Opinions please. Ohio FBI "attack"

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Opinions please. Ohio FBI "attack"

Post by Allme »

From the stories I have been reading they claim dude entered the building with an AR and a NAIL GUN, he only fired the NAIL GUN... Now, I'm not one to attempt to breach a government facility (sounds dangerous) but IF I were to attempt such a nonsensical feat I would NOT be brandishing/using a NAIL GUN, it only makes sense that this lunatic would be using the AR... That is IF dude even had an AR.... Does anyone else smell something fishy about this? I welcome all opinions as I truly am baffled by this horsesh*t. Thanks in advance.
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Post by REDinFL »

Last week's fish wrapping.

Some amateur "planner" likely thought it might help the self-besmirched image of "the Bureau." Well, almost-Sherlock, it didn't.
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a Single Star.
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