Biden's plan to gut the Second Amendment

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Biden's plan to gut the Second Amendment

Post by Odessaman »

If you haven't read Biden's plan to attack, restrict and remove our Second Amendment rights, you need to. It will show you the importance of this election like nothing else can. If Biden/Harris take the White House, the left gains a majority in the Senate and holds onto the House, and then they all move together to pack the Supreme Court with left wing justices, there will be nothing to stop them from steamrolling our rights.

Just a sampling of his anti-gun policies from his campaign website include:

Ban the manufacture of "assault weapons" and "high capacity magazines." Here's an actual quote from Biden's policy: "Federal law prevents hunters from hunting migratory game birds with more than three shells in their shotgun. That means our federal law does more to protect ducks than children." Really. Not kidding. They're serious. That's their rationale.

Make ownership of existing "assault weapons" and "high capacity magazines" subject to registration under the National Firearms Act. Good luck with that, Joe - ask Connecticut how registration's working for them.

Limit all firearms purchases to one per month. Allegedly, to combat "weapon stockpiling." Because anything more than one is "stockpiling."

Reinstating the Obama policy that requires Social Security Administration to advise the NICS system whenever someone is deemed to need assistance managing their affairs, and prohibit them from owning or acquiring firearms. Because that could never be abused, right?

Enact legislation to prohibit persons convicted of misdemeanor "hate crimes" or those who have received an enhanced sentence for a misdemeanor due to "hate or bias in its commission" from gun ownership. What do you think - will Republicans now be charged with hate or bias if their alleged victim is a Democrat? Certainly, it will be a one-way street when this is actually applied.

Universal background checks. Because you need some way of tracking gun owners so you can enforce compliance.

End online sales - period. Here's the quote from the website: "Biden will enact legislation to prohibit all online sales of firearms, ammunition, kits, and gun parts." So long, Midway, Brownells, Numrich, etc.

Incentivize states to pass "Red Flag Laws." Again, because those already in place have never been abused, right?

Read the entire manifesto here:

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Post by dammitgriff »

Any such un-Constitutional laws and regulations flowing down from the federal level of government still has to pass every state’s own legislative body to become law.
I’m hoping that Americans in every state will be motivated at long last to demand their state representatives block any and all un-Constitutional directives from the rogue authoritarians in Congress.
That’s how it’s supposed to work. And once Americans understand our national government is bankrupt and therefore cannot possibly continue to provide funding to every state, the federal government’s threats to withhold state funding will be entirely empty of merit.
Our states will have to stand firm and tell our drunk and insolvent Uncle Sam to go hell, and we will keep our money—and our firearms—inside the states, where they belong. The money-laundering days of Washington, D.C. are rapidly coming to an end, whether anyone likes it or not.
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Post by flcracker »

dammitgriff wrote: Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:37 pm Any such un-Constitutional laws and regulations flowing down from the federal level of government still has to pass every state’s own legislative body to become law.
Either you and I took different kinds of Civics classes in junior high school, or I have been asleep since I became aware of the federal lawmaking process.

Since when have new federal laws been subject to a vote of approval by individual states' legislative bodies?

Maybe I'm missing/misunderstanding something in your statement.... 🤔
....and some rin up hill and down dale, knapping the chucky stanes to pieces wi' hammers, like sae mony road-makers run daft - they say it is to see how the warld was made!
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Post by dammitgriff »

They didn’t examine the 10th Amendment in detail in your government education system?
Imagine that.
The purpose of the Constitution is to establish our government and to limit it. The powers granted by the Constitution to the national government in D.C. are few and limited, while the powers of the individual states are broad and unlimited.
What has happened since April, 1861 is a total coup against the limiting power of our Constitution. The tail is wagging the dog.
Individual states need to rediscover and reclaim their power over the ‘federal’ government if this nation has any hope of surviving the socialist idealogical wave crashing over our shores. Reversing the flow of power from top to bottom is the only way to achieve a return to individual rights and liberty. The current method has obviously failed. Individual states have the Constitutional authority to nullify federal laws. In other words, to return to federalism, as clearly written and intended by the men who founded the United States.
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Post by Springfield »

dammitgriff wrote: Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:37 pm And once Americans understand our national government is bankrupt and therefore cannot possibly continue to provide funding to every state, the federal government’s threats to withhold state funding will be entirely empty of merit.
States are not allowed to print money but the Fed is, has, and won't stop. That's why you see stocks and gold both going up at the same time - it's not magical levitation, it's the relative dilution of the dollar as more are printed. Many insolvent states like CA, NY, and NJ view their insolvency as the Fed's obligation to cover, since they can't print money. With Dems in office, the Fed certainly will.
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Post by dammitgriff »

Fiat currency is un-Constitutional. It is legalized counterfeiting.
Our nation’s money was clearly defined in the Constitution.
ETA: While it is true the Federal Reserve will not stop printing/creating USD’s out of thin air, the rest of the world that holds the USD in their foreign exchange reserve accounts will stop holding it. Global de-dollarization is already well underway, and continues to accelerate as D.C. continues to weaponize the dollar and the global financial system.
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Post by REDinFL »

dammitgriff wrote: Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:37 pm Any such un-Constitutional laws and regulations flowing down from the federal level of government still has to pass every state’s own legislative body to become law.
I’m hoping that Americans in every state will be motivated at long last to demand their state representatives block any and all un-Constitutional directives from the rogue authoritarians in Congress.
That’s how it’s supposed to work. And once Americans understand our national government is bankrupt and therefore cannot possibly continue to provide funding to every state, the federal government’s threats to withhold state funding will be entirely empty of merit.
Our states will have to stand firm and tell our drunk and insolvent Uncle Sam to go hell, and we will keep our money—and our firearms—inside the states, where they belong. The money-laundering days of Washington, D.C. are rapidly coming to an end, whether anyone likes it or not.
No, federal laws, and especially regulations from the various departments and agencies do not have to pass state legislatures. You may be thinking of the doctrine of "nullification", in which a State can make null and void any federal law which it believes to be unconstitutional (US Constitution). This is not set in law but put forth by State legislatures. Notable examples stem from South Carolina in/around 1828, and in the 1850s, one of the factors leading to the War Between the Confederacy and Union.

The 10th Amendment states: "Powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the States by it, are reserved to the States, or to the people. So, the Federal government is supposed to be limited, but crook politicians and their funders and string pullers, and get an amendment to the Constitution passed. That's probably what you were thinking of, suggesting the states have a say over federal laws. Any Amendments have to be passed by 3/4 of the states, IIRC (doing this off the top of my aging head) in order to become effective. So, if the Feds want to change the original provisions, get an Amendment through, couched in the appropriate lies and window dressing. That's how we got an income tax; direct election of Senators basically pulled all the power out from under the States.
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a Single Star.
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Post by dammitgriff »

Again, here is the confusion over who holds the power over whom.
It is the individual states, not Washington, D.C..
But you have to admit there are a lot of “what ifs:” ... government
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Post by 45caldan »

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Post by REDinFL »

Interesting. A clear course to nullification, especially of executive whim orders. But, it underscores the "One election away...." principle. Hence, the "Bonnie Blue."

Potential future events if biden and harris become dictators: enlarge and pack the Supreme Court (if the House stays democrat, and the Senate swings democrat, or just RINO), dictate legislation through the House and Senate, the new packed SCOTUS reverses Heller. Then the fun begins.
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a Single Star.
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