I am voting for the Dem 2024 nominee if Trump is the GOP nominee

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Post by tector »

Losers who can't get enough losing--what a "base."

2020 and 2022 weren't enough I guess.

Well, as I said before, maybe this a 4-D chess tactic in its own right. You are guarnteed to push us into the shitter with another loss, so the accelerationist side of me cheers this pudpounding on.

Go for it, guys!

People still holding out hope of avoiding a total collapse are despondent, however. These are both from today alone:

https://anncoulter.com/2023/04/05/youre ... publicans/:
You’re Being Played, Republicans!
COLUMN April 5, 2023 by Ann Coulter

You’re Being Played, Republicans!
A few years ago, I posted this riddle on Twitter:

What’s easier to roll than an Easter egg?

Answer: Donald Trump.

Now, I can add:

What’s easier to roll than Donald Trump?

Answer: Republican voters.

Democrats are playing Republicans like a fiddle. The left’s sole objective is to make Trump the Republicans’ 2024 presidential nominee. He’s already lost three election cycles for the GOP — why not make it four?

A month ago, things were looking bad for the Democrats.

Immediately after Trump announced for president last November, he may as well have gone into the witness protection program. Even Fox News cut away from his announcement speech. He had to have dinner with a noted Hitler enthusiast to get any attention, and, when he spoke at CPAC in February, the room was half-empty.

Looming before them was the threat from Florida: Gov. Ron DeSantis. He was beating Trump in the presidential polls without even announcing. He’d scored victory after victory against Democrats and won his reelection bid — in a purple state! — by 20 points, despite attacks from Trump.

Against DeSantis’ smarts and energy, the Democrats would be running President Senile Dementia and a vice president whose sole credentials are that she is black and a woman.

They had only one hope: Get Trump the nomination. Liberals: HE’S A DANGER TO THE NATION! NEVER HAVE WE FACED SUCH PERIL! Now let’s do everything we can to make sure he gets the nomination.

And that’s why Democrats indicted Trump on absurd charges this week, with the media covering the event like it was the capture of Osama Bin Laden. Today, the party mandarins are sitting around laughing as Republicans trip over themselves to defend Trump.

This was the whole point of my book, “Resistance Is Futile: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind.” Instead of attacking Trump for the things he’d actually done, liberals would run off and make wild charges, forcing normal people to say, I don’t like the guy, but he’s not a Russian agent.

The endless stream of preposterous charges against Trump only helped him.

So why not launch another ridiculous accusation to help him get the nomination? That’s exactly what they did in last year’s GOP primaries, supporting Trump’s nut-bar candidates, knowing they would go on to lose the general election. By boosting Trump’s candidates, Democrats managed to pull out a historic midterm victory for Biden.

And now, they’re doing it again, trying to trick Republicans into choosing the worst possible presidential nominee. Guess what? It’s working! New GOP motto: Unable to learn from the third kick of a mule.

In response to Trump’s arraignment on Tuesday, all conservative media swept aside news of out-of-control crime, chaos at the border, fentanyl overdoses and the looming recession. Their No. 1 job became: SAVE TRUMP! A major conservative talk radio host even suggested DeSantis stand down and endorse Trump.

True, everyone at MSNBC is a Trump-hating zealot. But this helps obscure the real objective. Half the Democrats genuinely hate Trump, and the other half are saying, This is fantastic. We’re going to win him the nomination.

Politico reports that Biden’s senior advisers reacted to Trump’s recent surge in the polls with unmitigated joy. “We beat Trump once, they say, and will again.”

They’re absolutely right. After voters reject you once, they almost never change their minds. In all of U.S. history, losing presidential candidates have run again about a dozen times. Only three of those renominations were successful — and only one since 1892. (Nixon was the only one to do it in the past 131 years. Of course, that first election probably was stolen from him, but Nixon graciously conceded, instead of running around making a complete ass of himself.)

Everyone acts as if Trump’s 2016 win was a gigantic, stupendous victory, when in reality he barely squeaked by. Don’t confuse “startling” with “big.”

