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Post by Miami_JBT »

With the 2021 legislative session officially kicked off, what exactly is going on in Tallahassee, you ask?

Oh, the usual except that the Capitol is closed to the public and no one can come inside unless they have a scheduled appointment. So, with that, Senate President Wilton Simpson and House Speaker Chris Sprowls are laughing as they run their legislative dictatorships.

You ask, what happens if you do get into the Capitol? Well, good luck getting into the Senate side!

These signs were posted at every access point to the Senate Office Building.

The Senate Sergeant at Arms Office under the direction of the Senate President has posted these signs along all the entrances to the Senate Office Building, and they are actually manned. No one can cross over unless they are senators or their staff. Guests cannot even be escorted by senators or staff.

Sen. Simpson thinks the pandemic is a positive benefit for lawmakers. He let it slip while on The Florida Channel of what he thinks of us.
“I think we’re going to be a whole lot more productive,” Sen. Simpson said. “And it’s kind of nice, right? It’s kind of like, ‘Hey, this way it should be.’ Does anybody have a problem with 25 lobbyists not piled up in your office? This is going to be a very productive session with all the leeches outside. I mean, not the leeches. Leaves outside.”
The House side is “open,” and I say this in quotation marks for a reason. You can’t actually go around and visit various lawmakers like in previous years.

Officially, all you can do is visit the lawmaker you have an appointment with. Once done, you must leave their office and exist the Capitol.

So much for the State Capitol being the building of the people where they can directly meet and speak with their lawmakers. It appears that those in power seem to forget they work for us, not the other way around.

So on Wednesday, I had my scheduled meetings. I met with Rep. Anthony Sabatini again to discuss how his bills are going and what uphill battles they’re facing.

I also met with Rep. Kaylee Tuck to discuss her bill, HB 1205 - Protection of Constitutional Firearms Rights. It is a bill that would go after any state, county or municipal law enforcement officer or government official who enforces federal gun control in Florida.

GOA FL Director meeting with Rep. Kaylee Tuck to discuss HB 1205.

Afterwards, I made sure to let the leadership know where GOA and its members stand on the Second Amendment-related legislation.

As I was leaving the Capitol per the tyrannical rules of the House Speaker and Senate President, I made sure to swing by a few offices and leave them a friendly reminder on what legislation they should support as I made my way towards the exit.


The notices said that legislators should support the following bills:

*Constitutional carry (HB 123)
*Making state and local law enforcement personally responsible if they enforce federal gun control (HB 1205)
*Campus carry (HB 6001)
*Repealing the ban on gun and ammunition sales during declared states of emergencies (HB 6005)
*Repealing the post Parkland gun control passed in 2018 (HB 6083) – a bill that would repeal the under 21 purchase ban, the red flag law, and the mandatory three-day waiting period.

So, with that, we end this report. But remember folks.

Gun Owners of America has pledged and sworn to defend the Constitution, but we can’t do it without you. We are simply an instrument to amplify your voice in Tallahassee.

So, join GOA by going to https://donate.gunowners.org/join/

Remember, friend, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Be loud, be proud, and be ACTIVE.
Last edited by Miami_JBT on Thu Mar 04, 2021 11:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
Communism - 20th Century Mass Murder Champions
R.I.P. Edward Avila - AR15.COM Founder
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Post by TACC »

Great job, doing the work for us, thanks again

Keep us posted on any changes.

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Post by Captain Steinbrenner »

Thank you Sir.

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Post by MiamiOffshore »

Thank you [mention]Miami_JBT[/mention] !
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Post by tector »

Good luck, sir!
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Post by ADulay »

Thank you very much for the update.

It is appreciated for sure.

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Post by Obiwan »

Excellent work!

I've been in contact with my S. Fl senator and rep regarding what I've seen and the bills that I'd like supported and co-sponsored. I figure that if I contact their offices at least weekly then they might "get the message".
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Post by Miami_JBT »

I spoke with Rep. Bryd, chairman of the Criminal Justice Subcommittee. The very committee where Constitutional Carry is currently parked. Rep. Byrd informed me that he is under instructions fron House Speaker Sprowls to not place that bill on the agenda and not have a debate or vote for it.

Rep. Hawkins informed me yesterday that he wants to cosponsor the bill, but if he does, the House Speaker will kill his bills. Hawkins informed me that this is happening to every Republican in the House right now.

We have 102 Republicans in the House and Senate here in Florida. Reelecting Anti-Gun Republicans to those seats does nothing for the Second Amendment. Why is it that there are only five, FIVE PRO-GUN BILLS but the Democrats have over fifteen anti-gun bills? With 102 Republicans, we should have a smorgasbord of pro-gun legislation.

The biggest goal on the state level is Constitutional Carry. Nothing else matters in regards to gun rights. We get Constitutional Carry and everything else is easily accessible afterwards.

Rubio wants to strip you of your rights without even due process via a court.

Scott already did that on the state level by signing SB 7026 into law.

DeSantis wants to win 2022? He should use his office as a bully pulpit and push the Speaker of the House to not block Constitutional Carry. That'd really win him some points in thr formerly known Gunshine State.
Communism - 20th Century Mass Murder Champions
R.I.P. Edward Avila - AR15.COM Founder
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Post by MiamiOffshore »

Miami_JBT wrote: Thu Mar 04, 2021 9:31 pm
DeSantis wants to win 2022? He should use his office as a bully pulpit and push the Speaker of the House to not block Constitutional Carry. That'd really win him some points in thr formerly known Gunshine State.
How can we get him to see things that way?
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Post by TACC »

Miami_JBT wrote:I spoke with Rep. Bryd, chairman of the Criminal Justice Subcommittee. The very committee where Constitutional Carry is currently parked. Rep. Byrd informed me that he is under instructions fron House Speaker Sprowls to not place that bill on the agenda and not have a debate or vote for it.

Rep. Hawkins informed me yesterday that he wants to cosponsor the bill, but if he does, the House Speaker will kill his bills. Hawkins informed me that this is happening to every Republican in the House right now.

We have 102 Republicans in the House and Senate here in Florida. Reelecting Anti-Gun Republicans to those seats does nothing for the Second Amendment. Why is it that there are only five, FIVE PRO-GUN BILLS but the Democrats have over fifteen anti-gun bills? With 102 Republicans, we should have a smorgasbord of pro-gun legislation.

The biggest goal on the state level is Constitutional Carry. Nothing else matters in regards to gun rights. We get Constitutional Carry and everything else is easily accessible afterwards.

Rubio wants to strip you of your rights without even due process via a court.

Scott already did that on the state level by signing SB 7026 into law.

DeSantis wants to win 2022? He should use his office as a bully pulpit and push the Speaker of the House to not block Constitutional Carry. That'd really win him some points in thr formerly known Gunshine State.
So what has to happen for this guy to see the light?

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