California Ammo Sales - Back Online

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California Ammo Sales - Back Online

Post by Tenzing_Norgay »

I just had a purchaser on Gunbroker from CA try to tell me that as of today, restrictions on mail-order ammo to the doorstep and ammo background checks have been suspended by the courts.

Yeah, right... :roll: I figured he was trying to pull a fast one.

I went to the CA DOJ site, where there was no mention of this. The law is still specifically detailed there.

But then I went to the LA Times website and :o :shock: ! It's for real...

Something tells me Californians are going to be buying up ammo like drunk sailors on payday. UPS drivers there will be calling in sick due to their aching backs. ... rchase-law

Federal Judge Blocks California’s Ammunition Purchase Law, California Ammo Background Checks
(Associated Press)

APRIL 23, 20206:21 PM

SACRAMENTO — A federal judge Thursday blocked a California law requiring background checks for people buying ammunition, issuing a sharply worded rebuke of “onerous and convoluted” regulations that violate the constitutional right to bear arms.
U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez in San Diego ruled in favor of the California Rifle & Pistol Assn., which asked him to stop the checks and related restrictions on ammo sales.

“The experiment has been tried. The casualties have been counted. California’s new ammunition background check law misfires and the Second Amendment rights of California citizens have been gravely injured,” Benitez wrote in a 120-page opinion granting the group’s motion for a preliminary injunction.

Voters approved toughening California’s already strict firearms laws in 2016, and the restrictions took effect last July.

“The law’s red tape and state database errors made it impossible for hundreds of thousands of law-abiding Californians to purchase ammunition for sport or self-defense,” said Chuck Michel, the association’s general counsel. “The court found that the flimsy reasons offered by the government to justify these constitutional infringements were inadequate.”

He expected the state to appeal the ruling, but said that in the meantime “Californians can sleep a little easier tonight knowing their Constitutional rights were restored and strengthened by this decision.”

The state attorney general’s office said only that it is reviewing the decision. It did not immediately say if it will appeal or seek to stay the order, which takes effect immediately at a time when some California gun stores have been ordered shut because of the coronavirus. Among the places where the shops were not deemed essential businesses are Los Angeles and San Jose.

The same judge’s decision last year striking down the state’s ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines sparked a weeklong buying frenzy before he halted sales while the state appeals his ruling. Gun owners similarly rushed to stockpile ammunition before the new restrictions took effect last summer.

Benitez called the ammunition background check law “constitutionally defective.”

“Criminals, tyrants and terrorists don’t do background checks,” he wrote. “The background check experiment defies common sense while unduly and severely burdening the Second Amendment rights of every responsible, gun-owning citizen desiring to lawfully buy ammunition.”

While it is intended to keep ammunition from criminals, it blocked sales to legitimate, law-abiding buyers about 16% of the time, he wrote. Moreover, he ruled that the state’s ban on importing ammunition from outside California violates federal interstate commerce laws.

State Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra said in a court filing this month that the background checks stopped more than 750 people from buying bullets illegally from July 2019 through January 2020, not including those who didn’t even try because they knew they weren’t eligible.

The law requires buyers who already are in the state’s firearm background check database to pay a $1 fee each time they buy ammunition, while others can buy longer-term licenses if they do not have certain criminal convictions or mental health commitments.

It took an average of less than 5 minutes to complete the background checks, according to state court filings.

“There is no substantial impediment,” the state said in court documents. “Ammunition purchasers must pass an eligibility check that, in the vast majority of cases, delays a purchase by a few minutes.”

Benitez ruled that the ammunition law illegally locks out-of-state vendors from California’s market, and that it conflicts with a federal law allowing gun owners to bring their firearms and ammunition through California.

The lawsuit by California Rifle & Pistol Assn. was joined by out-of-state ammunition sellers and California residents, including Kim Rhode, who has won six Olympic shooting medals.
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Post by N4KVE »

I’ve often wondered what would happen if someone in Florida shipped a case of ammo, or a bunch of hi cap mags to someone in Commiefornia. While they may be illegal there, they’re not illegal here, & no laws would be broken in Florida. Could cops from California come to Florida to arrest the seller if they found out about the sale? GARY
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Post by rentprop1 »

Yep Cali is free to purchase while they work out the details.....if anyone HAD a bunch of ammo to sell now is the time to profit

Remember shipping from FL without having a discounted rate with jos of Fedex sucks balls tho, last time we shipped ammo 5 - 50 round boxes was about $28 to west coast
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Post by Tenzing_Norgay »

He was more than happy to pay my $37 shipping cost. ;)
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Let's add these numbers up in reference to this quote.

There are 39.51 million (2019) residents in the state of California and the STATE'S AG said what?
State Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra said in a court filing this month that the background checks stopped more than 750 people from buying bullets illegally from July 2019 through January 2020, not including those who didn’t even try because they knew they weren’t eligible.
So they violated the rights of 39.51 million Americans. Minus those that by laws already on the books that were forbidden anyways from buying. :?

Plus add to that all the so called low risk criminals with rap sheets as long as my arm. They released from jails. They have committed more crimes. Using those numbers also in their pool of lies to justify their illegal and UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS.

I could go on but since when do these DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS listen to reason. The only reason California and other states like them. That are run by SOCIALIST even attempt these illegal laws.

Is because they are afraid of anyone or better put any AMERICAN that might fight against their tyrannical COUP attempts to have ABSOLUTE power to rule. Not be leaders and follow their oaths of office.

