Man who took video of the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery, arrested on felony murder charge

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Post by wjbarricklow »

From what I read, all three have been charged with attempted false imprisonment, and felony murder. To prove felony murder they have to Prove they were committing a felony. It’s all going to come down to whether they reasonably believed Arbery was committing a felony, and were able to arrest him. If it wasn’t reasonable, they are going down for both charges.

Nobody saw what these guys saw. And the older McMichaels had been involved in a case with Arbery carrying a gun to a high school basketball game.

They might get off on this.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Wrong what happen in the past has zero to do with the shooting based upon their own video evidence.

That's like saying. You shot someone because he robbed a store years ago and he might have done it again. Because a store was robbed a week ago.

You saw him walking down the road recognized him as a man who robbed a store years ago. Did his time. But a week ago a store had been robbed. So you and your son both grab guns. Jump in your truck. Then have a friend video it.

You follow him several blocks. Now this man knows he's being followed by two men he Has no idea who they are. Has not committed a crime. Then you stick you head out and start yelling for him to stop.

When he does not stop. You punch it. Pull up beside him. Jump out with a shotgun. He see a man whom he's never seen before coming at him with a gun. WTF do you think this man is going to do. Stand there with his thumb up his ass. What would you do in his shoes. Shake the guys hand with a damn shotgun that just chased you down.

It does not matter what this man did as a teenager. That one video showed him in a park minding his own business. When cops showed up and started harrassing him. Wanting to know who, what, why, when he was doing there. It was a public damn park.

I've been in parks many many times and never had cops stop and do that to me.

These men stalked and then murdered this man just because they THOUGH HE MIGHT HAVE DONE SOMETHING WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE HE DID. they had absolutely no authority to have stopped that man. Must less pull weapons on him and shoot and murder him as he tried to run away.

How the F is it justifiable to murder an unarmed man in the streets. Shooting him in the back as he's trying to run away from two armed men. That chased him down and stopped him. You've got a loose screw

That's show on their own video. He was trying to escape to armed men that he had no idea who or what they wanted with him.
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Post by n0rlf »

It happens, and everyone we go through this. Wait for all the facts. Not one of us was there are have access to the parties so it is all conjecture. Conjecture is done and can be a great discussion. But keep it cool and relaxed. No names, no personal attacks. And everyone chill a little.

If this gets out of hand you all can guess where it will wind up.

Personally I think they were wrong. But I am thinking they will get away with very little of anything for punishment. Sad but that is the way it usually turns out. Now I am also pretty sure I will not lose any sleep over the incident either. He did not deserve to die but he was also no innocent just looking at construction.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

I was not directing any name calling towards anyone in a personal manor. If it came across that way I sincerely apoligize. My wife get's on my case for using curse words when I get aggravated.

She just did. Because I was bitching about the judge ruling that criminals did not have to fulfill their entire sentence to vote. When I say sentence. I mean if part of their sentence included fines or restitution or other monies. The judge ruled that felons did not have to pay these monies to complete their sentence obligation in order to vote.

Judge said that would make it a pay to vote system. I said no it would not. It would make it a complete your sentence voting system.

For instance if the felon stole 10,000.00 from a senior citizen and part of his sentence was to pay restitution to to victim. Then his or her sentence is not complete until they pay that restitution. Therefore they should not be able to vote until they fulfill their sentence.

This ignorant judge as usual changes the law based upon their ideas. They rip apart the law and use only the part they want. Judges do not make laws. To me they may rule on a law in it's entirety if it is legal or not. But they may not rewrite the law by removing parts of it to make it say something entirely different.

Judges can not write laws. We elect REPRESENTATIVES to do that.

The entire judicial system needs an overhaul. It is too corrupted
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Post by Cubanstang50 »

They must have something we dont know about on the guy video taping. Dont see the murder charge sticking at all. The shooter now, if the actions he took are with in Georgia law then i dont see nothing past manslaughter sticking if its an option at most. This looks like the Zimmerman case sll over again. Just cause they can doesnt mean they should. My 2c.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Cubanstang50 wrote: Mon May 25, 2020 3:01 pm They must have something we dont know about on the guy video taping. Dont see the murder charge sticking at all. The shooter now, if the actions he took are with in Georgia law then i dont see nothing past manslaughter sticking if its an option at most. This looks like the Zimmerman case sll over again. Just cause they can doesnt mean they should. My 2c.
I agree with the man that took video. They must have something we don't know about. Because I just don't see a murder charge for what he did. I don't know maybe some sort of obstruction maybe. But murder, beats me.

But from their own video they had their buddy record. The killers sealed their own fate.

This is nothing like Zimmerman IMO. Why....because there was no video evidence like here.

Plus old trayvon attacked Zimmerman and Zimmerman shot him as he slammed his head into the ground.

Where these two killers stalked and came out armed and attacked this man who was minding his own business. Then shot this man in the back as he was trying to flee from two armed thugs he had no idea who they were. That is shown in the video. I just don't see what's so hard to understand here.

If we were to shoot anybody in the back running from us. In a robbery. We be charged with murder. Because at that point our life is no longer in danger. Especially an unarmed person.

