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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Good thing it is jammed. Looks lie he almost shot the guy next to him. What idiot locks and loads in formation :lol:

Further more is that rifle even legal. I see a stock and is that barrel 16 in. I can't tell. Nope 10 in barrel he has an SBR and I bet it's illegal as Hell sent that to ATFE
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by lilwoody »

I think the problem with the guerilla aspect being referred to unless done very swiftly and in a coordinated effort to hit at least 1000 targets within a very short time frame would have a opposite effect. If it were just a hand full here and there it would give the media martyrs to play the sympathy game to the hilt.. Best thing to weed these revolutionarys out would be the Penoche approach. Just make the loudest voices causing the most trouble fall off the face of the Earth. I'm sure our alphabet soup agencies already has a list and a fleet of black vans waiting for the order to make it happen.
Penoche disappeared fewer than 10,000 Maoists. It saved at a minimum 30% of Chiles population from the same fate the people of Cambodia. If this nonsense continues to the point where these Ethno Marxists gain power in our country the ensuring chaos will rival Mao and Stalin's count in casualties. I am certain there are a few powerful people very aware of this scenario
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

I would agree. But they surrendered. AMERICANS will not. Plus we are armed to the teeth and Americans are looking for a fight. A chance to go against these SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS.

There is an innate hate for anything on American soil that attempts to steal our freedom. Even the blue collar DEMOCRATS have no use for these traitors. We have the blood of our forefathers running through our veins. We were born to fight. Not lay down and die.

A unconventional warfare is designed to cause as much havoc, fear, destruction and death as possible. Until the enemy basically figures out it's not worth it. Just like Russia did in Afghanistan and the UNITED STATES in VIETNAM.

Unfortunately the UNITED STATES in Afghanistan now. You can not beat an ARMY fighting a unconventional warfare. Because there is no central command. No top leader, no main base. It's really unorganized warfare based on a loosely organized network.

You mentioned martyrs. Hey the SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY can have all the martyrs they want. If they attempt to over throw the UNITED STATES and the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS. The AMERICAN PEOPLE are in the martyr making business for COMMUNIST and SOCIALISM. That want American soil.

You try to erase our nation's history, founding fathers, destroy our CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS, turn AMERICA into a SOCIALIST nation. Then martyrs there will be.

United We Stand, Divided We Fall. That was used around 600 b.c. it rings as true if not truer today as it did then. We as a nation must remain UNITED as NATION or we will fall.

Our GOVERNMENT is not perfect. But it's the best in the world as far as most are concerned. We must protect it as a nation from those set on destroying her or AMERICA will cease to exist as a nation.

The SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY is AMERICA'S greatest threat since 1812 when the BRITISH tried to reclaim this AMERICA.

SOCIALIST enities are within our government now trying to undermine AMERICA and destroy her from within to gain absolute power over her. Starting by erasing our history including the birth of AMERICA.

This threat is growing more violent everyday. We've not heard anything from these SOCIALIST to quell these threats. Because they are backing them along with outside sources. They have big plans for AMERICA.

Yeah they might try to round up AMERICANS. But it will not be mostly AMERICANS doing the rounding up. It'll be outside forces. Trying to wearing blue helmets. Because most American soldiers have families here. That will not be spared by these EXTREMIST.

These ELECTED SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS have forgotten. They are nothing but ELECTED. WE THE PEOPLE hold the REAL POWER. We put them in office to represent this nation. They swore an OATH to protect and defend this nation. To uphold the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS.

If they betray that oath they swore to us WE THE PEOPLE. We can remove them and replace them.

Nothing is more Sacred to AMERICA than our CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS.
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by dammitgriff »

Tenzing_Norgay wrote:When people ask "How are you going to stop an F-16 with your silly little AR-15?", I tell them I'll go to the pilot's home and take out his/her entire family. That's how. Image
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Post by dammitgriff »

Firemedic2000 wrote:I would agree. But they surrendered. AMERICANS will not.

Nothing is more Sacred to AMERICA than our CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS.
The Constitution died in 1865. If Americans cared about it, we would have a much smaller and more fiscally restrained government today with a military focused solely on defensive missions close to home.
The first civil war’s outcome guaranteed the second one. The 21st century will not see America/the U.S. in a leading military or economic role, that privilege will transfer to the countries on the other side of the globe.
We better get used to a lower standard of living, because our debt-based way of life is about to come to an ugly end.
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Post by zeebaron »

dammitgriff wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 6:57 pm
Firemedic2000 wrote:I would agree. But they surrendered. AMERICANS will not.

Nothing is more Sacred to AMERICA than our CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS.
The Constitution died in 1865. If Americans cared about it, we would have a much smaller and more fiscally restrained government today with a military focused solely on defensive missions close to home.
The first civil war’s outcome guaranteed the second one. The 21st century will not see America/the U.S. in a leading military or economic role, that privilege will transfer to the countries on the other side of the globe.
We better get used to a lower standard of living, because our debt-based way of life is about to come to an ugly end.
The Civil War decided that "progress" was more important than following the rules. Every country a Brazil...
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

If that were so. Then why do you whining ass babies cry my guns and 2nd ADMENDMENT everytime I turn around, why do you cry about nfa laws

Anybody that believes that people do not believe in the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS anymore are morons.

It's just that THEY do not not believe anymore or are just to old to give a damn anymore.

Stop saying AMERICANS don't care and just admit you don't care
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by dammitgriff »

The Constitution never granted us the right to keep and bear arms, or any other rights or privileges, because we are are born with them. The Constitution was meant to limit the government’s scope and power over its citizens. Our duty was to hold the government accountable to the Constitution.
By any reasonable standard of measurement, we have failed to do so. That is a fact. I’m not happy about it, either.
The idiots in D.C. are working overtime with the idiots in the Eccles building to de-value our currency into worthless confetti, all but guaranteeing a dollar collapse as they load up the Fed’s balance sheet with unlawful purchases of private equities in an effort to save a bunch of Wall Street billionaires’ asses from massive losses.
If you haven’t noticed, we’re broke and insolvent. Our creditors are taking notice, and losing faith in the USD. When the bottom falls out, how is the mightiest nation that ever was supposed to pay the interest on our 26.5+ trillion dollar debt? With 40 million taxpayers out of work by government diktat? Or pay our volunteer military personnel to go abroad and chase paper tigers? Who would be dumb enough to lend us their support? It won’t fly anyway, because all other fiat currency in the world is tied to the USD...when it implodes, they all go. A new monetary system will be formed and we might not be invited to host the party this time.
We are totally screwed, but collectively way too dumb to recognize it. Yet.
But, yeah—‘merica!
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