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Post by Gregg »

My 2 cents worth:

The NRA is chartered as a Non-Profit Educational Organization in New York, and has a separate Non-Profit Charity chartered in New York.
The NRA's top management is rotten, and has been so for at least the last 25 years.
Wayne and his cronies have been bleeding the NRA dry for at least the last 10 years.
The board of directors are a joke, as they are all hand picked supporters of Wayne; whatever Wayne wants to do, Wayne gets to do with no opposition from the board.

The State of New York could revoke the NRA's charter (in effect dissolving the NRA), and/or revoke the tax free status.
The State of New York can also file legal criminal charges against Wayne and his top cronies for malfeasance, mismanagement of NRA funds and diversion of corporate funds for personal gain.
But the NRA is free to terminate it's New York Charter and recharter in another state (Florida and Texas come to mind).

But that would require a new charter, approved by it's voting membership, and Wayne and crew could (and likely would) loose their Piggy Bank.
That is why the NRA has not to date rechartered in another state.

Either way, the NRA is in deep trouble, and it is possible it will not survive.
The State of New York has unlimited funds to pile on the NRA with Legal Stuff, where the NRA has very limited funding to fight back.

Personally, I'll not give the NRA any money, until Wayne, his cronies and the entire Board resigns.
Then I (and I would assume), other members will attempt to pick up the pieces; recharter elsewhere, and rebuild the NRA under membership control.

Love him or hate him, Neil Knox warned the NRA Membership 25 plus years ago this was going to happen, but he was ignored.
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Post by pharmer »

Flame Red wrote: Fri Aug 07, 2020 8:38 am However, this action by the Soros controlled puppet is to stop the NRA from helping Trump's get out the vote in 90 days. If this bitch can disband the organization that is gravy for for the Demorats.
We have a winner as "Lucky Leo" would say on the boardwalk. And abandoning NRA in this time of crisis is blowing the bottom out of the boat because you want a new one. Joe
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Post by Wizard78 »

I am a Life-Patron member and have donated to the NRA for a long time since I haven't seen any other org. play out in court on many situations. EVERY org. spends $$$ for their board members and staff with salaries and travel and if anyone here believes otherwise, let's here it with names of organizations that don't. I get emails At least twice a week from NRA, telling of court battles and info on what BS legislation that is being proposed by politicians and who to call to attempt to block as they file court suits. If you want change in the Org. then be a member and VOTE out the ones you think are taking advantage! Make the phone calls. I'm sure there are members here that actually take part in voicing their concern on legislation and making the calls to our representatives but don't want to take time to respond when someone disparages the NRA. Who fought for us down here and sued when the new Ag. head, Nikki Fried was holding up applications and renewals? That is just ONE example that is close to home. Easy to type comments but what organization does everyone here support that does better? Even the GOA has just been a support group for NRA, not the spearhead. We even have members here that don't want to vote for Trump because of many reasons but I'm sure we ALL know he is the one of the two running for President that will NOT spearhead, taking our firearms away. We should always vote or be on the side of the person or organization that will do the least harm and the most good. I'm open to joining other orgs. than can help our 2nd amendment cause so let me know what's out there that is actively fighting the fight and let's join. I appreciate when posts tell of actions against our hobby/interests so we all become aware. It takes more than the NRA and GOA to fight for us, so who do YOU all belong to, or do you just want to complain? No one is going to listen unless you are a member and can vote for the best possible leadership. JMHO
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Orlando Paulitician
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Post by Orlando Paulitician »

Flame Red wrote: Fri Aug 07, 2020 8:38 am I understand the hate here for the NRA as they have sold us out on too many occasions.

However, this action by the Soros controlled puppet is to stop the NRA from helping Trump's get out the vote in 90 days. If this bitch can disband the organization that is gravy for for the Demorats.