He was running against the most hated woman in politics.

Moreover, the country had been incessantly told that Hillary had it in the bag. On Election Day, The New York Times put her chances of winning at 85%. Princeton professor Sam Wang — who’d correctly predicted 49 out of 50 states in 2012! — said Clinton was more than 99% likely to be the next president. How many Clinton voters saw those polls and thought, I’ll just say I voted for her and go get my nails done.

Yet and still, out of 139 million votes cast in 2016, Trump won with a mere 80,000 votes across three states. Flip those votes, and Hillary wins.

Trump’s winning was a shock, but it wasn’t an amazing, spectacular victory, indicative of some sort of electoral magic.

And then, of course, Trump went on turn his presidency over to Jared and Ivanka, betray his voters (But he moved the embassy!) and lose the next three election cycles.

Republicans: No matter how angry you are at Democrats for politicizing the law, please remember: Trump. Will. Lose. To. Biden. There is absolutely no scenario in which he wins. The good news is there’s virtually no scenario where Biden wins — unless Trump is his opponent.
https://chroniclesmagazine.org/web/the- ... h-a-loser/
The Trump Indictment May Saddle the GOP With a Loser

Former Attorney General Bill Barr is many things—but dumb isn’t one of them. During the recent National Review Institute Ideas Summit, he speculated that the indictment of former President Donald Trump was designed—by the Democratic Party—to secure Trump the 2024 Republican nomination.

“I think the impetus is really to help Trump get the nomination, focus the attention on him for two years, have this thing swirling around, plus whatever else comes, which I think will be damaging to whoever gets the nomination,” Barr said.

Indeed, Trump surged ahead of his closest challenger, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, in 2024 election polls. In Barr’s view, the Democrats are betting that a Republican ticket led by The Donald will lead the GOP to yet another loss. The wager is straightforward and based on what Democrats saw in 2018, 2020, and 2022: Trump is no longer interested in or capable of building a winning coalition as he did in 2016.

Multiple polls show that a majority of Americans support Trump’s indictment, even though most believe Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against the former president (for paying “hush money” to porn star Stormy Daniels regarding an alleged affair) is politically motivated. A recent CNN/SSRS survey is typical in displaying the deep dislike of Trump held by a majority of Americans: it showed that 76 percent of Americans believe politics played at least some part in Bragg’s charges, and yet 60 percent approve of them anyway.

All that remains of the Trump of 2016 is the MAGA cult of personality. This cult may benefit Trump personally but it hurts Republicans politically—to the extent that they actually care about winning, rather than simply fundraising off of Trump’s populist base.

Last night in Wisconsin Republicans got a foretaste of the pain to come in 2024. Milwaukee County Judge Janet Protasiewicz, backed by billionaires like George Soros, defeated her conservative opponent, Dan Kelly, to win a seat on Wisconsin’s Supreme Court, ending 15 years of conservative dominance. The state’s high court now looks poised to strike down a voter ID law and bring back absentee-ballot drop boxes.

Kelly’s defeat signals long-term, national implications for the Republican Party far more consequential than any of the legal challenges now facing Trump. Kelly lost in part because he was portrayed to his detriment as an anti-abortion hardliner. But Kelly was also framed as a Trump surrogate who was instrumental in the legal effort to overturn the 2020 election results.

“A Donald Trump ally who advised Republicans on legal efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential race has advanced to the Wisconsin Supreme Court general election, putting him one step closer to a seat on the powerful bench,” NBC News blared on Feb. 21.

On March 31, Ben Wikler, chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, tweeted: “Democracy itself is on the ballot. If a lawsuit to overturn the 2024 Presidential election reaches our state Supreme Court—as it did in 2020—Dan Kelly would choose MAGA over democracy. He advised the fake elector scheme in 2020. Don’t let him on the court.”

Wikler included a link to an Associated Press story republished through PBS Wisconsin about how Kelly was paid by state and national Republicans to advise on election issues in 2020.