Reminds me of the Hillsborough County commissioners and their curfew attempt. Based on bogus numbers. Made this comment about jogging or walking your dog after 9pm.

Charlie Frago


It now appears that there is a disagreement or misunderstanding between the city of Tampa and Hillsborough County Les Miller.
Miller (just now): "Walking the dog, jogging is not essential."
City of Tampa has been tweeting those activities are allowed. @TB_Times


8:39 PM - Apr 13, 2020

Yeah folks these DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS will use anything to gain power over the people.

Sure a virus can make you sick and even kill some. Just like the flu, cancer and many more things. But they are using this destroy a nation. Even bragging that because they can control the number of drivers on the road. Deaths from auto accidents are down. Kinda funny they refuse to reference that the reason traffic is down. Is basically because millions are out of work. Losing everything they've worked for.

Their saving, going further into debt because they are charging what they need to survive. Just wait for the highest number of bankruptcies in the history of this nation hit because of these dumb rules. But these same people bragging about their gain in power. Will blame CONSERVATIVE AMERICA and POTUS for that.

Plus using it to gain political power. Next will be and I promise you this.

The DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY will TRY to use this virus to do what some SOCIALIST STATES have done. Disarm AMERICA and it's a good thing that the POTUS has been appointing CONSTITUTIONAL judges to stop these attacks

Just imagine what would be happening if the hilda beast had won.
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by BIG JOE »

This is straight from SG Ammos Website. ... 556mm-ammo
Not a big selection and high prices but they say they will ship ammo to CA. for now.
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Post by Flame Red »

Firemedic2000 wrote: Fri Apr 24, 2020 9:52 am Yeah folks these DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS will use anything to gain power over the people.

Sure a virus can make you sick and even kill some. Just like the flu, cancer and many more things. But they are using this destroy a nation. Even bragging that because they can control the number of drivers on the road. Deaths from auto accidents are down. Kinda funny they refuse to reference that the reason traffic is down. Is basically because millions are out of work. Losing everything they've worked for.

Their saving, going further into debt because they are charging what they need to survive. Just wait for the highest number of bankruptcies in the history of this nation hit because of these dumb rules. But these same people bragging about their gain in power. Will blame CONSERVATIVE AMERICA and POTUS for that.

Plus using it to gain political power. Next will be and I promise you this.

The DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY will TRY to use this virus to do what some SOCIALIST STATES have done. Disarm AMERICA and it's a good thing that the POTUS has been appointing CONSTITUTIONAL judges to stop these attacks

Just imagine what would be happening if the hilda beast had won.
Could not agree more. The Donald seemed to walk right in their trap. I guess he was damned if he did and damned if he did not. And still you can see Polizi forming the next impeachment team.

I used to think Trump could beat sleepy Joe, but now I am not so sure. I bet Uncle Joe picks Michelle Obomination for a running mate, or some other turd, and then steps aside after inauguration.
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Post by Cubanstang50 »

Well, 9th district court just issued a stay on benites order. So no shipping to a persons house in California. I just got this information from palmetto. They are contacting the people that placed the orders so they can give them a new address to an ffl so the background can he be done.
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Post by Tenzing_Norgay »

Cubanstang50 wrote: Sat Apr 25, 2020 9:40 am Well, 9th district court just issued a stay on benites order. So no shipping to a persons house in California. I just got this information from palmetto. They are contacting the people that placed the orders so they can give them a new address to an ffl so the background can he be done.
Can't find a source to that info anywhere. Do you have a link?

This is the latest I could find:

San Diego Union Tribune

State AG looks to appeals court after judge denies stay of injunction striking down ammo law

A federal judge refused to issue a stay Friday on his order that stopped enforcement of a state law requiring background checks for people who purchase ammunition

APRIL 24, 2020 5:47 PM

A San Diego federal judge refused on Friday to delay implementing the injunction he issued a day earlier that halted enforcement of a state law requiring background checks for ammunition buyers, prompting the office of state Attorney General Xavier Becerra to head to an appeals court.

U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez issued a lengthy ruling Thursday concluding the state law requiring a background check for ammo purchases violated the Second Amendment rights of gun owners in the state. He also said a part of the law banning bringing in ammo from other states without it first being sent through a licensed dealer violated the commerce clause of the U.S. Constitution.

On Friday state lawyers filed a motion asking Benitez to immediately issue a stay of the injunction until they could file an appeal. State lawyers said the action was needed immediately because “ammunition vendors have already started selling ammunition without background checks, creating the near certainty that prohibited persons—convicted felons, violent misdemeanants, and others prohibited by law from possessing firearms and ammunition—will have easy access to ammunition.”

But Benitez was not persuaded. He said he did not think the state would win an appeal and said the focus on prohibited people buying ammunition was misplaced. In his ruling Benitez said that thousands of state residents who should have been able to buy ammunition had not been able to because of a flawed checking system that erroneously denied purchase to 16 percent of applicants.

“Without an injunction, these law-abiding individuals have no legal way to acquire the ammunition which they enjoy the constitutional right of possession,” Benitez wrote. “These law-abiding individuals whose numbers are vast have no way to lawfully acquire ammunition to defend themselves, their families and their homes. The injunction restores that right.”

By the end of the day, state lawyers had filed a notice of appeal in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
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Post by Cubanstang50 »

Here, it was posted about 1 hour ago by palmetto state armory.

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