BIDEN Email Scandal, Lack of Media Coverage?

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BIDEN Email Scandal, Lack of Media Coverage?

Post by MiamiOffshore »

I can't believe no one here has mentioned the Hunter Biden Email Scandal or the EVEN BIGGER SCANDAL Involving the mainstream media ignoring it and social media actively working to suppress the story?
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Flame Red
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Post by Flame Red »

Nothing to see here. Move along...

How dare you insult our President Elect, Kommieala! Soros MOB goons are being dispatched...

Hildabeast is outraged that Joe's family out earned her! Nice touch that the Big Guy got a taste of each relative's earnings. Family run like a true Mafia Don. Only difference is the MOB did not like Communists - bad for Business!

Donald best fire everyone in the FBI, and the Justice Department. Let g-d sort'em out. They knew and stood by and did NOTHING...

Ah that's one thing about our Flame, doesn't play any favorites! Flame hates everybody!
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Post by Lastrites »

National disgrace on just about all levels.
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Post by REDinFL »

The FBI is worse than useless. If they just sat on their asses, it would be bad enough. When (in other cases) they twist and manufacture evidence, that's a whole 'nother matter. If you think I'm being political with the last one, I wasn't referring to the beest case. Their highly vaunted and fabled LAB was caught fiddling evidence, and had been caught doing something similar a number of years ago.

We don't need them. For interstate issues, there is the US Marshal's service. Federal crimes? Ditto. Add more marshals. Good, non politicized oversight, and one is set. We don't need all these politically based empires, oops, I mean agencies.
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a Single Star.
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Post by dammitgriff »

Read this just this morning. Just another day in the USSA! ... -thirteen/

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Post by MadMan »

I'm starting to side with the folks who say Hunter aka Fredo Biden was being spiteful to his family, because they don't give him any respect.
You have to either be on crack or really stoopid to drop your computer off to get repaired with that sh!t on it.
Maybe he was sexually a used as a child.
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Post by Springfield »

MadMan wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 6:44 pm You have to either be on crack or ....
You saw the NY Post photo of Hunter with a crack pipe at his mouth, right?
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

MiamiOffshore wrote: Fri Oct 16, 2020 11:57 pm I can't believe no one here has mentioned the Hunter Biden Email Scandal or the EVEN BIGGER SCANDAL Involving the mainstream media ignoring it and social media actively working to suppress the story?
Thanks you just did it for us :P
Seriously it's hugh but wake me when somebody is actually held accountable for it.
Remember there are laws for them and laws for us. NOTHING will happen to them. But if it were you or I we'd already be locked up in jail.

You know...kinda like laws for ANTIFA and BLM and us that are arrested and charged when we defend ourselves when attacked or threatened by them.

But to be fair the second part is location oriented. Like as in to areas controlled by SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS POLITICIANS.

Who knows maybe all of this will change one day and the LAW will be applied equally. ;)
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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