I am voting for the Dem 2024 nominee if Trump is the GOP nominee

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Post by gforester »

For fuck's sake, where did all this pessimism come from? I will NEVER EVER vote for a fucking democrat again. If Trump is the nominee, then so be it. I will vote for him warts and all. Can't anybody see that it is the entrenched bureaucracy that we need to get rid of? Trump is an outsider and an insider will never ever change things.
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Post by tector »

gforester wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:02 am For fuck's sake, where did all this pessimism come from? I will NEVER EVER vote for a fucking democrat again. If Trump is the nominee, then so be it. I will vote for him warts and all. Can't anybody see that it is the entrenched bureaucracy that we need to get rid of? Trump is an outsider and an insider will never ever change things.
That naive position about Trump was at least plausible in 2016. How anyone could regurgitate that shit today is beyond me. Good luck, true believer!
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Post by cvasqu03 »

tector wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2023 12:42 pm Putting this out there now. Given Trump's latest salvos against DeSantis as some sort of sexual predator, that's it--I have reached the breaking point with this disgusting fuckstain. I would rather just go full acclerationalist and vote Dem (and I don't care whom) than support this repulsive piece of shit in any way. It can all burn down before I support him in any way.

And if you disagree, fuck you in advance, too. You, and those like you, are ultimately the problem.You're the enablers of this shitbag.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming....
I certainly understand the aversion to voting for Trump, but voting Dem is just a step too far. Those are not the only two options out there you know. I actually voted for Trump in 2020 after voting Libertarian (for the first time ever) in 2016. I felt like I had to take a shower afterward. If I voted Dem, there's just no amount of soap that would ever make me feel clean again.
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Post by Gunnyhiway »

tector wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 10:31 pm

Look at your freakshow of country, which bears little resemblence to the one you and I were born into, much less the one established at the Founding.

The good guys ain't winning, chief. Four years of Trump did absolutely nothing to stop the bleeding. We are worse off now than when that piece of shit Obama was in office. Four more years of failing with the Orange Turd maybe satisfy his cult of personality idiots (he's been playing suckers since at least the 80s), but affords no hope of meaningful change whatsoever. If that is the best anyone can come up with, might as well push the reset button sooner than later.

But perhaps you are playing 4-D chess here, acknowedging all these points, and just want MORE Trump as a mega-accelerationist move. If so, then I can understand and even applaud that. But beyond that, Trump is strictly for morons.
Your comments reveal an angry, hateful foulmouthed frustrated person.
Consider moving from our country as from your comments you sure as hell won't fight for it starting by voting for the enemy.


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Post by Deputydave »

Trump will be the nominee for 2024. And I will vote for him as I have previously. He started to take down the elites and I want him to finish the job he started. And I'll state quite candidly that he's been the best President of my lifetime (and I go back to LBJ). No, he's not perfect. But I don't let my emotions override my critical thinking skills. The fact that the world's elite's hate him, the left hates him, most politicians hate him, most celebrities hate him and the MSM hates him is a pretty solid indication that he's the right man for the job (again).

I look forward to him serving his third term as POTUS.
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Post by lakelandman »

Gunnyhiway wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:55 pm
tector wrote: Sun Apr 02, 2023 10:31 pm

Look at your freakshow of country, which bears little resemblence to the one you and I were born into, much less the one established at the Founding.

The good guys ain't winning, chief. Four years of Trump did absolutely nothing to stop the bleeding. We are worse off now than when that piece of shit Obama was in office. Four more years of failing with the Orange Turd maybe satisfy his cult of personality idiots (he's been playing suckers since at least the 80s), but affords no hope of meaningful change whatsoever. If that is the best anyone can come up with, might as well push the reset button sooner than later.

But perhaps you are playing 4-D chess here, acknowedging all these points, and just want MORE Trump as a mega-accelerationist move. If so, then I can understand and even applaud that. But beyond that, Trump is strictly for morons.
Your comments reveal an angry, hateful foulmouthed frustrated person.
Consider moving from our country as from your comments you sure as hell won't fight for it starting by voting for the enemy.

Best post of 2023.
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Post by Gunnyhiway »

lakelandman wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 10:58 am

Best post of 2023.

Thank You !

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Post by tector »


Let's take any well-known RINO off the shelf--Marco Rubio is known to us all, so he'll do.

Imagine if,while President, Marco said this: "I like taking guns away early. Take the guns first, go through due process second."