He was attack by two armed men. He did not attack them until he was threatened. Even then only to defend his life from two armed men who were stalking him then attacked him. Then when he got a chance he tried to run away. They murdered him.

There is a HUGH difference and this in no way compares to Zimmerman and Trayvon. Unless your basing it solely upon the murders being white and the victim being black. Is that what your doing.

Also please don't say he may have had a record from the past as justification to kill him. I and may some here may have an arrest record with no conviction. I have a onstruction with out violence arrest record.

That was thrown out of court. Because officer was a bullshit corrupt pos. That made up a charge. Because I simply turned off my outside floodlights. Made him mad and he lied and arrested me.

Fortunately I have a SECURITY system with video cameras. Judge was very displeased when he watched video. That pos should have been fired from sheriffs office. But as usual as in this case. They take of their own.

I just got paperwork to get that charge expunged from my record. Unfortunately after that. I do not like, trust or want to be around any L.E.O.s because those other officers that were there knew he was lying and said nothing.

There is no such thing as a goid cop. Because if they do not standup to corruption they are as bad as the one's they say nothing against.

The only good officers are fired for standing up against corruption. That's been proven.

I feel very strongly about this murder and cover up. That man that was killed based on video evidence did nothing to be shot and killed for by to thugs. Who were simply out profiling blacks in their neighborhood. Black man running he did something
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Oh yeah my granddaughter is a mortician. She's the one who did the funeral on the police officer that died recently of COVID 19 and had that hugh funeral. Where L.E. AGENCIES came from every.

She told me last night at dinner. That FIRE Departments from across Florida came also. She said that the L.E. AGENCIES running the dead officers funeral did not want the FIRE DEPARTMENTS there. That it was taking away from their thunder.

She said one CHIEF asked the OFFICER in charge where his department could sign the registry book. She said that officer snapped back at the CHIEF. We don't need your department signing the book. You can sign for your department.

BTW this was a CHIEF of an entire FIRE RESCUE department not a Battalion Chief that this Barney FIFE spoke down to like this. Draven that's my granddaughters name. Said the CHIEF turn around had the ladder truck with a banner with name of the OFFICER on that the FIRE DEPARTMENT bought lowered. They basically told them to F off and left.

She said the she did not know L.E. and FIRE DEPARTMENTS did not like each other. I told her, no it's not like that at all. FIRE RESCUE has nothing against any L.E community. But the L.E community does not like nor trust anyone that does not where a badge. They only tolerate us non LAW ENFORCEMENT people.

But honestly that blew me away when she told me that. She did the funeral service and embalming. She said that officers lungs were black. She also said that officer spread the virus to serval officers in his department before he died.

I did not read that in the NEWS anywhere. I guess they still cover up even when it means those officers possibly spread it to innocient people in the public and they wanted to keep it quite.

Here's link. In video before watching it you will see the driver standing over the top of Hurst. That's my granddaughters boyfriend. His name is Chance. He was at dinner last night also. I was going to wear a full chemical biological warfare suit with gas mask as a joke when they first showed up :lol: ... ad-buckley
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Post by OSD »

The reason the video taker is charged with murder is because he was driving the truck the other two men were riding in. He also chased down the jogger and blocked his path of escape with the truck. He was participating in the crime. If he doesn't drive the two men with the guns to catch the jogger, then they couldn't have caught up with him and shot him. It's that simple.
It's just like when a person driving a get away car is charged with murder. The other people go to rob a bank and end up killing someone, the driver, even though he is outside and never went inside or hurt anyone is charged with the same murder charges as the ones who actually did the killing because he participated in the crime that led to the killing. This is a common practice.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

OSD wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 8:09 pm The reason the video taker is charged with murder is because he was driving the truck the other two men were riding in. He also chased down the jogger and blocked his path of escape with the truck. He was participating in the crime. If he doesn't drive the two men with the guns to catch the jogger, then they couldn't have caught up with him and shot him. It's that simple.
It's just like when a person driving a get away car is charged with murder. The other people go to rob a bank and end up killing someone, the driver, even though he is outside and never went inside or hurt anyone is charged with the same murder charges as the ones who actually did the killing because he participated in the crime that led to the killing. This is a common practice.
I thought he was in a different vehicle. If that's so then whole heartly yes he's should be charged also.
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Post by Wolfdog »

OSD wrote: Tue May 26, 2020 8:09 pm The reason the video taker is charged with murder is because he was driving the truck the other two men were riding in. He also chased down the jogger and blocked his path of escape with the truck. He was participating in the crime. If he doesn't drive the two men with the guns to catch the jogger, then they couldn't have caught up with him and shot him. It's that simple.
It's just like when a person driving a get away car is charged with murder. The other people go to rob a bank and end up killing someone, the driver, even though he is outside and never went inside or hurt anyone is charged with the same murder charges as the ones who actually did the killing because he participated in the crime that led to the killing. This is a common practice.
If he was in the vehicle with them how did he video them from another vehicle?
Odds are the da is slapping the murder charge on him to get him to testify against the other 2. But that is just a guess.