Opinions of pending invasion of Tiawan by the CPP?

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Flame Red
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Opinions of pending invasion of Tiawan by the CPP?

Post by Flame Red »

You know China Joe will sleep through the pending invasion of Taiwan. Xi announced his intentions to continue his empire expansion.

I doubt our Commie-in-Charge will go up against their CCP masters. But then again, the Demorats love wars.

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Post by REDinFL »

It will all depend what "arrangements" the 1600Subversive made. We have an agreement with the government of Taiwan, but that's paper, and not worth a lot, especially if the military is made to, or wants to stand down. To be fair, the weakening of the whole thing started with Nixon-Kissinger basically showing Taiwan to be expendable.

The scenarios:

China invades Taiwan, the US does nothing. The US loses face, not for the first time - THIS YEAR! Actual result, we buy more chips from the expanded China, and they have us even more over a barrel.

We preposition troops - it's rumored we already have - and China attacks. Troops killed, and the US is forced into a major war. Outcome is a crapshoot, many variables. Alternative possibility, troops would be expendable, as always.

China invades Taiwan, and the US does another Normandy. The outcome of that is questionable, as we don't have the same level of General Officers as we had in 1944. Of course, while the Chinese don't have a Rommel, they likely wont hold back forces, either. The self-licking ice cream cone likely will call his "counterpart" before any attempt.
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Post by Springfield »

Xi is not in a hurry, time is on his side. It could be years of sabre rattling before any major military move. China's newest jet fighter J-20 is somewhat comparable to the F-22 but China only has a few of them now, many more to be built in next few years. Then Taiwan will be in real trouble.

The US military knows China is their primary adversary and the South China Sea as the most likely place for conflict. We've been playing wargames against such scenarios for years. I believe it's more likely we could slide into a war we didn't want, than a deliberate decision by the White House (even if Biden was capable of such) to go to war.
George W
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Post by George W »

China need not invade Taiwan militarily. They will continue to pressure the island while simultaneously showing the Taiwanese that the US will not come to their aid. Eventually, they will try to negotiate the terms of their imprisonment. I'm no expert on Taiwan, but when I was there in 2019 the topic of China came up with my hosts. Their estimation is that about half the country wanted to be with China while the other half wanted to remain independent, with maybe 1/10th of those being willing to fight back. This was pre Honk Kong enslavement, so maybe the Taiwanese that wanted to be part of China thought they could have a special arrangement too, but now can see that China is a cancer and will resist, but I doubt it.
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Post by chester field »

China will continue their gradual expansion, and we will do nothing.
Americans will continue to buy cheap chinese products.
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