2 muslim women might make it to Congress

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2 muslim women might make it to Congress

Post by Firemedic2000 »

Really does not surprise me because it was just a matter of time before the Muslim population grew large enough to get a foot hold in our american political arena. But even more is the fact that it's Minnesota

[quote][b]Somalis lived in the US state of Minnesota, with the Twin Cities home to the largest population of Somalis in North America. In the city of Minneapolis, there are hundreds of Somali-owned and operated businesses.[/b][/quote]

NEWS FLASH Muslim take over of U.S. goverment has begun. This would actually be funny. If it were not scary for that fact that two people that do not hold AMERICAN tradition, values, ideology and just plain simply does not want to integrate into AMERICA. Instead feels AMERICA should integrate into ISLAMIC culture will now hold seat in America's POLITICAL hot seats.

Thank GOD President Trump has some what slowed the flood of this cult Set on the spread of terrorism around the world and hides behind a false religion while doing so. That is so intolerant of other religions that they murder them to try to erradicate. ISLAM is like a virus that spreads and destroys and consumes everything in it's path.

Think I'm joking. Look at all the European nations that have allow this scourge to invade their lands. Look at what this virus had done to their home lands. They are no longer the once beautiful countries. That people could visit in without fear. This disease that is devouring their homelands. Their governments are to blame. They live behind high walls protected. While their citizens must live among these animals in fear.

Will AMERICA become this way. Will AMERICANS live in fear while our political leader hide away behind high walls protected from the very animal scourge they've infected our lands, homes with. Then attempt to disarm us so we cannot defend ourselves or take our government back.

Politicians believe they can pass, modify or just plain do away with the parts of the CONSTITUTION and BILL of RIGHTS they do not like. Without the input of those that elected them. I've learned over the years POLITICAL LEADERS do not do anything that benefits the people. They only do things that will benefit them once in office.


:P :P :D :lol:

[url]https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics ... ilhan-omar[/url]

[url]https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/15/two-dem ... gress.html[/url]
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Post by Skoll »

We're gonna reap what we sow. Not that I agree with any of this but if Americans in general don't step up to stop this, we deserve the Darwinism.
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Post by jr81452 »

Take a Xanax chicken little.

"Really does not surprise me because it was just a matter of time before the Muslim population grew large enough to get a foot hold in our american political arena. But even more is the fact that it's Minnesota"

Minnesota's 5th district (where Ilhan Omar won) is 90.2% white with 673k voters. Less than 15k of those voters are Muslim. Congress already had 2 Muslim members, they were men. One of whom (Keith Ellison elect 2007), she is replacing. She has been in the US since she was 12, and she is an American citizen. She is obviously not an adherent of sharia law, as that would not allow her to be in public without male escort, yet alone run for office.

"Somalis lived in the US state of Minnesota, with the Twin Cities home to the largest population of Somalis in North America. In the city of Minneapolis, there are hundreds of Somali-owned and operated businesses."

Considering there are about 30k Somalis in the twin cities and 180k in the USA, that's not exactly an invasion. It also follows that a percentage of them would own businesses.

"Look at all the European nations that have allow this scourge to invade their lands. Look at what this virus had done to their home lands. They are no longer the once beautiful countries. That people could visit in without fear. This disease that is devouring their homelands. Their governments are to blame. They live behind high walls protected. While their citizens must live among these animals in fear."

I was actually in Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Netherlands last fall. I've been going to those countries somewhat regularly for the last 15 years. NOTHING has changed. Before it was arabs it was eastern Europeans, there have always been bad neighborhoods that you avoid, just like here.

Rashida Tlaib was born in Michigan. Muslim or not, she is American.

So give the "sky is falling" crap a rest.
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Post by dammitgriff »

Hey jr, I must disagree with you on your assessment of how well Europe is managing the inflow of migrants from the middle east and Africa...please watch this:

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Post by Firemedic2000 »

jr81452 wrote: Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:24 pm Take a Xanax chicken little.

"Really does not surprise me because it was just a matter of time before the Muslim population grew large enough to get a foot hold in our american political arena. But even more is the fact that it's Minnesota"

Minnesota's 5th district (where Ilhan Omar won) is 90.2% white with 673k voters. Less than 15k of those voters are Muslim. Congress already had 2 Muslim members, they were men. One of whom (Keith Ellison elect 2007), she is replacing. She has been in the US since she was 12, and she is an American citizen. She is obviously not an adherent of sharia law, as that would not allow her to be in public without male escort, yet alone run for office.

