Florida Republican's Office chucks Constitutional Carry Petitions into Garbage

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Post by fish »

It would be great if we could elect people that put Freedom and Liberty above all else.

However, anyone that decides that they want to be an elected official has already demonstrated the character flaws that should forever ban them from holding elected office.

Voters have very short memories, and this helps candidates that say whatever will get them elected.

Once they are in office, all bets are off, and voters do not remember what he said or when he said it.
The dancing and word spinning obscure everything.

I wish elected offices were like jury duty - random citizens picked & empowered for a short term task.
“Hell, I could do that job…”
How could that be worse?
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Post by lilwoody »

There are a few pressing issues that could ease this mess our government has become. Completely eliminate qualified Immunity for all public offices. Any unconstitutional laws passed by congress will make those who voted for it liable for the damage done by their actions.
Term limits of 4 terms for congress and two terms for the Senate. No golden retirement for congress or senate. Provide equal, comfortable housing in DC for all in the legislature. Any law passed by congress shall apply to congress. 16 year year staggered terms for SCOTUS expiring mid term for each presidential term with 2 alternate justices to fill in for death, early retirement or removal of existing justices.
No more soft money or super pacs funding campaigns. No more out of state money for state elections.
These are just a few, I have many more.
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Post by lakelandman »

Red flag law should be next to go.
Everybody's got a plan until they get hit.
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Post by lilwoody »

Red Flag laws would be covered under unconstitutional laws and if qualified Immunity didn't exist politicians wouldn't touch a law as written that is so repugnant with a ten foot pole. If these laws are so necessary they could be written in a constitutional manner. The accused being able to face their accuser. Then assigning liability to false or malicious accusations by awarding a recuperation rate of no less than 5 times the monetary cost of defense against the false accusations. Also assign criminal charges if any injuries are entailed in the execution of the order.
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Post by Miami_JBT »

Look, right now until August to primary our Anti-Gun Lawmakers, we can focus our attentions and energy to getting Constitutional Carry heard via a Special Session. CALL AND EMAIL GOVERNOR DESANTIS!

Tell Governor Ron DeSantis you want a Special Session to be called for Constitutional Carry via Gun Owners of America's Action Alert

You can also email him directly at governorron.desantis@eog.myflorida.com and call him at (850) 717-9337.

Instead of fighting back and forth. Make noise about a Special Session happening.
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