Imagine if President Rubio empowered "Doctor" Fauci to run amok for the last 10 months of his administration. Then, afterwards, took part in this exchange: https://thehill.com/changing-america/we ... -tough-to/

Imagine if President Rubio presided over the worst spate of racial and commie riots in over half a century, and effectively had no federal response to it whatsoever, allowing his idiot elitist (and unelected) relatives to talk him out of it.

But, by contrast, when Rubio supporters rallied near the end of his term, and were subjected to DC cop goon squads and commie prosecutors, he simply left office without even attempting to pardon a single one of them, letting them rot in jail and be subjected to years of prosecutorial abuse. And then later tried to raise money on their plight.

Imagine if Marco palled around with the Clintons for years and years, with no qualms whatsoever about showing it.



If Marco did all these things, and people on the "right" still clung to Marco as their only hope, I think it would be fair to say they had fallen into a cult of personality. Now since Marco has no personality, that's hard to imagine. But since Trump has a surplus of personality (to put it politely), it can easily happen, and has. He's the "indispensible man" for them, almost exclusively because "he triggers the libs."

Well, triggering the libs is fun, for sure, but if that is your sole accomplishment, you're a fucking loser in the context of the enormous issues facing what is left of traditional American society. And as far as being an indispensible man, as the old saying goes: the graveyards are full of them.

I can understand eagerly supporting Trump in 2016. And I can understand supporting him as a "no other option" in 2020. But at this point, given his 4 years already in office, and his complete worthlessness since (as proven by his moronic comments about someone who actually IS accomplishing something, the subject which started this thread), I'm done with it.

Clinging to Trump is a proven losing strategy for losers, guaranteed to fail. Faced with that option and just saying, "fuck it, it's time to just burn it all down and start over again," I prefer the latter. I am not saying those are the only two options. But if you are going to posture it that way ("We must support Trump no matter what!"), then I'm for knocking over the chessboard sooner rather than later. The libs can't help ruining everything they touch. As an old geezer, I'd prefer avoiding a total crash in my lifetime, but it just may be unavoidable.
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Post by Deputydave »

Hmm, photos from decades ago as proof. I don't think this is a winning strategy for you.
tector wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:29 pm Well, triggering the libs is fun, for sure, but if that is your sole accomplishment, you're a fucking loser in the context of the enormous issues facing what is left of traditional American society.
That was President Trumps only accomplishment? Are you sure? I seem to remember an economy that broke record after record. I seem to recall energy independence. I'm pretty sure no wars were started during his administration (first in modern history). Seems like he crossed the 38th Parallel. Seems like sex and child trafficking was dramatically reduced under his administration as well as the number of illegals crossing the border.

I could go on and on but perhaps the point has been made?
tector wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:29 pm Clinging to Trump is a proven losing strategy for losers, guaranteed to fail.
I guess we shall see. I see things quite differently. However, if supporting communists and criminals is your game plan then more power to you. You seem to have the left playbook down pretty well i.e. demonize, marginalize and call names to those that may have a different view point (hence your OP in this thread where you cuss everyone out during your rant). I'd have to surmise that you fit in quite well with the Democrat party based upon the available evidence.
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Post by Gunnyhiway »

Deputydave wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 6:56 pm Hmm, photos from decades ago as proof. I don't think this is a winning strategy for you.
tector wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:29 pm Well, triggering the libs is fun, for sure, but if that is your sole accomplishment, you're a fucking loser in the context of the enormous issues facing what is left of traditional American society.
That was President Trumps only accomplishment? Are you sure? I seem to remember an economy that broke record after record. I seem to recall energy independence. I'm pretty sure no wars were started during his administration (first in modern history). Seems like he crossed the 38th Parallel. Seems like sex and child trafficking was dramatically reduced under his administration as well as the number of illegals crossing the border.

I could go on and on but perhaps the point has been made?
tector wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:29 pm Clinging to Trump is a proven losing strategy for losers, guaranteed to fail.
I guess we shall see. I see things quite differently. However, if supporting communists and criminals is your game plan then more power to you. You seem to have the left playbook down pretty well i.e. demonize, marginalize and call names to those that may have a different view point (hence your OP in this thread where you cuss everyone out during your rant). I'd have to surmise that you fit in quite well with the Democrat party based upon the available evidence.
I couldn't have said it better myself .
Great post Deputydave !

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