ATF tells Rare Breed to stop making machine guns.

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Flame Red
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Post by Flame Red »

I'm in Mosquito County. Just ordered a dozen of them. Had them shipped to my Libiturd neighbor that is still flying the Biden Harris flag that I have to stare at out of my front window. The neighbor that screams at us that we are racist for voting for The Donald twice.

Waiting for the black Suburbans to roll up :lol:
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Not at what ammo prices are today. You'd have to take a mortgage out to buy the ammo to feed a days worth of shooting. :lol:
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Post by zeebaron »

I can go and rent a full auto at a bunch of places any time I want to. But I got that all out of my system over a decade ago, lol.

It seems with almost all this stuff this stuff, you're just paying a lot to have a little fun before they deem it illegal. I'd rather stay off their eventual radar by not being on the company's confiscated customer list.
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Post by N4KVE »

My beef is these loophole devices cost 3 times the price of the legal device. Braces cost 2-3 times the price of a similar butt stock because it’s a SBR loophole. A similar trigger pack that’s semi only is half the price of this device for the fun factor but does it cost any more to make? I guess the extra $ is for future legal representation when the lawsuits appear. About 10 years ago, I too wanted to get a bullet hose. But working at several gun ranges, customers with these weapons allowed me to shoot them if I provided my own ammo which at the time was $35 for 300 rounds of M855. Glad I got the desire out of my system. GARY.
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