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What's Next

Post by Firemedic2000 »

You be you own judge on this. Here are the excerpts from articles and broad casts.

1. The Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC

In a PBS interview, Al Sharpton called for the Jefferson Memorial in Washington DC to be abandoned because the third president of the United States and author of the Declaration of Independence was a slave owner

2. Mount Rushmore

Vice News’s Wilbert L. Cooper called for Mount Rushmore to be destroyed because the U.S. presidents whose visages are carved into the mountainside are problematic by today’s standards.

3. Chicago Parks Named After Washington And Jackson

A Chicago pastor has asked the mayor to remove the names of two former presidents — George Washington and Andrew Jackson — from city parks because both men owned slaves.

George Washington’s Virginia church taking down his memorial A church attended by George Washington will take down a memorial to the nation's first president, a move church leaders say is intended to make the place of worship more welcoming.

The Washington Times reported Friday that Christ Church in Alexandria, Va., will remove memorials of Washington and former Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, which stand on either side of the church's altar. 

“The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome," church leaders said. "Some visitors and guests who worship with us choose not to return because they receive an unintended message from the prominent presence of the plaques.”
https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing ... s-memorial

https://catholicvote.org/washington-mon ... ed-slaves/

Here's one for you. This person is an absolute racist if their ever was one. Georgia's very on Stacy Abrams want's to blow up

https://www.ajc.com/blog/politics/abram ... Vb79LdVMJ/

https://www.nbc12.com/2020/06/02/fallen ... -protests/

This will not stop at the atrocities againt this nation listed above. It will continue on to include every monument to every founding father of this nation. To every white leader of this nation. To whom ever them deem a white privileged person of this nation. They will erase the history of America.

Let me make one thing clear. There are both white and black patriots of America. But this attack against white AMERICA is the only thing that is racist in America right now. It solve nothing. It create problems that unless stopped will not end well.

If these actions are not stopped dead in their tracks. It will spread and cause a war in this nation. Backed and promoted by the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY in an attempt to gain power. They are willing to scarifice a part of this nation to these anarchists to achieve power.

The DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY is promoting division of America instead of unity of a nation. Everything is always racist with the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY.

If they are not and the longer these go on and they spread. There will be embolden acts of domestic terrorists against America's shrines by these anarchists. Because they will reach a point that they think they can do anything without prosecution. Because the mayor's and governors with continue to call it a protest. Even against monuments of founding fathers.

This is not a racist remark I'm about to make. This is a factual statement. Every nation in Africa that was under white control was a civilized country. But the moment the white governments conceded control of the government to the black population and left. That country turned into total anarchy. Millions died in the fight over power by the warlords. That is a fact and history.

Any government run by a white SOCIALIST REGIME also turns into an anarchy and millions died to get and keep power. That is history.

We see this happening in Washington state now in this area taken over by totally seperate groups of anarchists. Your LEFT WING SOCIALIST NEWS MEDIAS won't report it. The GOVERNOR and mayor is endorsing it simply as a political move to hurt the POTUS and are willing to scarifice those innocient people and businesses caught inside that war zone to do so.

That's called socialism and if the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY ever gain power. They will scarifice millions of AMERICANS to keep power.

But honest NEWS reporters that have been inside do report the truth. Even the POLICE CHIEF has reported the truth and spoken of the dangers/crimes going on inside there. The people that live and own businesses in that war zone. Will not talk out of fear of reprisal from the anarchists that have taken control.

Our GOVERMENT must end this chaos or we will lose this nation.

I'm not a radical. I'm angry that a government that those people paid taxes to. ELECTED to uphold the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS. Trusted to protect them from such atrocities. Have so willing sacrificed them, their homes and their livelihoods. To what? A bunch of bums. BASICALLY holding them, their homes and businesses hostage and the very people they elected and paid to protect them are instead protecting the criminals. If being angry make me a radical then so be it.

“To educate a person in the mind but not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” 
“We despise and abhor the bully, the brawler, the oppressor, whether in private or public life, but we despise no less the coward and the voluptuary. No man is worth calling a man who will not fight rather than submit to infamy or see those that are dear to him suffer wrong.” 
― Theodore Roosevelt
Last edited by Firemedic2000 on Sat Jun 13, 2020 7:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by Lastrites »

The blind leading the blind, this isn't going to end well.
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Post by n0rlf »

Nickle worth of free advice, stop watching the news. It is just not good for the blood pressure. It is all biased anyway
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Post by Clyde621 »

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Post by Firemedic2000 »

n0rlf wrote: Sat Jun 13, 2020 8:20 pm Nickle worth of free advice, stop watching the news. It is just not good for the blood pressure. It is all biased anyway
It's not that I should stop watching NEWS. Which believe it or not. I don't watch that much NEWS. Except for the FIVE and I mute that idoit Juan when ever he talks. I just need to stop letting this crap bother me so much. I guess it scares me too after seeing the absolute disdain the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY has for our laws of this nation.

