Wealth Redistribution

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Wealth Redistribution

Post by neverenoughguns »

How are the checks the gov is going to write not wealth redistribution? The folks that pay the most taxes and will ultimately be paying the bill for this "rescue", they are getting reduced or no check....
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Post by tector »

Where have you been since the imposition of the income tax, the New Deal, the Great Society, etc., etc.?

Just another brick in the wall.
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Post by Flame Red »

Printing money, or actually adding a $hit load of 000000000000000000000000000 in the Treasury system - on a scale never seen before. Puts the Weimar Republic to shame. Let's see, they got National Socialism after that. Will we get DemoRATic Socialism after this? Or maybe we already have it.

Whoever has any savings in dollar denominational is who was taxed, or will be eventually.

As long as the Kennedy Center, Planned Parenthood, and the other Libitard causes get theirs...
Last edited by Flame Red on Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by flcracker »

Ok, Boomer. ;) It's a tax rebate, so they're just giving back part of what they took from people. Move along. Nothing to see here. :?
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Post by zeebaron »

We love to pretend we're not a socialist country. No, not as much as others...but reality is plainly observable.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Let ask a question. If you get a rebate are you going to send it back :?: ;) :roll:

I don't agree with any of this B'S because the numbers do not add up. This virus is no where as near as deadly as the left wing NEWS media and left wing democrats make it out to be.

You cannot turn the tv on without it being nonstop covid 19. I'm litterally sick of it. The NEWS MEDIA and politicians are what has driven this panic.

It's all about the money with the W.H.O. which is part of the most corrupted organization in the world, the UNITED NATIONS.

As a matter of fact it's on the NEWS right now from CDC BRIX DATA DOES NOT MATCH EXTREME PREDICTION.

There never should have been all these shut downs.

This virus is no where as near as bad as the flu if you compare numbers from the last 3 years. Especially the 18-19 season They are realizing this now. But the damage is done. Gee I wonder if this was a planned pandemic. I mean after the Mueller report failed, the IMPEACHMENT failed let try a pandemic and cause a recession then blame Trump and because of his response.

China and the LEFT WING SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS DEMOCRATS. Dems you can't call it the China virus or blame China. That's racist, yeah ok.

Not focused at anyone here. Just at the NEWS MEDIA and politicians. Plus this stupid BILL so full of DEMOCRATIC pork that has zero to do with helping AMERICA in anyway. As a matter of fact the DEMOCRATS just gave themselves a hugh raise even in this bill. Go figure they add a raise for themselves to a CV19 bill. :evil:

I read the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BILL. Every single page. Not once did they ever mention AMERICAN citizen. They said migrant, minority and tribal. Even aid to illegals and want to stop apprehension of illegals. All kind of stupid crap.

Oh yeah wanted to change voting laws too. Trust me it opened it up to all kinds of fraud
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

U.K. just revised their death numbers by this virus from over 500k to under 20k so again the NEWS MEDIA and politicians were ready to destroy and maybe already did destroy the world economy on b.s. data.

If this was China's goal they sure as heck succeeded. It would not surprise me if China fabricated their numbers to make it worst than it actually was to create a panick.

I consider this economic terrorism by China
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Post by lakelandman »

I think it's a bad idea taxpayer will fit yet another bill very disappointed in our government between this and how they handle the virus trying to be in control and not have test kits available. Sad when Korea has its shit together and we don't as a country and every America has to hoard supplies the media did not help as always just a sad ass site to see as an American we used to be great not anymore and this is proof right here.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

As far as medical supplies or any anything really. We can thank NAFTA for that which allowed industries to moves manufacturing out of American. Alot of WASHINGTON pockets got full over that one deal.

As far as testing kits go refer to above and the fact AMERICA'S population far exceeds those of alot of other nations. And again refer to the fact because of NAFTA corporations were allowed to move their manufacturing out of AMERICA.

America essentially had become too dependant on other nations that hate us. Nations that because of NAFTA could cause great economic harm if they so desired. Plus during this over exaggerated virus. China holds a spade in that they manufacture most all of the drugs and PPE supplies. Again because of NAFTA.

As far as hoarding. Well that was brought on by the over reporting especially by the LEFT WING SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS NEWS MEDIA and the LEFT WING DEMOCRATIC governors and Mayors screaming we need this and that. Because we are all going to die by the thousands

All because they were going by a misleading report from the U.K. which now has corrected it's self saying this virus is far far less than they predicted it to be. They dropped the U.K.'s death rate from over 500k to under 20k from the virus.

What was the President to do but go by what these so called health experts were telling him. It's kinda like the presidents damned if he does and damned if he DOESN'T. He can't win no matter what he does.

The President wanted a clean bill dealing with just this virus. Nothing else. But here we go. These stupid IDIOTIC LEFT WING SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS DEMOCRATS say never let a good crisis go to waste and start throwing everything including the kitchen sink into this bill. Carbon taxes, raises for themselves, immagration laws you name it they threw it in. I read the entire bill. I'd never seen so much garbage in my life. Then Pelosi to stand on camera and call it a DEMOCRATIC bill instead of a bipartisanship bill. Which in fact it was anything but bipartisan. Because the DEMOCRATS were holding the HOUSE and SENATE hostage and still are.

Hoarding is bad. But when you have people purposely instilling fear into people's minds. What do you expect. Then screaming the President should resign for his horrible handling of this bogus crisis.

The entire global population count infected has not reached the number or maybe it has. Of the number of people infected the 17-18 U.S. flu season. It most certainly has not reach the death count of 80k.

Here are some numbers for you.
Most people who get sick with flu will have mild illness, will not need medical care or antiviral drugs, and will recover in less than two weeks. People at higher risk of developing flu complications include:

children younger than age 5, especially those younger than age 2adults older than age 65residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilitiespregnant women and women up to two weeks postpartumpeople with weakened immune systemspeople who have chronic illnesses, such as asthma, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, and diabetespeople who are very obese, with a body mass index of 40 or higher

The flu has resulted in 9.3 million to 49 million illnessesTrusted Source each year in the United States since 2010. Each year, on average, five to 20 percent of the United States population gets the flu.

It is estimated that the flu results in 31.4 millionTrusted Source outpatient visits and more than 200,000 hospitalizationsTrusted Source each year.

During the severe 2017-2018 flu seasonTrusted Source, one of the longest in recent years, estimates indicate that more than 900,000 people were hospitalized and more than 80,000 people died from flu.
Why did we not shut down the UNITED STATES over this which is far worse than covid19
But hey reading and numbers are too easy to run. Plus DEMOCRATS and the UNITED NATIONS love a good crisis

https://www.healthline.com/health/influ ... atistics#1
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Post by Grip Hugger »

flcracker wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:50 pm Ok, Boomer. ;) It's a tax rebate, so they're just giving back part of what they took from people. Move along. Nothing to see here. :?
Exactly! I had some idiot socialist telling me that if any conservative cashes those checks that we are socialist ourselves. I said I will compare what I have paid into the IRS to his sorry ass any day. Never on unemployment. I am 63 years old and lived through two major recessions. That little bit of money we are getting is not even a drop in the bucket of what I have paid in.
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