Normally you go after the officers that committed the fraud. You don't disband the organization. If so, they would end up disbanding Planned Parenthood, The Clinton Foundation, United Way, and many others that were accused of similar problems. But this bitch is also would like to disband the organization and put it into receivership so she can dole the assets over to BLM or her other Libitard causes. So be careful what you wish for.
As if the crusty old white guys who still retain NRA membership won't be going to the polls to vote for their lord and savior Donald Trump without NRA directions.
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Post by lakelandman »

Everybody's got a plan until they get hit.
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Post by zeebaron »

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Post by Orlando Paulitician »

^as a former financial statement auditor, internal controls auditor, and current financial statement preparer, all of that tickles my inner policeman fancy.

Having worked on public company filings, the proper thing to do for officers of the companies I audited or worked for, were to disclose every business relationship, no matter how immaterial, that could impact their judgment on how they run their company. Oh a miniscule, indirect ownership in a micro-brewing company that sells maybe $50K worth of merchandise to the public company you run, that might only make you a couple hundred dollars in private equity returns? does not matter. Disclose it.
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Post by REDinFL »

"Not only avoid impropriety, but avoid even the appearance of impropriety." (the last phrase usually takes care of any grey area questions)

I was an auditor in a large bank, management internal controls, etc. The above was written policy. About the biggest gift one could accept was a pen.
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Post by P5 Guy »

Wizard78 wrote: Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:18 am I am a Life-Patron member and have donated to the NRA for a long time since I haven't seen any other org. play out in court on many situations. EVERY org. spends $$$ for their board members and staff with salaries and travel and if anyone here believes otherwise, let's here it with names of organizations that don't. I get emails At least twice a week from NRA, telling of court battles and info on what BS legislation that is being proposed by politicians and who to call to attempt to block as they file court suits. If you want change in the Org. then be a member and VOTE out the ones you think are taking advantage! Make the phone calls. I'm sure there are members here that actually take part in voicing their concern on legislation and making the calls to our representatives but don't want to take time to respond when someone disparages the NRA. Who fought for us down here and sued when the new Ag. head, Nikki Fried was holding up applications and renewals? That is just ONE example that is close to home. Easy to type comments but what organization does everyone here support that does better? Even the GOA has just been a support group for NRA, not the spearhead. We even have members here that don't want to vote for Trump because of many reasons but I'm sure we ALL know he is the one of the two running for President that will NOT spearhead, taking our firearms away. We should always vote or be on the side of the person or organization that will do the least harm and the most good. I'm open to joining other orgs. than can help our 2nd amendment cause so let me know what's out there that is actively fighting the fight and let's join. I appreciate when posts tell of actions against our hobby/interests so we all become aware. It takes more than the NRA and GOA to fight for us, so who do YOU all belong to, or do you just want to complain? No one is going to listen unless you are a member and can vote for the best possible leadership. JMHO

Well said, I wonder how much exaggeration the MSM puts on when talking about the NRA? Hyperbole makes a dull story much more ominous.
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Post by REDinFL »

I'll say this. Whatever the NRA's faults, whatever may be true about any of the staff, it's the concern of the members. The suit is clearly, obviously and blatantly a political tactic. It's so "in your face" it's obviously intended to intimidate. Divert funds, legal counsel, and yes demoralize membership. Anyone who normally might be influenced by NRA political actions likely will now distance themselves as NRA is now radioactive. Ordinary people who might otherwise be influenced by NRA ads likely won't even listen: "Oh, it's THEM." The left, using their press puppets did a lot of damage to the image of the NRA over the past few years, taking advantage of the tragedies to twist the narrative. It might just be best, over the long term, if the NRA changes state of charter, and possibly morphs into another organization, possibly joining with some. But that will take time, and does not address the current emergency - and, I do not think that too strong a word.

Politics always has been a dirty game, because it affords some real trash the opportunity to get their fingers into the pie. If one wants to play in the mud, then one needs also get dirty. I would suggest NRA immediately get in touch with some of the sleaziest investigators they can find, and get what they can on this creep as NYSAG, and smear her wide and frequently. Lousy way to do things? If you think so, you've fallen for the long con. Play decent, and the garbage will drag you down, "noble" but didn't survive.
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