately looking at ways to outlaw or ban certain calibers.
With major retailers getting out of the ammo business...they're slowly winning.
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Post by Skoll »

Joecruiser wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 1:26 pm I've heard this BS argument before....
Their thinking is "The right to keep and bare arms" applies to the actual firearm...not AMMUNITION.
So they're desperately looking at ways to outlaw or ban certain calibers.
With major retailers getting out of the ammo business...they're slowly winning.
I disagree. Major manufacturers can just reorganize to sell directly to their customers.
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Post by Bmup »

What if we ban all 5.56 & substitute the much, much smaller .223? (5.56/2= 2.78 so 223 is more than HALF the size!) That would really throw a wrench into the evil gun owning public! :D
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Post by Joecruiser »

Skoll wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 1:29 pm
Joecruiser wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 1:26 pm I've heard this BS argument before....
Their thinking is "The right to keep and bare arms" applies to the actual firearm...not AMMUNITION.
So they're desperately looking at ways to outlaw or ban certain calibers.
With major retailers getting out of the ammo business...they're slowly winning.
I disagree. Major manufacturers can just reorganize to sell directly to their customers.
Doesn't matter...the Libs are winning.....little by little...
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

I don't think they are winning. If anything they are setting the stage for another CIVIL WAR. Because there are million and even some LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES in small rural areas that have said screw them. We will not enforce illegal LAWS that go against the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS. No matter what any LEFT WING SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS JUDGE says.

I'm not talking extremist on my part. But just let the local LAW enforcement agencies start killing INNOCIENT AMERICANS in numbers and see what happens.

They aren't stupid and even they've said they know what would happen. But like every SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS government in history.

The first thing they do is DISARM the CITIZENS. Before as in now like the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY trying to hijack/take over the government and seize power by means of a POLITICAL COUP.

By over turning an election. It has nothing to do with who's President. They lost power and refuse to give it up.

This so called inpeahment/COUP behind closed doors. Even saying sure the GOP can call witnesses as long as they approve of who they are. Is B.S.

Mueller failed so now they are doing this. But as we know they said they were going to impeach or better put. ATTEMPT a COUP before the President was even sworn in.
Like I stated, it would not have mattered what GOP canidate would have won.

I have never seen a POLITICAL PARTY so intent on taking over our government and even more so on totally DISARMING the CITIZENS.

They do not care what's in the BILL OF RIGHTS.

I bet right here on this forum. That there are Americans that feel this way. But know better than to openly admit it. Better yet are wise enough not to on an open or any forum.

But with ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES to the United States Congress make statements like below. It scares me what would happen to this great nation. If they gain total power. Through LEFT WING SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS CORRUPTED SUPERVISORS of ELECTIONS fixing the votes.
At a Minnesota rally at which she endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., for the Democratic presidential nomination, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., proclaimed that the socialist senator from Vermont would end “Western imperialism.”
This is an ELECTED POLITICAL LEADER saying this. That swore an OATH of office to DEFEND the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by ADulay »

Bmup wrote: Thu Nov 07, 2019 1:27 pm What if we ban all 5.56 & substitute the much, much smaller .223? (5.56/2= 2.78 so 223 is more than HALF the size!) That would really throw a wrench into the evil gun owning public! :D
Good one. I'm stealing it for future use.

They'll never figure it out by themselves.

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