Knowing we've got an election coming up. Knowing that it's not beyond them to cheat to win. Which we all know they are attempting to do know and tried in 2018 here in Florida. Then after seeing the bumbling idoit they have as a candidate. Then knowing what they'd try to do to AMERICA based upon what they have done and are doing now.

It kinda has me scared and bent out of shape. These people are way beyond radicals, hell they are actually beyond anything I've ever seen in my life. This is the scariest bunch of people that's ever been in political office in the history of this nation.

Because that's what I do mostly is study American and military history. Not watch the news. Sure I hear what others tell me happen then research it to see if it's true. But I absolutely hate watching the NEWS except for the FIVE. I like Jesse, Greg, Deanna but despise Juan.

But yeah your right. I need to keep my political opinions to myself. Because I'm too out spoken and call it like I see it. I do not believe in this nonsense they call political correctness. To me that's just another means the LEFT likes to use to muzzle the opinions of conservatives, common sense and the 1st Admendment.

But for the life of me. They cry liberty, CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS only when they believe it suits THEM. But what about those same rights they are denying those that they abandoned in favor of those anarchists factions who are denying American citizens those very same rights. By essentially holding them hostage, heck these anarchists factions are holding an entire neighborhood including a police dept. hostage.

All with the approval of elected officials who chose to protect these thugs instead of law abiding citizens. Why?

Your right, I need to stop taking it so personal that elected representatives of this nation have betrayed those that elected them and decided to let anarchists factions run wild and attack and taken steps to defund our legal system.

I apoligize I probably am going to make Florida Shooters Network a target for these radicals by posting like this. For speaking out against these thugs and political TYRANTS that refuse to do their jobs and bow down and are kissing these thugs butts. Groups like BLM, ANTIFA and other extremist groups. I mean after all they already consider us right wing extremist. Simply for voting for Trump and believing in the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS and freedom and that the law should be equal to all.

Heck my best friend is a blue collar Democrat and I'm Godfather of his son. We stay friends because we never talk politics. I actually respect people and never talk politics in mixed crowds. But the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS ahhh are asses. They are not polite and attack CONSERVATIVES in public. If they findout who you are. They will actually seek you out.

Oh well your probably right. Speaking out against these kind of people and what they do and condemning them is just stupid and silly.

So I'll stop


unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something.
I might be unfairly judging. 8-) uh nope the NEWS is :lol:
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Post by weaselfire »

Better toss Grant's Tomb also. Ulysses broke the treaties with native Americans to open the Badlands for gold. Probably need to make reparations of trillions of dollars for the loss of the land and resources. Put another trillion into bringing back the buffalo and renaming a bunch of cities across the west.


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Post by Firemedic2000 »

President Ulysses S. Grant sympathized with the plight of Native Americans and believed that the original occupants of the land.
But like all things the need of the many out weight the need of the few. Basically in the case the greed of the many.

Plus the feelings by many that Indians were nothing but dirty, filthy non-Christian heathens. That needed to be purged from this earth.

Actually Andrew Jackson was the worst offender against native Americans who violated both congressional and SCOTUS rulings in favor of the native Americans. Violating treaties our our Indian allies that helped us win our independence from the British.

Jackson also gave birth to the DEMOCRATIC PARTY or spear headed it. Him and Davy Crockett got into a hugh debate over this Indian issue. Jackson started a smear campaign against Crockett that cost him the reelected to congress.

But the badlands/Black hills the Indians really screwed the pooch on this one. That cost them millions of dollars and actually believed in OBAMA to help them. Yeah OBAMA help them alright. Helped them do absolutely nothing.

I was at the Hillsborough River State Park. Did a tour of the fort there and a reenactment of a Seminole Indian attack on the fort. Let me tell you something. To this day. The Seminoles hate Jackson and what he did to Indians. They made that very clear.
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Post by Iosef »

This is the American version of the Romans voting themselves circuses. The only way to save America now is to return to only letting landowners vote.
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Post by FLshooter »

What’s next?
The socialist liberals will continue to ban the truth and rewrite history with lies. They want to burn the constitution and rewrite it to fit their agenda. And they will do it, if they aren’t stopped.
With the media, their most powerful weapon,the liberal socialists are about to start a civil war.They are the ones who are using certain minorities as tools.And in the end it will be our fault.And the socialist liberals will appear to be the heroes.
And that is the same way communists have taken over other countries. They use their people to do it.By playing them against each other.
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Post by Legio »

It is just history repeating itself. We all know what will have to happen. It is about time to prepare.
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