Rules for BST forums

Questions regarding any FSN board problems. This is NOT a firearms "help" forum.
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Post by Cwt7691 »

Keep deleting them. Here is 1 reason out of many.

Sold items on internet forums can be used as defacto gun registration. A certain divorce Lawer used the username on a search and found 15 firearms sold,traded and bought, The print outs where brought to court. Guess who else does this????? Many of us use the same or close username on different forums, think about this ....... deleting might help you in the future.

if you sell a item you can always take a screen shot and store it on your device.
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Post by OSD »

That reason doesn't hold water. It doesn't matter if the posts are deleted. Once something is posted to the internet it never goes away and can be found by someone who knows how to look for old posts to a forum, a name, and info.
I think keeping the posts for 3 months would be a good time frame. It's not like there are that many posts in the BST forums. 44 topics in firearms and 29 topics in other
Last edited by OSD on Sat Jun 06, 2020 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Wakko »

If the membership wants to delete them for the reason that CWT stated, then I'd think 30 - 90 days or so, simply so folks that go looking for a thread can see the weapon is gone. I've never heard of anyone using post threads to show ownership of a firearm or as any sort of defacto gun registration, certainly not in divorce proceedings. If someone is concerned about that, then don't post in a forum. Plenty of folks bypass posting for a PM "I'll take it".

Simply my thoughts for discussion, as friendly and non-confrontational as can be.
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Post by TonyR »

What about when a WTS add becomes a discussion about certain things,color blablabla ,and that person has NO intention of buying said item,leave all of that in the add so it bumps others adds down.
Something like this came about years ago,certain members got their shorts all knotted up,quit this site and went and started their own.Where is that site now ?
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Post by Wakko »

TonyR wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 11:51 am What about when a WTS add becomes a discussion about certain things,color blablabla ,and that person has NO intention of buying said item,leave all of that in the add so it bumps others adds down.
Something like this came about years ago,certain members got their shorts all knotted up,quit this site and went and started their own.Where is that site now ?
What led to the mass exodus years ago was the perceived vindictiveness and over-moderation by a certain admin who is apparently not on this site. The alternate site was created and served its intended purpose, then was shut down by the owner deliberately. I do not wish to rehash old and dead issues and create drama, hence my statement about being non-confrontational. Many of the old timers aren't here anymore, having been previously banned, decided FSN wasn't fun anymore, or due to their own personal reasons. I would love to see FSN get back to its former glory, and my personal belief is that over-moderation will dissuade that from happening. We are a group that, by nature of 2A supporters, don't want the gubmint to overreach and overburden us with rules/regulations. I would think that the sentiment would be reflected here as well. Again, my polite opinion.

Getting back to the original point: I understand not wanting the jibba-jabba in the WTS threads. Has it been a problem? I had someone post in a thread of mine something to the effect of "I love it...wish I could buy it...great deal..." and it was deleted. I also had a thread with an "I'll take it" that was deleted, and I never did find out if it was deleted due to being sold to someone else or if there was a problem with the ad. In both (and other) cases, I roll my eyes but move along with my day. Some of the changes that I initially found annoying (the WTS thread title system) actually seems to be a good idea, now that we've gotten used to it. I'm not against change, as it shows that sometimes I'm wrong. I appreciate the efforts of Legio to keep this site going and trying to make it the best that it can be.
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Post by TonyR »

I deleted the " I love it post" as it had nothing to do what so ever with item for sale.
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Post by OSD »

TonyR wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 11:51 am What about when a WTS add becomes a discussion about certain things,color blablabla ,and that person has NO intention of buying said item,leave all of that in the add so it bumps others adds down.
Something like this came about years ago,certain members got their shorts all knotted up,quit this site and went and started their own.Where is that site now ?
TonyR wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 12:33 pm I deleted the " I love it post" as it had nothing to do what so ever with item for sale.
And there's the answer to the problem of off topic comments. A mod just needs to delete those comments. It's that easy. There aren't that many ads with new posts to look through every day.
SOLD items, mark them sold and lock the thread. It can't be bumped, it can only go down and not interfere with new ads. At 90 days delete the ad. It's really not that hard.
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Post by Wakko »

TonyR wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 12:33 pm I deleted the " I love it post" as it had nothing to do what so ever with item for sale.
And that's your prerogative as a mod. I liked the comment simply because it acknowledged that the price was below market value, which is often the case with sellers from the old guard, and it didn't bump it above anything else since it was still top thread. Regardless, it broke the rools, so I knew someone would zap it. It lasted longer than I expected, honestly. :)
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Post by Legio »

[mention]OSD[/mention] there are 44 topics because we delete the sold items. I think I also have an auto prune to 30 days. Not entirely sure about that.

[mention]Wakko[/mention] to be perfectly honest, the whole situation came mostly from me. But I consider this problem over.

At the renewal of the site, aka the big crash, it was decided that comments that didn’t belong or were nasty were to be removed to keep the topic clean on the topic. I, myself, feel the need to reply on the picture thread and my replies are deleted too. The rules were requested by the membership in the BST section. But it is always open to discussions and were certainly open minded about this.

I want to be firm on the title though. Plus it will here in a search should we let them longer.
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Post by n0rlf »

My two cents for what it is worth. Going backwards in time is always a losing venture. I am fine with whatever you all decide on the bst but if it is for research, well I think that is a stretch. Way too many other sites to find recent local market pricing. I tend to be on the same side of others that think thirty days is enough. And if you submit an offer and do not hear back that is after all, the sellers right. Let it go and move on. Nothing to see here. I would say we stay as is. Makes for a much easier job for the staff and that makes for a smoother board.

On the other topic there was a lot more to it when some folks left. Some needed to go and others did not and should not but for most it was their decision. Personally I would have not allowed any back as it just almost always goes bad. I am hoping that is not the case this time. There were as lot of bad juju things going on back then some of which were outright wrong. Not a mistake or a misunderstanding. Let's not forget that.

As for the bst I recommend leave it be. It is running good.
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