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Post by Firemedic2000 »

This was a conversation I had with guy
Originally Posted By pcsutton:
Any 'race war' in this nation will be short lived. Blacks are only 13% of the population and black men between 16 & 30 comprise about 5% of the nation's population. I'd hazard a guess that of all the black military aged males...who aren't locked up in prison...can't be much more that 2% of the nation. Oh...and the 20-something, virtue signaling, white girl camp followers.

Add to that the fact that the prevailing 'radical black mentality' appears to believe that the entirety of the country has the same racial makeup as the big cities the majority live in. Rural black folks know that ain't reality.

IMHO, what's more likely to happen if this shit keeps escalating is a number of political assassinations. People will get a belly full as this shit begins to affect them personally - and some folks will take a notion that we might be better off without the politicians that have been enabling ANTIFA, BLM, Black Block, etc.

That will kick off the Catalina Wine Mixer in earnest as those desirous of defending the Constitution decide to eliminate the competition.

Like the earlier post says..."There won't be anything civil about it".
Hate to say it. But this is exactly what will happen. It will be a guerilla warfare that will form small hit teams that will be independant of each other.

They will quite LITTERALLY take out the SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY that is attacking the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS in order to bring it down.

Elected political leaders and their backers and media that have formed a SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY. These ANTIFA and other EXTREMIST FACTIONS attacking innocient AMERICANS.

In other words they will quite LITTERALLY cut the head the head of the snake off of this SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY movement by taking out all POLITICAL LEADERS and their supporters in including those in the LEFT WING RADICAL MEDIA

The hit teams will be independent of each other so as to protect each team and leadership. There can be absolutely nothing done to stop these teams. Because there will more than one team going after each target.

When I say teams. I don't mean just a few men/ women. I'm talking about tens of thousands of Americans.

There's not a political leader or NEWS MEDIA person in this nation that can not be gotten to. It just depends on what those that want that person are willing to scarifice.

But for the most part. Most would be very easy at first They are cocky and think no one would dare touch me. They'd need an ARMY to protect them.

But the first strikes will be well organized and coordinated. The hits will be organized to be done against multiple targets at one time to destroy as many ANTI AMERICAN SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY members as possible at one time. To throw the PARTY into chaos.

Why do you think the SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY are so afraid of an armed AMERICA. They know this and that's exactly why they want us all disarmed so badly.

Right after they Defund the police. The same police who they expect to protect them from the tens of thousands who will form those guerilla warfare teams and create those hit squads. Speaking of which they were just talking of gun control and banning AMERICANS from owning body armor amid defunding LAW ENFORCEMENT.

Why.......because they fear an ARMED AMERICA and know what AMERICA will do to any SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS attempt to over throw this nation and it's CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS.

To be honest. These are the very same uh methods that have been used by certain government agencies in a certain country to overthrow governments and install political parties they wanted. Well to be honest more than one country has used this method. Just saying ;) :roll:

Now this is just a scenario of a make believe non existence whatever. I'm  in no way condoning any actions against anyone. Neither am I telling anyone to break the law. This is just a forum game board talk.
Now if anyone uses this to make a movie or write a book I want my cut
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by rentprop1 »

don't think they know how many are locked loaded and wishing a MF'er would :mrgreen:
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Post by Big bore lover »

Yo Firemedic2000

What you mention sounds wonderful. I have a feeling the colors will be so vivid and bright. Almost lifelike. It will be a damn fine game.
When and where do we get to start? Is this by special invitation or can anyone join in?
Asking for a friend.....
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by Captain Steinbrenner »

Too many still have a gallon of milk, two boxes of cornflakes, bread, peanut butter, jelly, meat in the fridge, with cable, internet, hot water and A/C blowing cold air.
Still NOT happening.

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Post by Big bore lover »

For anyone that may have an interest.

