Mass shootings

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Post by REDinFL »

There are three kinds of lies: Lies; damned lies; and then there's statistics.

- Mark Twain
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Post by MiamiOffshore »

3 people or more involved is a "mass shooting" that's a very low bar and very deceptive. They are bending the facts, meanings and definitions to manufacture the problem for which they have "the solution".
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Post by Flame Red »

ss1 wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:56 am “Domestic Terrorism” is now our greatest threat according to the socialists. They lump mass shootings, racial targeting, white supremacy into the term Domestic Terrorism. Yes they are going to make the leap and call gun control a tool to combat domestic terrorism. They are calling culling social media of objectionable material, combating domestic terrorism. It’s odd how everyone was screaming Orwellian Totalitarism with Trump yet the brainwashing and rewriting history has never been more rampant.
^ I agree. The pieces of the puzzles is starting to come together. During Covid - the Libitards empty the prisons of violent "oppressed" people, murders, rapists, violent gang bangers. Now they have lots of room for the new class of political prisoners the new "domestic terrorists" - the converatives, or even Demorats that might question the Kommunists.

Our Kommies learned their lessons well from Lenin and Stalin.
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Post by GreyShark »

Left wing extremists are hell-bent on destroying our culture and society so they can build a new one based on their Marxist ideology. They don't care who or what they burn to accomplish that, in fact since their goal is destruction it all serves their purposes. Do they have sleeper cells and Manchurian candidates or whatever? I don't know. They do absolutely foment division and blind hatred and their constant bs narratives about police genocide did lead to at least one person murdering something like half a dozen leo's last year(somebody here probably remembers the details of that case). Other than that Taco had it right, spin spin spin any way they can to make it useful to their goals. Something most people don't understand is that Marxists literally reject logic and evidence contrary to their assumptions, that's what all their various "critical theories" and "non-linear thinking" is about. It shocked the hell out of me and I can't fathom how anybody could think that way but you can go to their online communities and read it in their own words.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Why is it when DEMOCRATS occupy the White House does more mass shootings happen. Simple question.

I got it. Maybe their left wing shill mothers keep them locked in the basement till then. Then let them go to push an adgenda. Like getting guns banned. Just kidding on that one :lol:

No one would never publically call for the murder of white people because we are their oppressors either. Gang shootings are only make believe because they are oppressed people venting their oppressed feelings,

Online posts on social media by people saying they want to kill people are never followed upon too. Well maybe after they commit the murders they follow up. But why let a good mass shooter go to waste and not let it happen to further an adgenda. Why is it that our great intelligence agencies seem to know about these shooters in advance and do nothing until after they've murdered.

Honestly I'm waiting for the next ISLAMIC terrorists attack with these open boarders. But it will be swept under the rug as a domestic attack by radical right wing extremist or some other nonsense. Can't let ISLAM push the narrative of white domestic threats against America out of this administration's limelight.

Americans who will not accept their rule must be dealt along with the right wing mass murders. Guns must be banned to protect.......who :? Those living in fear of the people maybe.
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Post by Taco »

Firemedic2000 wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 4:58 pm Why is it when DEMOCRATS occupy the White House does more mass shootings happen. Simple question.
Simple answer- There isn't any noticeable correlation in either dataset I've seen that ties to presidential party. The increasing frequency you're noticing is related to the change in definition and the increased media advertising of such events in an effort to forward their agenda. Why is there limited advertising during gun-friendly executive branches? They understand the risk of apathy with making things routine, so you get a reprieve to not overwhelm the limited info crowd they need to move public opinion, so they save it until they feel they are more likely to get traction.

Our best defense, as I keep saying, is to get guns into responsible people's hands in communities that may have no experience, or only negative experience with one. What we need is a friendly voice at the kitchen table who can speak up from experience, that gun owners are friendly- not criminals, shooting is a super fun sport, guns are tools that save a lot of lives, guns aren't an unsafe deamons that goes off randomly, and AR's aren't full auto nuclear rocket launchers.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Taco wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:41 pm
Firemedic2000 wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 4:58 pm Why is it when DEMOCRATS occupy the White House does more mass shootings happen. Simple question.
Simple answer- There isn't any noticeable correlation in either dataset I've seen that ties to presidential party. The increasing frequency you're noticing is related to the change in definition and the increased media advertising of such events in an effort to forward their agenda. Why is there limited advertising during gun-friendly executive branches? They understand the risk of apathy with making things routine, so you get a reprieve to not overwhelm the limited info crowd they need to move public opinion, so they save it until they feel they are more likely to get traction.

Our best defense, as I keep saying, is to get guns into responsible people's hands in communities that may have no experience, or only negative experience with one. What we need is a friendly voice at the kitchen table who can speak up from experience, that gun owners are friendly- not criminals, shooting is a super fun sport, guns are tools that save a lot of lives, guns aren't an unsafe deamons that goes off randomly, and AR's aren't full auto nuclear rocket launchers.
I see you've not changed one bit :lol: I missed you. Your about half right. I feel the nuts just come out when dems are occupying our capital
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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