So how exactly is our government better and more honorable than Mafia/Organized crime syndicates?

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So how exactly is our government better and more honorable than Mafia/Organized crime syndicates?

Post by Firemedic2000 »

CIA/NSA are behind a lot of the strange coincidences and manipulate public perception with orchestrated psyops.
IRS threatens working class people with Imprisonment and or deadly force if they don't pay "taxes" which is another word for protection payments like Extortion.
FBI threatens anyone who questions election results and are looking for Capital visitors that were there on Jan 6 and classifies them as extremists and harasses them with investigations and search warrants trying to find evidence to ruin them.
ATF or as I call them AFT are on an aggressive power trip to change rulings that have been legal for a long time and are trying to make pistol braces illegal in most configurations to have more people to prosecute and enforce NFA laws with vigor that is unconstitutional to begin with.
DEA is looking for drug offenders even small time pot growers to ruin even though they harm no one.
Border Patrol/ICE have been delegitimatized and bound and gagged by this regime because they want more illegals here to ruin this country.
Secret Service is probably one of the only legitimate and honorable service left that is not a politicized weapon regime uses.
The rest are more of the same.
I almost see no difference in fact in a lot of ways our government is worse than Cartels and Mafias because they try to play off as the good guy and in the background scheme and plot our doom with help from foreign hostile nations aka China.

In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Flame Red
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Post by Flame Red »

It started with the Obomination Image as he weaponized the bureaucracies and now the Kommies-in-charge will finish by creating more and more agencies that are unconstitutional and weaponizing the rest.

The Donald had it correct that the Deep State was running things, and they wanted him out by any means necessary. But even he could not get it under control.

Our tax $ are collected with a gun to our heads and feed the Deep State to make it bigger and bigger. They get more and more bene's and pensions with COLAs while the rest of the jobs go overseas and pensions in the private section are gone (like mine was just stolen). Soon, all that will be left is Gooberment, and contractors that service them. And will will all be subservient, on the Gooberment Dole, just like most are in Europe and GB.

I don't know the fix, but whatever the fix is, it will be ugly.
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Post by jimmac »

I am glad I'm 82 and not 22 :D
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Post by pharmer »

Operationally they are identical. .Gov and the Mafia threaten your safety if you don't give them what they want and will send men with guns to take it and kill you if you resist. Difference is .Gov has the "full weight of the official apparatus/law enforcement" to accomplish their goals, not just brutality. Joe
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Post by Flame Red »

You know, watching the Libiturd business news today covering the Fed Chair testimony to the Senate made me realize that not even Tony Soprano could have come up with the scam going on since the Obomination Image was large and in-charge. The Fed has bought all the T-bills that the gooberment could electronically issue for trillions of $ to enable more federal spending and depressing interest rates so low so that all the federal tax dollars that the IRS gestapo collects would not go entirely to interest only.

Now that there is a Ricco act of a criminal enterprise! :lol: At least until it blows up.

Could not watch it as the politicians, especially the Kalifornia and other Libitards Kongress critters make me vomit. They are not qualified even to clean public rest rooms.
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Post by SteyrAUG »

There is an old joke, "What is the difference between government and the mafia?"

At least the mafia has the decency to use a gun when they extort protection money from you.
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