The Rules of Engagement have been escalated to kinetic engagement of vehicles

https://patriotdailypress.com/2020/06/3 ... -in-seatt/
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Captain Steinbrenner wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 8:19 pm Too many still have a gallon of milk, two boxes of cornflakes, bread, peanut butter, jelly, meat in the fridge, with cable, internet, hot water and A/C blowing cold air.
Still NOT happening.

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You talk terms of too many. I'm talking in % hypothetically if just .01% of 300,000,000 participate in an organized guerilla warfare broken down into teams with contact limited only to upper command for security.

Then further broke those teams down into organized trained 3 man hit teams. Assigned 3 teams per target. With reserves held back being trained in other tactics. The hit teams would consist of both men and women.

Because we all know most men can be gotten to by sex, that's in other tactics. Because we need Intel. Intel can be gotten through sex, observers that work in different industries ect..remember this is a guerilla warfare using unconventional tactics.

Oh btw that .01% would come to 30,000 to start with. Out of over three hundred million. I don't think it'd be hard at all to find patriots that would be willing to give up as you put it. That number would grow too.

a gallon of milk, two boxes of cornflakes, bread, peanut butter, jelly, meat in the fridge, with cable, internet, hot water and A/C blowing cold air.

Not everyone is willing to trade their freedom for those things you mentioned and be hand feed in the beginning by a SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY.

Let me ask you a question. Is that your idea of a freedom. Have you gotten so old that you've just saying screw it. I've just got x number of years left anyways. So your speaking for yourself and yeah some others. But you must certainly are not speaking for EVERYONE as your coming across doing so.

YOUR one of those people that have gotten so old you just don't care anymore and stick your head in the sand and are just waiting to die. Hate sounding harsh, but that's the truth.

Just hoping everything in your life stays the same till then. Then screw the world. To be honest though. I really can't say I blame you in the least bit though. I probably would too.

But for you to say that there are no AMERICANS that care is what bothers not only me, but many others. You insult us.

There's millions that's are willing to trade their way of life and even die for freedom. Because in the end. They we can get back a gallon of milk, two boxes of cornflakes, bread, peanut butter, jelly, meat in the fridge, with cable, internet, hot water and A/C blowing cold air.

I hate to say this but even seeing you post that. Seeing you say you'd trade your freedom for those things kinda puts a pit in my stomach and makes me sick and the people your talking about too.

But these SOCIALIST are even wanting to take away that milk, meat in the frig and many other things under their GREEN NEW DEAL. We will become servants to them. They will decide what we drive, where we live, eat, even if we live based on health and age. I'm not making this up.

But they will not give up those things they want to deny us. Because they are special.

Just look at the countries now that are run by SOCIALIST speak with people that fled SOCIALIST run nations. America will never be SOCIALIST

The easiest way to kill a snake is to cut it's head off. The only way to get rid of an invasive snake kinda like those snakes in the everglades in Florida is to hunt them down and exterminated them. Until they are no longer a threat.

Especially those SOCIALIST SNAKES that are infesting AMERICA

Now this is just forum rambling and I do not endorse any of this. It's all in jest and not meant to be taken seriously. I did not mention any American political party. I was talking about SOCIALISM. I did mention those invasive snakes that are infesting AMERICA and how they must be gotten rid of. That a fact and it must be done other wise they will spread and hurt this nation. :lol:
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by Flame Red »

Cutting off the head of the snake is a bit more complicated than you think. You got to be prepared to purge the 90% of the Media, Hollywood, Sports, Big Tech, all levels of the Education system, but universities especially, and don't forget the deep state that control the DA's, prosecutors, Judges etc. Don't forget that the China-Coms are going to back them all and release another virus to help out.
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Post by zeebaron »

One thing you should know about @nt-if@ is that every single one I've come across dealing with on the internet starts talking about their diagnosed mental illness at some point. They can handle political debate, but ZERO criticism about their actual literal craziness. Cut off their supply of psych meds, or attack them emotionally and they crumble. The Cause is usually the only thing keeping them from committing suicide.
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Fire medic I’m not talking about me personally but America as a whole.

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