"Somalis lived in the US state of Minnesota, with the Twin Cities home to the largest population of Somalis in North America. In the city of Minneapolis, there are hundreds of Somali-owned and operated businesses."

Considering there are about 30k Somalis in the twin cities and 180k in the USA, that's not exactly an invasion. It also follows that a percentage of them would own businesses.

"Look at all the European nations that have allow this scourge to invade their lands. Look at what this virus had done to their home lands. They are no longer the once beautiful countries. That people could visit in without fear. This disease that is devouring their homelands. Their governments are to blame. They live behind high walls protected. While their citizens must live among these animals in fear."

I was actually in Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Netherlands last fall. I've been going to those countries somewhat regularly for the last 15 years. NOTHING has changed. Before it was arabs it was eastern Europeans, there have always been bad neighborhoods that you avoid, just like here.

Rashida Tlaib was born in Michigan. Muslim or not, she is American.

So give the "sky is falling" crap a rest.
Hey why don't you take your xanax and shove it up your ass. I stick by everything I posted. Further your bullshit idea that there has not been any change to Europe since the influx of these MUSLIM animals is a damn pipe dream that your blowing out your ass. So take your bullshit someplace else and peddle your religion of peace crap. I've been to a few countries myself and have seen a difference. I few other countries and had the great pleasure of exterminating these so called bad neighbors as you put. Bad neighbors don't murder you because your not ISLAM or sponsor terrorist. You like them go live with them.
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Post by weaselfire »

Why is the sex or religious affiliation a concern here?


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Post by Skoll »

weaselfire wrote: Sun Aug 19, 2018 12:31 pm Why is the sex or religious affiliation a concern here?


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I think it's more a concern about religion due to Islamic history of conquest one way or another. It's nice to hold to certain ideals but realistically we've never really practiced them unless they benefited us most of the time. Not that that hasn't happened anywhere else...
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Tlaib and Omar championed left-leaning policies, including Medicare for All, a $15 minimum wage and abolishing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Their victory speeches and watch parties were emotional. Supporters who came out included many immigrants, who in the wake of the victories celebrated American democracy despite an administration that has been particularly hostile to their communities.

"I will fight back against every racist and oppressive structure that needs to be dismantled," Tlaib declared in her victory speech in a room largely filled with Arab-Americans. "You deserve better than what we have today with our president."

Several other Muslim women are running for Congress in districts where primaries have not yet occurred, including Deedra Abboud, who is running for Senate in Arizona, and Tahirah Amatul-Wadud, a House candidate in Massachusetts. Over 90 Muslims have entered races for office this election year, according to Jetpac, a nonprofit that advocates for American Muslims in politics.

Aside from Ellison, the only Muslim in the House is Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind.

"Today is about more than winning, it's about building a coalition to fight the politics of fear and scarcity. I'm a legislator, a refugee, and a working mom. But above all, I'm an organizer. And I'm ready to organize for the America we deserve," Omar said in a statement.
So they want to organize an America that MUSLIMS deserve. Being an AMERICAN enough. They want to fight to abolish all immagration laws so there can be an unbridled flow of MUSLIMS into AMERICA that do not want to integrate.

But change AMERICA by their own words to better serve them. Over 90 MUSLIMS are running for some political office this year. It's the mindset of muslims. ISLAM does not want to integrate into any society.

They want to control and change whatever country they migtate. Their laws, culture and they will fight to do so. Look at Europe.

The influx of islam has caused disarray of countries. Counties are turning against the E.U. and their mandatory immagration requirements. Remember what the MUSLIM Mayor of London said.

You must expect terrorist attacks in todays age. WHY.......must we expect terrorist attacks because they happen in their homeland does not mean it should be the norm for the world. ISLAM does not like non ISLAMIC people.

They may pretend they do just to get what they want. Islam is not a religion of peace. I've seen exactly what this religion does to those that are not of their religion. It's happens everyday still around the world and yes in Europe.

I'VE seen first hand the hate islam has for AMERICA and the West. You will never forget once you experience it.

Anybody that even implies that the mass influx of MUSLIMS into Europe has not effected those countries. Are either stupid or have their head stuck up their azz. American can not allow what has happened in Europe to happen here.

I will not speak of this again.
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Post by dammitgriff »

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Post by weaselfire »

Skoll wrote:I think it's more a concern about religion due to Islamic history of conquest one way or another.
Then you probably better only elect Buddhists.


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