Guardians of the 'Glades

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P5 Guy
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Guardians of the 'Glades

Post by P5 Guy »

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Post by GunsandHoses »

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Flame Red
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Post by Flame Red »

They always need to have one super hot babe on these shows! Where they find them, I have no idea. She is a lot tougher than I ever was!

Ah that's one thing about our Flame, doesn't play any favorites! Flame hates everybody!
Posts: 184
Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2018 12:31 am

Post by lilwoody »

Florida has the most idiotic rules on removing exotics. Catch them live, them kill them is moronic and just asking to get folks bit by these nasty buggers..
A single shot 20 gauge loaded with BB to #4 shot will humanely take out the largest of these vile creatures. I can see getting a management stamp just like all the other hunters and maybe a free exotic species endorsement but that's it.
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Post by GreyShark »

I used to think some of the harvest laws were really stupid too but an FWC officer explained to me the problem they're trying to avoid is idiots harvesting the wrong species by mistake so it actually kind of makes sense even if it is inconvenient. I do wish they'd have gotten ahead of the invasives problem by offering bounties early on when it was obvious this was gonna be an issue. We know for a fact plentiful species of any kind can be quickly rendered extinct by overharvesting for commercial purposes, if they paid a good enough bounty to make hunting invasives a viable source of income I bet we could get this under control in 5 or 10 years and way more effective than the nonsense cooked up by leftwing so-called environmentalists. As far as that goes I consider myself a conservative conservationist. Taking care of the natural world is like tending God's garden and if you want hunting, fishing or other outdoor sports opportunities it just makes sense to wisely manage your natural resources.
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