Applying for US Citizenship

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Post by dammitgriff »

fsnadmin wrote:
Firemedic2000 wrote: Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:51 am I believe that when a individual raises their hand and swears an oath to AMERICA to become an AMERICAN CITIZEN. They are as much an AMERICAN as you or I.
This is exactly what I feel and meant. This is why I was appalled by the reaction of some during the ceremony. Sometimes, I dare to say that I may even be more American, because I wanted to be one and did all needed to become one. I wasn't born into it. I am proud to be an American.
I proudly served in the Navy with some outstanding naturalized U.S. citizens, and learned more about them and their respective cultures than I ever would if I just vacationed in their home countries for a couple weeks.
For instance, Cubans, Puerto Ricans and Mexicans don’t necessarily get along with each other, and all of them hate Haitians...Image
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

trouter3 wrote: Wed Oct 31, 2018 4:03 pm I agree with firemedic2000 once u raise your hand and swear your allegiance to america your just as American as you or I, but without ruining the party, yes it's great to be an American with all the privileges and rights we have under the constitution, but with all the negative news of late, multiple killings, explosive devices mailed to people of different political thinking, the confirmation of the new Supreme Court judge, that was a fiasco, embarrassing to watch, I'm not so sure I can say I'm proud to be an American, this coming from someone who is a veteran, who fought in a nasty war to preserve these rights, I sometimes ask myself after seeing what's going on would I do it again? Got second thoughts on that subject, but then again we are what we are with freedoms that no other countries have, religion, speech, protest, etc, America has become a divided nation with the system of government we have in place, just watch the political ads for this upcoming election on the tube, the hatred between the two parties is so prevalent, voting is a privilege we have as citizens it comes down to a crap shoot, your damned if you do and damned if you don't ...who wins ?
I believe for the most part that conservative AMERICANS do not hate the DEMOCRATS. In that conservatives at one time just looked at them as a party with different views. Democrats did the samething. Looked at conservatives Republicans as a party with different views. Everybody got along no matter who was in office. Heck if you watch the old news feeds the DEMOCRATS sound just like conservatives do today.

No one accosted anyone in the streets or tried to kill members of the other party. Just because they voted differently, had different views, wore clothing or hats that stated you were a Republican.

But now people are afraid to do that because the DEMOCRATIC LEFT WING SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS will attack anyone they catch wearing anything stating they are a conservative AMERICAN. Conservatives do not attack DEMOCRATIC AMERICANS in the streets, in restraunts , busses ect. Follow them home.

Well something changed. From what I can tell it really took off when AMERICA got it's first Black President. This is not a racist observation. Just a factual observation. In that eight years he was in office something happened.

Eight years of a President that attempted to turn AMERICAN people against one another. By race, status, religion ect.....turning people against all L.E. agencies. Turning everyone against everything white. If you are a white American you are the evil of all evil. The scrounge of the earth. Just listen to what CNN said most recently about white males ... e_men.html
Excerpt from article
So, we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them. There is no ban on -- you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no white guy ban. 

Sure before Obama AMERICA had it's problems. But I swear I do not ever remember the things that are happening now ever taking place before in AMERICA. The corruption in the government ran deep and it ran high under Obama.

Everyone thought Hillary would win the PRESIDENTIAL election. The Democratic SOCIALIST MOVEMENT just knew it would happen and then they'd be in a position to do something here in AMERICA with Hillary as POTUS. But something happened that they could not foresee happening.

Even with all the mighty POLLS rigged saying her Highness would become queen over AMERICA. Something the DEMOCRATS did not take into account happened. AMERICAN VOTERS, YOU and I.

They lost an election they just knew they owned. The DEMOCRATS were primed to do something to AMERICA. But when Hillary lost. The DEMOCRATS blew a fuse. They went absolutely CRAZY.

Now all of a sudden America's election process that's been in place since it's inception as a nation is flawed and wrong.


Now the DEMOCRATS openly call for their followers to rise up against CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN AMERICANS and GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. The DEMOCRATS even go as far as to openly call for violence against CONSERVATIVE AMERICANS.

The DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY has even gone as far as saying that AMERICA'S CONSTITUTION AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS must be done away with and rewritten. That it does not serve the new AMERICA with it's new DEMOCRATIC values. What they really wanted to say was. It does not serve the new AMERICAN DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY values.

So it's not CONSERVATIVE AMERICA that has changed. Conservative AMERICA still holds dear and near AMERICAN PATRIOTISM. What AMERICA stands for and understands that we are a nation of laws. That we are also a nation comprised of many that come together to form one great nation. Conservative AMERICANS believe in compromise as long as it falls within the CONSTITUTION and BILL of RIGHTS.

But unfortunately the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY no longer believes in the CONSTITUTION and BILL of RIGHTS of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and therefore no longer recognizes. The DEMOCRATS believe it's outdated and must be rewritten. Who knows maybe that's one of the things they had in mind to do if Hillary Clinton had won.

But we also understand that we must protect our great nation from foreign influence and invasion. If not AMERICA will become overwhelmed. Conservative AMERICA realizes we can not support the world. These people want AMERICA then do what AMERICANS did.

Fight for it, fight for their homeland to build their nation instead of coming to AMERICA ILLEGALLY looking for had outs. America wants IMMAGRATION of people that will follow out laws and make contributions to our nation.

Breaking America's immigration laws makes you nothing more than a CRIMINAL. These ILLEGALS MUST NOT BE GRANTED CITIZENSHIP FOR BREAKING OUR LAWS this act would dishonors those that came to AMERICA legally and spent years to become an AMERICAN CITIZEN.


So I say to you. Still believe in America's values and what she stands for. Because it's you and others like that are what truely makes AMERICA great. You and others like you are the true protectors of this land. Not the government.

They just over see the laws. It is the men and women that over see America's protection when the government fails. The the ordinary person of this great nation is the true protectors against TYRANNY and invasion when everything else fails.

The DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY knows this also. They are not stupid. So just like the NAZIS, Stalin, Mussolini and every DICTATOR in history has done.

The DEMOCRATS know they MUST DISARM EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN IF THEY ARE TO EVER TAKE ABSOLUTE POWER. Why do you think gun control is all they ever really talk about.

To make a CONSERVATIVE AMERICAN mad just tell a lie.
To make a Democratic SOCIALIST mad just tell the truth.

I found this pretty much true. CONSERVATIVE AMERICANS do not hate DEMOCRATS, do not attack them. Im sure many here would agree. But they sure hate us simply because we think differently than them by believing in a free nation, not one under total government control. I'm afraid before it's over with they will cross the line. I fear it's coming to that.
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by JonathanW »

Last edited by JonathanW on Fri Nov 02, 2018 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NorincoKid »

^ I'm assuming that means you made it through all the hoops?

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Post by gforester »

Congrats Jonathon, glad to see you made it to the end. My wife just got her citizenship back in September.

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Post by fsnadmin »

Congratulations to the new citizens. Now for the heartbreaking part. You must send your original certificate to get your first passport. You take care of it send it in a big envelope with cardboard around to preserve this important certificate and you receive it back folded in 3 in a regular envelope. My heart was broken when I saw it.
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Post by Arkhangel5 »

Grats Jonathanw!

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Post by Skoll »


One of us! One of us! One of us!
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Post by tector »

Congrats, sir!!!
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Post by trouter3 »

Very nice congrats to you and your family ......
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