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Post by dammitgriff »

Problem is, once they succeed in leveraging the cult of covid to control us, precedent will have been set and they’ll use everything under the sun to justify all their psychotic tyrannical actions from now on.
The FDA is expected to rubber-stamp one or more of the currently produced vaccines in September. Normally, and under existing regulations, trials and approval for new vaccines take an average of 10-12 years to receive a peer-reviewed pass…because of safety concerns, which have obviously been disregarded at the highest levels of government.
Additionally, adverse reactions/events (up to and including deaths) are being underreported by a factor of at least five.

Do not receive this vaccine!


(Edited for accuracy. I said 10-12 years for Phase III trials, which is wrong. The entire development timeline is 10-12 years, average).
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Post by dammitgriff »

“By allowing government agents to establish a litmus test for individuals to be able to engage in commerce, movement and any other right that corresponds to life in a supposedly free society, it lays the groundwork for a “show me your papers” society in which you are required to identify yourself at any time to any government worker who demands it for any reason.”

https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/08/no_ ... beginning/
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Post by dammitgriff »

“There’s one beguiling explanation I’ve heard — from Brandon Smith of Alt.Markets.us, and others — for that hysterical campaign of recent days to jab every last hold-out: the need to eliminate what’s called the “control group,” the bunch of people who, in any drug trial, are given no drug, or a fake shot (like saline), or a placebo (mindfuck agent) to see if the real thing actually works. The desperate effort couldn’t have been more idiotic, since there was no realistic hope of gulling the remaining unvaxed into getting a shot, and the effort only made the “Joe Biden” admin look even more dishonest and despotic.

This could be the beginning of the end for POTUS 46 and the Woke-Jacobin derangement he stole in on. The CDC numbers look so bad now, that Ol’ White “Joe” himself will have to step up to mic and say something like: “We made a mistake with these vaccines. I hope you will forgive us.” Of course, he absolutely won’t rise to the occasion and say that, no way… and, anyway, the government (and POTUS 46) will not be forgiven because they’ve destroyed millions of livelihoods and tens of thousands of going businesses, and allowed a bunch of cities to get burned and trashed, and city-dwellers to be harassed and attacked by their Antifa/ BLM shock troops, and enabled roughly half the US population not-insane to be terrorized, mau-maued, and insulted by every Woke jape from the Drag Queen Reading Hour to the Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 “insurrection” circus — with the janky 2020 election right in the middle.”

https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation ... nt-add-up/
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Well FJB already has screwed up. Remember in the beginning after he and his treasonous brethren said they'd never take this shot. Because of Trump.

After using a virus so deadly you need a test to know if you even have it. illegally seizing power by means of a political coup by using this deadly virus to lock down a nation to control votes.

Remember FJB saying take this shot and you'll NEVER catch COVID, you will not be hospitalized, you will NOT die ect.....

https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/22/politics ... index.html

Even CNN acknowledged these were lies, well mostly. But that brain dead simpleton that this rogue extremist political faction of our government put into office by means of a political coup against Americans has no idea where he is or what's going on. He's nothing but a puppet who's strings are being yanked.

As with all of these socialist left wing extremists nothing will happen. Look at Cuomo, where's the national out cry for what he did. Sure it's being covered. But where's Hollywood, women's rights groups, the socialists Democrats are taking an oh um approach. Where's the massive out crys for him to be gone.

Look at what the Clintons did and it was proven by investigations. Nada, nothing.....the Clinton foundation nada. But POTUS number 45 they want in ruin and jail.

Look at what these very same people are doing to number 45 on unproven accusations.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Oh one more thought. Could this be a litmus test on some kind of compliance to take a chip or mark. Who knows, I don't.

Better yet could this be a litmus test on something else. To see how many Americans will comply even if they disagree with it. To maybe gauge the reaction to gun control compliance. Even if they do not agree with gun control. Who knows...maybe
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by Iosef »

Firemedic2000 wrote: Wed Aug 04, 2021 11:32 am...Remember FJB saying take this shot and you'll NEVER catch COVID, you will not be hospitalized, you will NOT die ect.....
You are aware that politician is one of the main careers for professional liars, aren't you? They are right up there with lawyers, religion, marketing, media... Just think of them as someone who couldn't quite make it as a used car salesman :-)
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Post by TonyR »

and I was a used car salesman in the late 80's and we were douchebags,ya had to be to make money.
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Post by lilwoody »

Their word play through this is utterly childless to anyone who understands how to read properly. There is a huge difference of saying died with -------- and died of --------. My father died with high blood pressure, he died of a aneurysm. Could the high blood pressure create the aneurysm, yup. Was it what killed him, nope.
The word play they are using is propaganda Goebbels would admire greatly. One headline that struck me last week was there were 900k jobs created in July. Those jobs weren't created, they were simply a fraction of the jobs people vacated when federal unemployment b4came more lucrative than actually working. Had Trump gotvery jobs report would use the gross amount of jobs at the peak of employment against the net jobs being filled.
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