Hey you Deplorables, here comes your Mark of the Beast

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Hey you Deplorables, here comes your Mark of the Beast

Post by tector »

Revelation 13:17

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

You will be woke, or you will be cast out of the emerging economy.

https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/get-re ... o-buy-list
“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”
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Post by dammitgriff »

…and/or face-diapered.

CDC releases study showing 3/4 Delta cases are among the vaccinated, says masks are the answer -
https://www.rt.com/usa/530741-cdc-vacci ... udy-masks/
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Post by Iosef »

Well, my refusal to have a paypal account isn't religious, political nor racist. I simply don't trust any corporation enough to give it access to my bank account, which paypal demanded when I checked them out a decade or so ago.

From what I've read, most personal data leaks are from employees copying and selling customer data, rather than outside hackers breaking through the company's computer security.

My 70+ years of interacting with people has me firmly convinced that 999 out of 1,000 people simply can not be trusted. If paypal was only one person, then there is a miniscule possibility that it might be worthy of my trust. Since it has far more than just one person in the company, it can't possibly be trustworthy.
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Post by Flame Red »

Perhaps I should reconcider my stance of BitCoin - and just go underground.

Bad enough that the Fed Reserve is creating the next great crash. Goobernment is the enemy of the finance. The Fed has totally bought into the WOKE agenda, and they are now considering Climate Change, BLM, and all the other SHIT in their policies. Remember Eisenhower's Military Industrial Complex? Now we have the Federal Reserve exclusively buying all T-Bills. The Kongress just spends all they want and the Fed adds zeros to the Fed Debt. So this makes perfect sense to next exclude anyone "Domestic Terrorist" conservative from the financial system.
Ah that's one thing about our Flame, doesn't play any favorites! Flame hates everybody!
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Post by dammitgriff »

Economic warfare has come home to roost in America.
We deserve what we vote for, is all there is to say about this.
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Post by tector »

dammitgriff wrote: Sun Aug 01, 2021 8:09 pm Economic warfare has come home to roost in America.
We deserve what we vote for, is all there is to say about this.
If the majority of fellow citizens go full commie we may get economic warfare, but I am not sure how many of us here deserve it.
“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”
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Post by dammitgriff »

Judging by the covid communism of the last year and a half, it doesn’t take a majority of citizens to force their will upon the rest of us.
We’re definitely reaping a banquet of consequences for allowing our *elected* representatives to run riot all over the Constitution and our liberty…pretty much since 1862.
Tyrants gonna tyrant.
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Post by GreyShark »

Good! I hope they push that no-buy list really hard and force normal Americans out of Marxist-influenced businesses. We need a surge of business created that are specifically dedicated to advancing liberty and equality.

As far as this covid forever stuff goes it looks like September 11 again to me, it's all the more ironic that many of the same sorts of tools that were used by the rino's and neocons of that era are now being used against conservatives. Delta variant is the new ISIS. The Democrats think Biden won on covid so much like Bush they never want this party to end.
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Post by TACC »

Somebody post up the EU news link about what Afghanistan just did regarding shutting off cellphones of the invaded.

That would surely change some minds here in the .

Me, screw it, I give up my cell phone.

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Post by Firemedic2000 »

The moment the government starts restricting people's right to buy food ect there will be an increase in rope sales. They are right now trying to limit people's ability to earn a living, travel, go out into public ect. Trying to force some form of marker ID to allow you to be identified as not have their mark...... I mean shot that data is now showing does nothing to protect you. Their propaganda machine daily says it's the Americans without the shot who are clogging up the medical facilities. When right above the CDC stated 3/4 are the ones who took the jab that are spreading and contracting it.

That's OK though this REGIME will just continue to lies and conceal and censor science and any and all medical professionals who disagree with their adgenda. Which I do not know what it is.

In the NEWS this morning another B.S study that COVID can increase your chance to get Alzheimer's and dementia along with another respiratory condition. But wearing masks are not the problem. COVID now causes everything. Maybe erectile dysfunction too :lol: if you do not get this shot you will die they are saying.

Could the shot and proof you got this shot in order to buy food, work, travel not be prosecuted be the mark or precursor to it. ;) all for a VIRUS so deadly you must be tested to know if you've got it and a survival rate of what?

https://ir.tyson.com/news/news-details/ ... fault.aspx

https://www.washingtonpost.com/business ... ate-delta/

Plus many more businesses are saying get the shot or be fired.

Here's something new from the CDC they posted.

So comply or this ROGUE EXTREMISTS FACTION of OUR GOVERNMENT will take the necessary measures to protect you from yourself. Don't worry though. These are not concentration camps for those who will not comply. It's for your protection, remember that. Who's high risk.....those that say no to the shot and will not comply that stops nothing.

https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nc ... ttings.pdf
The shielding approach is an ambitious undertaking, which may prove effective in preventing COVID-19 infection among high-risk
populations if well managed...
While the shielding approach is not meant to be coercive, it may appear forced or be misunderstood in humanitarian settings.
As with many community interventions meant to decrease COVID-19 morbidity and mortality, compliance and behavior change are the
primary rate-limiting steps and may be driven by social and emotional factors...

Household-level shielding seems to be the most feasible and dignified as it allows for the least disruption to family structure and lifestyle,
critical components to maintaining compliance. However, it is most susceptible to the introduction of a virus due to necessary movement or
interaction outside the green zone, less oversight, and often large household sizes. It may be less feasible in settings where family shelters
are small and do not have multiple compartments. In humanitarian settings, small village, sector/block, or camp-level shielding may allow
for greater adherence to proposed protocol, but at the expense of longer-term social impacts triggered by separation from friends and
family, feelings of isolation, and stigmatization.
Most importantly, accidental introduction of the virus into a green zone may result in rapid
transmission and increased morbidity and mortality as observed in assisted care facilities in the US.26
The shielding approach is intended to alleviate stress on the healthcare system and circumvent the negative economic consequences of
long-term containment measures and lockdowns by protecting the most vulnerable
Not saying I believe any of the above. It's just interesting to read these things this EXTREMIST ROGUE POLITICAL FACTION of OUR GOVERNMENT are threatening Americans with. COVID is real but a pandemic?? No the numbers don't prove that especially when the government has made it a money maker. More COVID more money the longer it last. Maybe I should be tested to see if I have this dreaded virus that will kill me.
BIDEN: This is an American tragedy. People are dying and will die who don't have to die. If you're out there unvaccinated, you don't have to die.
https://www.twincities.com/2021/02/07/s ... use-of-it/

Yet if you do not have this shot and die of anything including auto accidents it was covid :lol: this is stupid
Last edited by Firemedic2000 on Tue Aug 03, 2021 10:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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