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Post by GunsandHoses »

We all go through some crap at times! Glad you were able to see yourself going down that rabbit hole and auto correct! Lots of tense times out there right now too!
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Been doing pretty good. Temper under control. Still having trouble sleeping. But hey I have not hit wife in my sleep for a while in my sleep. Maybe it's because she punched me back one night with her Boney little fists. Ouch :lol:

But I'm painting my house and having to pressure wash the concrete block. This crap that's happening with these riots. Not protesting but riots. The burning, looting, attacks not only on L.E but innocient AMERICANS. Then the outright murdering of LEOs. That one man who was a federal security officer and black also murdered. WTF they are protesting the murder of a black man and they murder one. Are they going to protest his death. I doubt it.

But anyways went outside and who is walking their dogs. My LIBERAL SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS neighbor. I've told him that we have different political affiliations and opinions in the past when he first started his crap. That we can be good neighbors, just don't talk politics.

My godson's dad and best friend is a Democrat. How can we do that. He's a FIREFIGHTER and we never talk politics, ever he's pro gun. I still have no clue how a person can believe in the 2nd ADMENDMENT and vote for those that want to take that right away. It just goes above my head. But I love him anyways.

Well this neighbor right off the bat starts about protests and how horrible they are and I agreed. I said some of these governors and mayors need to get off their butts and stop this crap.

Then here he goes. He said he was afraid Trump might declare MARSHAL LAW and with Trump being just like Hitler and being a NAZIE. He was afraid Trump would seize power.

Oh boy was that the wrong thing to say to me. :lol: I stopped what I was doing. Looked at him and said, your say Trump is just like Hitler. Him yeah he's exactly like Hitler.

Berserk button pressed. I said you are a F'ing idoit comparing the President of the United States to Hitler. He said well he is. I said no he's not, trump is nothing like Hitler. That bullshit comparing him to Hitler just goes beyond ignorance and insults me because I voted for him. He started to say everyone F's sometimes. But I cut him off.

He's doing his best to deal with this and you got dumbass idoits like you out their stoking the fire by say stupid bullshit like that. You are also calling everyone that voted for him a NAZIE also. He started to say something.

I said STFU. I said I told you we have different views and it's best that if we are to remain good neighbors. To never talk politics. But you calling the President of the United States Hitler and everyone that voted for him NAZIS just crossed the line. It stupid F's like you that are the problem with this nation. Your all left wing extremist and don't know when to keep your damn mouths shut. You just can't be nice. I honestly don't remember what else I said. But when he called Trump Hitler and voters NAZIS. That was enough for me.

But he turned away and said I have anger issues :lol:

But I've politely asked this fool not to ever decuss politics with me because we do not agree on anything. He's a Obama and HILARY coolaid drinker. He's an old long hair dirty pos. I hate that guy because he's a radical that keeps trying to impose this CNN and MSNBC bullshit narrative upon people. Which btw everyone here are CONSERVATIVES, OATH keepers among other things. He will not keep up his side of the duplex. People get tired of looking at it and mow and weed it.

No one associates with him and think he's weird. Also his daughter married a black Miami police officer. Who I actually liked and we talked often. But them moment he found out I was a Republican or maybe this turd lied in some way to him. He will not even acknowledge me when I've said hello. I absolutely hate LIBERAL DEMOCRATS.

I've hated every damn renter that's lived there too. It's a dump.


Let me take back the hating every renter part.

There was two girls that were really nice and one had the biggest set of Hooters I've ever seen :shock: she use to sun bathe on the deck :P and another guy who lived there while getting his house built. He was an engineer, pretty cool guy. Also a really hot girl and her husband. She'd run around naked all the time. But she'd beat the crap out of her husband everytime he screwed up. :lol:

Rant off, I feel better.
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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