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Post by TonyR »

A smoothie & a valium,LOL.
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Post by photohause »

^^^^^^TonyR Smoothie Special!
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Cigar, scotch and a hot blond with big Hooters :lol:
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by Chinerd00 »

This guy will be cast out and life will go on as usual.
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Post by Slartibartfast »

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools !
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Post by Allme »

This was already covered in a meme awhile ago, nobody paid attention I suppose.

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Post by Firemedic2000 »

That last post is sad. Sad in that an institution that has the power to ruin your life, bankrupt you, General lynch is a prime example of that. Take away your freedom. Attack you physically for telling them they are wrong. Makeup crimes against you. Plus many more things.

Murder innocient AMERICANS without accountability. Actually calling those murders. Collateral damage in the line of duty. Tell that to the family. Yet when one of them is hurt or killed. It's not collateral damage. Nooo they act as if it's a crime against humanity.

My biggest problem with ALL L.E. AGENCIES has been accountability. Both for the agency as a whole and more importantly individually.

An example is the shooting of jogger in Ga. They keep coming up with previous videos that has zero to do with the shooting and really shows nothing. To justify to men, one a former officer murdering an unarmed man. For basically nothing. Even the owner of the house under construction. Said the jogger was more than likely looking for someplace to get a drink of water on his job site. Because video shows him doing nothing.

Yet these two men murder this jogger and local police and the judicial system attempts to cover it up. A hugh problem are POLICE UNIONS that protect officers they know violated the law, their oaths.

Then when good men and women try to bring some semblance of accountability back to L.E. They are attacked by their fellow officers. This is why I've always said, yeah that cop may be a good officer. But if he covers for the bad ones. Then he's just as bad or worse. He's not a good cop. Because push come to shove. He'd attack those good officers that are trying to make a difference. Just to fit in and not get attacked themselves.

That picture above I'm sure represents just a small portion of the men and women that have stood up against a corrupt L.E community. That hides behind a badge and gun and believes they are above the LAW.
Last edited by Firemedic2000 on Fri May 22, 2020 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Also Americans will lie when publicly asked if they support L.E. when in fact they do not. Americans do not trust L.E. Americans feel they are nothing but thugs of the government that will violate your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS at the whim of the local governments.

Just look right now at Michigan and what's happening there. Look at the attacks against churches. All being done by L.E. AGENCIES at the direction of their SOCIALIST NAZIS EXTREMISTS LEADERS.

I've been telling friends and family for weeks. If we can go into Wal-Mart, THE HOME DEPOT, grocery stores and any other large store. Bump elbows touch everything in the store ect. WHY are these SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY controlled states shutting down churches.

That can be way better controlled than these stores.

One state can't remember which. Has said bars can have 10 customers inside and 50 customers outside. A BAR NOW. But churches no matter how big. Are limited to 10 inside and or 10 outside.

Let's see bars 50 outside and churches 10 outside. If not followed guess who shows up and starts writing citations and fines at these houses of worship.

I wonder if these DEMOCRATIC NAZIS EXTREMISTS controlled states are attacking religious freedom. That again is another right protected under the Bill of Rights. In retribution because the religious community primarily supported the POTUS. :roll:

Remember this, when they compare churches to stores and other business. They can't do that CONSTITUTIONALLY because religion is protected under the 1st Admendment.

Religion is a CONSTITUTIONALLY protected right and they know this and don't care. Everything these NAZIS SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS POLITICAL LEADERS are doing now goes against the CONSTITUTION at this point. They are drunk with power they've never had before.

As I've stated before. You want to see what AMERICA would look like under the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS NAZIS PARTY control. Just look at Michigan, ILLINOIS, Washington State and the other states that are violating the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS and refusing to let go of the power they've gained over the people.

California said if they do not get government funds. They'd lay off FIRST RESPONDERS, teachers, nurses, close hospitals ect.

Yet California is giving ILLEGAL ALIENS AMERICAN TAX dollars. They say they pay taxes. Yeah using stolen SOCIAL security numbers. NY the same. They want to use this made up COVID crisis to milk tax dollars to bailout them out.

Added to that this DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS NAZIS PARTY is attempting another impeachment/COUP of this nation. Plus putting in a canidate with early signs of alzheimer's or dementia. This party of treason and corruption has used this man made crisis to show their true colors and intentions. I predict massive attempts of voter fraud in states controlled by these SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS.

Also these same states have release criminals from jail. That have recommitted crimes and even murdered. Yet these very same states want to put Americans in jail for not wearing masks, going to church, working without their permission for basically not doing what they say. Yet they do not follow their own rules and do whatever they want.

This is right out scary and just a taste of what could happen. If these TYRANTS were to ever gain control over the entire NATION. We do not have to guess anymore. We can see it right now happening in states they control.
Last edited by Firemedic2000 on Fri May 22, 2020 8:24 pm, edited 7 times in total.
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by REDinFL »

Too much of the "The Law is What I Say It Is" mentality. (as an aside, I wonder what they'd say if one said, "It depends what you mean by 'is'.")

It's been said that if you really want trouble, take a small man, and make him think he's part of something big. That becomes more true every day. We are being ruled by frustrated 7th grade hallway monitors.

I'll also say something else, which may anger some, but it is true, and will show itself one day. In extreme times, especially in a takeover, whether coup or foreign occupation, or other major disaster, your biggest enemies will be your local police (not cop bashing, it is a fact), and in some cases militia (as in National Guard). These characters will show that their loyalty is the paycheck. Of course, the "overlords" will indeed exploit that by making themselves the only real source of livelihood. These organizations will be the ones to enforce what you can get, as they will have taken everything already. And, they will in the future take homes, as their "philosophical" predecessors already have done. Don't think it can happen, that this is a nutter fantasy? It happened in Central Europe, when the Russians swarmed in. They brought in "settlers" in the form of support staff, such as engineers and technicians. The local "authorities", now deputized by the occupiers, placed the new people. Malcontents and grabbers from the local population (and, these local police knew who they were, and used them) were given property from others they denounced. No fiction, many here in the US will operate from the same playbook, and many of us may well live to see it. Ask anyone who has ancestry from Central or Eastern Europe, if they've had a chance to speak to the generation alive during WWII. I'll bet there are some on this board who have grandparents and great grandparents.

How do I know this? I'm an old fart, who had the opportunity to speak to people who were there and went through it. Far more reliable than the lying MSM.
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