Have Gov. DeSantis to call for a Special Session for Pro-Gun Bills!

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Have Gov. DeSantis to call for a Special Session for Pro-Gun Bills!

Post by Miami_JBT »

Demand that Gov. DeSantis calls for a special session to discuss Constitutional Carry and Second Amendment Sanctuary legislation.

Right now, the Republicans have killed good pro-gun legislation again and what's worse, they're willing to do a special session for sports betting but not for Constitutional matters like Floridians being able to exercise their inalienable right.

Send Gov. DeSantis an email demanding a pro-gun special session by clicking this link.


We’re a bit upset with Rep. Byrd. Why? Because back on March 17, Rep. Byrd said that, as the chair of the House’s Criminal Justice & Public Safety Subcommittee, he will not bring HB 123 (Constitutional Carry) up for a vote in his committee since it does not have a Senate companion bill.

Yet, Gov. Ron DeSantis’ pet project, the Anti-Riot bill (HB 1) had no Senate companion bill, and yet Rep. Byrd brought it up for a vote in his committee. In fact, Byrd’s committee was the first one that had to pass HB 1. And guess what happened? HB 1 passed Rep. Byrd’s committee and all the other ones in the House and Senate.

It was signed by Gov. DeSantis (R) on April 19.

So why the anger?

Simple, we were lied to.

At first, Rep. Byrd stated on February 10 that he might bring up HB 123 at the half way point of the session. When that didn’t happen, I asked him and he gave us the answer of there being no companion bill.

The thing is, no legislation needs a companion bill to move forward!

HB 1 this session showed that, and so did SB 7026 (the Parkland Shooting Gun Control bill) which passed in 2018 by the Republican-controlled legislature and which was signed into law by then Republican Governor Rick Scott.

Florida’s Republicans are acting like Disney World. They put a lot and effort into the special effects and costumes to make a world of make-believe seem real.

If they want a bill to move forward, it moves forward. So why is it that PRO-GUN LEGISLATION does not move forward? It’s because they really don’t have the will to do so right now.

That’s why it’s imperative that they hear from us. In fact, we need to urge Gov. DeSantis spend his political capital this spring, summer, and fall in calling for a special legislative session. Under the State Constitution, the Governor can request a special session of whatever issue he deems important.

As gun owners and voters, our gun rights are important. As such, we must demand that Gov. DeSantis call for a special session to have solid Constitutional Carry bill and a true Second Amendment Sanctuary bill to be heard and voted on.

In 2019, the Democrats tried to call for a special session to pass gun control. (Thankfully, the Republican legislature voted it down.) But why isn’t the legislature, which is overwhelmingly Republican, supporting a special session to advance pro-gun bills?

As your State Director, I amplify your voices at the Capitol, and I monitor and keep abreast of what is happening in the legislature. And you can bet that I will be monitoring what happens with this.

But I cannot do it alone.

As gun owners, you must be loud, proud, and ACTIVE! Make noise!

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Post by Odessaman »

Come on, folks - it's easy. There is a link with a ready-made template, which you can send as-is, or edit as you see fit, as I've done below:
As a life-long Republican, and law-abiding resident of Florida -- who supports the right of people to own, carry and use firearms for any lawful purpose -- I am respectfully requesting that you call the legislature into a special session. As you are no doubt aware, Article III, Section 3 of the Florida Constitution specifically allows special legislative sessions.

The purpose of the special session would be to enact a Constitutional Carry law and a law declaring Florida to be a "Second Amendment Sanctuary," so that state and local police will not enforce Federal gun laws, which infringe on my rights to keep AND bear arms, pursuant to the Florida Constitution and the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. Both of these important reasons for the special session would bring Florida into compliance with Article 1, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution and the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

Twenty States have passed Constitutional Carry legislation, Forty-Five States have passed Open Carry legislation, six states have passed Second Amendment Sanctuary legislation. Florida has always been considered protective of gun-owners' rights, which is why I fully expected our state to be among those states standing up to federal infringement of those rights, especially in light of the lawlessness and rioting being tolerated and even promoted by those on the left who refuse to recognize the right of the people to be secure in their persons and property.

And yet under Republican leadership, our legislature has run roughshod over gun owners' rights. This past session, we had a number of good pro-gun bills, and NOT ONE of them passed out of their original chamber! Some of these committees were the very same ones that passed your “anti-riot” bill, HB 1.

Rep. Cord Byrd (R) said that he would not bring up for a vote HB 123, the Constitutional Carry bill, since it did not have a Senate Companion bill. Yet HB 1 had no Senate companion bill and that bill was brought up for a vote and passed all committees and both chambers -- ultimately reaching your desk for your signature. While that bill may be a good "optic" for the politically ambitious, it lacks important substantive protections for individual rights that I expect out of my elected representatives - particularly those in my own party.

We are now passing a decade of seeing Republican legislative leadership sidelining and blocking pro-gun legislation that would truly protect or expand my gun rights.

Enough is enough. No one remains in power forever, and as we've seen in Washington, when the pendulum of power swings, it often does so with the force of a wrecking ball - and the same can happen in Florida.

Gov. DeSantis, please call the legislature into a special session to vote on Constitutional Carry and a Second Amendment Sanctuary bill.

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Post by Springfield »

Nice template, only edited a little to make it mine. I always try to add or edit the first sentence, so it doesn't look like just another robo e-mail.

DeSantis just called a special session for Seminole gambling, so at least we know he's willing to call a special session . . .
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Post by MiamiOffshore »

Done! Come on people now is the time to act!
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Post by TACC »

Done great job.

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Post by tector »

Done. Good luck to us.
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Post by jr81452 »

Done. Not that I expect much from the platitude brigade.
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