FBI took down Flynn

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FBI took down Flynn

Post by Springfield »

Thank God we have an AG that's willing to get to the bottom of things. Barr released evidence how Peter Strzok and others took out Trump's first Natl Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, who resigned and eventually plead guilty.
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michae ... -lie-fired

Even later, Strzok continued hammering Flynn and wouldn't let the FBI close Flynn's case.
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/strzok ... nts-reveal

Now we need to know why this evidence was not turned over earlier. It's scary how the FBI acted under Obama, and then deep state under Trump. Maybe if Barr was the first AG instead of Sessions the phony Russia stuff and some of this would never have happened.
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Post by TACC »

Why did he plead guilty ?

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Post by tector »

TACC wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:07 pm Why did he plead guilty ?

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Plea bargain is the default choice. There are so many bullshit federal crimes they can stack up against you it's possible to get 40 years for farting in church.
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Post by REDinFL »

Standard police/prosecutor tactic. Pile on enough charges so you'll agree to some "reduced charge" and "we'll see what we can do." The idea is for them to get convictions for their "productivity" stats. From the standpoint of the defendant, horrified by the possibility of three lifetimes in jail, anything that appears to make it less. Sometimes they get a shock when they get in front of the judge.

The concept of "due process" in such circumstances is a cruel joke. You get as much justice as you can afford to pay for. A potential defendant sees charges, whether legitimate or not, requiring a lot of court time, meaning lots of money to pay for lawyers. Not bashing lawyers, it's expensive to do all the research and preparation while facing prosecutors with deep pockets (as a taxpayer, you're paying for your own persecution). So, rather than leaving a family destitute, the defendant "falls on the sword" as in Roman times.

However, I do find it odd that a General should not have seen that coming. If a couple of FBI agents want to "talk to you", doesn't one consider the possibilities? Whether in field operations, or dealing with bureaucrats who have the power to put one away, consider the unexpected which is predictable. If someone says, "No need to read this (contract), it's just the routine stuff," wouldn't your sensors flash red? Would you ask a police agency if you need a lawyer.
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Post by Pissed Off Patriot »

TACC wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 10:07 pm Why did he plead guilty ?

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in addition to the above reply to your question, the FBI also threatened to go after his son. So yes, he fell on the sword for multiple reasons.
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Post by AirForceShooter »

I just hope this ends in such a way he can sue the DOJ for the costs of his defense.

The guy has got to be broke after this.

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Post by Captain Steinbrenner »

If those scumbags did this to him imagine how many lives they’ve destroyed already.
Scary shit and it will keep happening.

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Post by REDinFL »

It's been going on for a long time, at various levels and forms. Now, they are more useful, and that kind is getting the promotions. Marginal newbies watch carefully, and see the route to power. TS for you. One needs think it through and make one's own decisions.
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Post by Flame Red »

Call me a bit more sceptical about Barr. I have not seen one perp walk yet from Comey, Struk, Brennan or Clapper, and their bosses the Obomination Image and the orchestrator Rice, let alone the Hiddlabeast.

I am beginning to think that the The Donald walked into the China's Virus trap and he was damned if he did and damned if he did not and it will not be a easy for The Donald to be re-elected with a recession deeper than the Great Depression. If Sleepy Joe or his successor walks into office then all these a$$wipe get to walk free, and collect their lucrative Federal pensions.

But I do believe The Donald will pardon the General as a parting gift. It seems the Judge in the Flynn case is yet another a deep state operative. Just like the Judges in the Fisa court who should have locked up Comey for signing the first two Fisa Warrants certifications. And also the Kongress a$$wipes for renewing Fisa when they could have killed it. Oh well, at least Sleepy Joe will be able to repeat the Obomination Image methods!
Ah that's one thing about our Flame, doesn't play any favorites! Flame hates everybody!
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