Sheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clearwater shooting fits 'Stand Your Ground'

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Post by jjk308 »

Ranting A-hole #1 gets knocked down by A-hole #2 who stands over him. A-hole #2 gets shot dead by A-hole #1.

This was a legitimate shoot... BUT that does not excuse Mr. "I am the handicapped parking space enforcer" from being a jerk instead of calling the cops, taking a picture as recommended above.

Reminds me of a Robert Heinlein quote which we seem to have forgotten after too many years of severe RKBA restrictions: "An armed society is a polite society."
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Post by S&W collector »

Taco wrote: Fri Jul 20, 2018 10:57 pm It's interesting. The disparity of force and all... It's an old man who was viciously thrown to the ground with the attacker standing over him, well within further attacking distance.

Would you say he would be guilty of aggravated assault for drawing his firearm in that situation? I haven't seen anyone say that yet. If he had enough reason to draw, does he not have enough to shoot? The attacker may not have made another move forward, but he didn't seem to take one back either until after the shot. It wasn't a movie standoff, it happened really fast.

I'm not saying it was right. I agree the video looks really bad at first, but I think it's close if you step back and think about it.
I was thinking this too. But I thought I read he was 47 that's not an old man.
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Post by FfNJGTFO »

What's curious to me, though is why GUaltieri is calling it a "Stand Your Ground" case...

I have to wonder if this is part of a "back door" plan on his part to get the SYG law overturned.... :o
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Post by P5 Guy »

Sheriff Bob hates private gun ownership as much as the guys he replaced Coats and Rice.
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Post by zeebaron »

FfNJGTFO wrote: Sat Jul 21, 2018 8:54 am I have to wonder if this is part of a "back door" plan on his part to get the SYG law overturned.... :o
Or at least amended.
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Post by Cubanstang50 »

At the end of the day we all can agree that most likely we here would not have pulled a gun. Having said that, we are no body to interpret what he feels is a threat to his life. The other thing that gets people jammed up is that just cause you "can" and have the statue on your side doesnt mean you should. Just my 2c.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Just watched video. That's a tough call. Was the man attacked.....yes. Could it be assumed by a reasonable person by the harshness of the attack that the victim feared if he got up he'd be attacked again. Yes.......really looking at video the victim was lucky he did not suffer severe injury from being knocked to the concrete so violently.

After being attacked so violently like that could a prudent person at that moment in time with the man still standing there waiting for him to get up be in fear of his life or great bodily harm. Yes.

If we FOLLOW Florida Law then we must find this man justified in defending himself. He was violently attacked. Plus the prosecution MUST prove guilt. That is if the prosecutor wants to go after this man.

The man DOES NOT have to prove his innocient. That is how the law should work. Remember innocient until proven guilty. Prosecutors absolutely HATE this law because it means they have to work now, actually do their jobs.

Remember before this law you had to PROVE your innocence.

Do I agree with this shoot. Yes and no. But the law is the law and he was attacked. The law says you must believe you are in fear of death or great bodily harm. It does not say that you or I watching a video must be.

Furthermore there's no sound. We do not know what was said to the victim after he was violently knocked to the concrete pavement. For all we know the attacker could have said he was going to kill the victim.

Who knows and of coarse the woman is going to make him out to be an angel. The victim should have complained to the store owner and minded his own business. But how many of us have said things or blown our horns at people in a parking lot because they were to us doing something we conceived as wrong.

Both the victim and attacker were wrong here and one paid with his life for being stupid by touching the other. The attacker...... bottom line had zero rights to lay a finger on the man for pointing out that the driver was parking in a handicap spot. He should have said F off and left.
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Post by P5 Guy »

The guy mouthing off because the handicap parking spot was taken by an able-bodied, I get the point but he was not assigned as parking lot monitor for the day. Just MYOB and you won't get pushed to the ground by big bad boyfriends.

Sheriff Bob certainly has a nefarious plan to end SYG.
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Post by Tenzing_Norgay »

His big mouth started it. Based on previous reports, he used his gun before to back-up his hummingbird ass. Guilty.

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Post by ABOC »

One asshole is dead and the other will likely be charged by the state attorney.
Like the theater case, this shooting just made the world a better place...
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