Rentprop1 has passed

Forum dedicated to remembrance of people that we knew or that were at the center of our ideals. It is not for the death of famous people, actors or singers.
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Post by Legio »

flcracker wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:25 am It's on May 27.
I am just amonth early; LOL
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Post by Springfield »

How was the shoot? Wanted to go but had other commitments.
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Post by flcracker »

I was not able to attend either, due to my mother's 88th birthday celebration. Hoping that there was some FSN representation, but I know that FSN wasn't a priority for his son which is why he didn't make more of an effort to publicize it other than family and close friends.
....and some rin up hill and down dale, knapping the chucky stanes to pieces wi' hammers, like sae mony road-makers run daft - they say it is to see how the warld was made!
Saint Ronan's Well - Sir Walter Scott, Bart. (1824)
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Post by Gregmp15 »

NEver did hear about a shoot
RIP rentprop
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Post by RIPPeD »

Molivo wrote: Mon May 30, 2022 4:47 pm Heartbreaking. He was an FSN legend. He will be sorely missed :(
Rip for sure, there' are a few FSN left in here..
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Post by mikecu »

Rest in peace Mark.
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Post by jman78 »

RIP Mark Smith.

My condolences for your family. May they find peace after mourning.
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