During the final campaign finance reporting period between Feb. 7 and March 20, Protasiewicz raised more than five times as much money as Kelly. An article in Wisconsin Watch reported that Protasiewicz had “a lopsided advantage in direct donations.”

While the right indulged in sharing memes of Trump with red laser beams emitting from his eyes captioned “Retribution 2024”—the political equivalent of autoerotic asphyxiation—Democrats were focused on their ground game in Wisconsin. Their hard work paid off.

Naturally, Trump’s minions took to social media to argue that Kelly lost because he was a terrible candidate who did not prostrate himself before the former president to beg for an endorsement. Trump himself glibly celebrated Kelly’s defeat in a Truth Social post, writing, “How foolish is a man that doesn’t seek an Endorsement that would have won him the Election?”

Trump didn’t say anything about how this loss would affect conservatives in Wisconsin, the people he and the GOP claim to represent. Perhaps he isn’t intelligent enough to understand the ramifications of what just transpired.

In reality, it was Kelly’s already-established association with Trump that contributed to his loss. Trump had endorsed Kelly in 2020 Wisconsin Supreme Court election, and Kelly had lost then, too, just as Trump had lost the state in the general election.

In audio recordings obtained by the Associated Press from a former Republican campaign operative, members of Trump’s campaign conceded Democrats had outworked them in Wisconsin during the 2020 election, beating them fair and square. They praised the turnout efforts of their victorious opponents and then resolved to blame widespread voter fraud for their loss.

“Here’s the drill: Comms is going to continue to fan the flame and get the word out about Democrats trying to steal this election,” said Andrew Iverson, who was the head of Trump’s campaign in the state. “We’ll do whatever they need (inaudible) help with. Just be on standby in case there’s any stunts we need to pull.”

In other words, Trump’s campaign deliberately lied to Republican voters about why he lost the state. They could get away with that because it was what Trump wanted to hear.

Barr is right: the Democrats want to face Trump in 2024. Not only because he’s likely to lose again, but because he deceives his own side. If Trump can’t be honest with his own people about why he lost and fix the mistakes, there is no reason to believe that 2024 will be different than 2020.
But at least the mouthbreathers-on-gun-forums vote is locked up for sure.
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Post by Deputydave »

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Post by Chigger »

We had a leader who truly loves this country
With all due respect, if you believe that I feel sorry for people like you.
Trump his whole life has never ever done anything but for himself to enrich his failing business empire that his father started.
Long before his presidency, his tv show, he was a Democrat and close friends of the Clinton's. That alone proves he can't be trusted in anything he says and does.
You don't late in life wake up and all of a sudden switch parties unless you have a personal agenda to accomplish.
I wish people would stop being swayed by his hate speeches and really go back and see what a turd this guy has been all his life.
Was he better than Hillary? By far but Republicans can do much better if they stop falling for a typical KKK speech about hating everyone.
I know one of his personal attorneys and the stories that never get out would floor even reprobate minds.
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Post by Deputydave »

Chigger wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:31 am With all due respect, if you believe that I feel sorry for people like you.
I would suggest that you watch too much MSM and believe everything they spew.
Chigger wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:31 am Long before his presidency, his tv show, he was a Democrat and close friends of the Clinton's. That alone proves he can't be trusted in anything he says and does.
"That alone proves he cant' be trusted in anything he says and does"....really? Guilt by association, is that what you're implying? Again, you watch too much MSM.
Chigger wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:31 am You don't late in life wake up and all of a sudden switch parties unless you have a personal agenda to accomplish.
People don't change their mind a view points at various stages in their lives? Seems like lots of people have.
Chigger wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:31 am Was he better than Hillary? By far but Republicans can do much better if they stop falling for a typical KKK speech about hating everyone.
"KKK speech"...can you give an example of where he had KKK speeches? What did he say?
Chigger wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:31 am I know one of his personal attorneys and the stories that never get out would floor even reprobate minds.
Would those be the stories of when he took care of the children of fallen firefighters and police after 9/11 including college funds? If not, how have you verified the accuracy of these 'stories' for authenticity?
Chigger wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:31 am I wish people would stop being swayed by his hate speeches
"Hate speeches"...I've listened to many of his speeches and don't recall him saying to hate anyone. Well, other than lying politicians and pedophiles. Do you have an issue with those two groups for some reason? Is there anyone else he 'hates'?
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Post by Bmup »

Here's a link to Trump's official accomplishments as POTUS: https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/tr ... lishments/ in case anyone has forgotten. Personally, I can get past his Fred Flintstone act and loudmouth personality and accept that he did a lot of great things for our Republic.
Having said that, I'm still not certain I could vote for him if Desantis runs. The only thing I AM certain of is that I won't be voting democrat for anything or anyone.
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Post by ADulay »

Deputydave wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 7:15 pm Trump will be the nominee for 2024. And I will vote for him as I have previously. He started to take down the elites and I want him to finish the job he started. And I'll state quite candidly that he's been the best President of my lifetime (and I go back to LBJ). No, he's not perfect. But I don't let my emotions override my critical thinking skills. The fact that the world's elite's hate him, the left hates him, most politicians hate him, most celebrities hate him and the MSM hates him is a pretty solid indication that he's the right man for the job (again).

I look forward to him serving his third term as POTUS.
No need for me to add anything here.

Nailed it.

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Post by Gunnyhiway »

I don't think DeSantis will run. The media already has him running, he has not mentioned.

If DeSantis would get the nod as the Republican nominee, Trump would run as an Independent and Shit for Brains Corn Pop would win, end of our country.

Trump can win, ONLY if the ballot box stuffing and boxes of votes don't magically showup at 3AM at voting precincts.

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Post by wjbarricklow »

Trump did more gun control than Obama. He supported red flag laws "take the guns and due process later." He changed the definition of machine gun from firing more than one round with one trigger pull, to basically whatever the ATF thinks helps you shoot too fast.

I never understood the appeal of some rich by birth New York carpetbagger running for president and everybody here loves the guy. Is it the reality show? The R instead of the D behind his name? All the shit talking?

I just don't get it.
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Post by REDinFL »

Basically it is what seems to be the lesser of two evils. Biden better? Newsome? Yeah, I know, an old argument, but true.

Sadly, I think it will be the demo in '24 barring some unusual event. Trump will be burdened, and many people will also think as you do - not saying you are wrong - and the efficiency of the demo machine (they've always been masters of machine politics, from Tweed through Prendergast to today) will elect the demo. If someone else gets the nomination, none I can think of has the nationwide popularity. And, yes, Trump can always run third party. Third party is what got us Clinton, even though the third party Perot ("I have this chart.") was right.

Not being defeatist, just realistic. A friend of mine used to say, "Every realist must be a cynic; not all cynics are realists." My strategy is to prepare. Easier for me as I'm retired. For a younger person still having to work for a living, choose accordingly; take a lesson from what happened during COVID, look at what the corporations do to their "cattle."
Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a Single Star.
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Post by MikeFL86 »

Whomever the GOP nominee is, I'll vote for them.

Voting for Biden because you think it'll somehow bring about some collapse of the system is so naïve and counterproductive it's ridiculous. Things in this country will never get bad enough that there will be a mass political awakening. That's not how it works.

Right now we're staring down the barrel of South Africa or Brazilification in a couple years with Soros-backed DAs letting loose the criminal mobs on normal people. Then just last week you had left-wingers claiming the psycho who shot up the Christian school was a victim and the Biden administration expressing their condolences to the community "he" belonged to.

Get your head on straight, man.

Yeah, it'd be great if DeSantis runs and wins the nomination. But voting for the people who want to extort and kill us if we don't go along with their sick program is a non-starter.

Maybe you should volunteer for DeSantis when he announces and try to tell people why they should vote for him over Trump instead of pitching a fit like a child.
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