The Changing Demographics and why Gun Owners are losing the Culture War

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Post by Miami_JBT »

Gmountain wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 9:26 am
Miami_JBT wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 8:37 am
Gmountain wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 7:37 am

As an American, nothing should be in Spanish. The "Spanish speaking communities" need to learn English and conduct business in English, and red the Declaration of Independence in English and the Constitution in English.

Fracturing the country into separate groups is what hurts the gun cause. We need common touchstones to function as a country, and it starts with speaking English.

Sorry, but that's how it is.
The US acquisition of Puerto Rico, Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California says you're wrong. All those areas were Spanish settled and colonized and their populations were absorbed into the fabric and culture of the US. Furthermore, they were made Citizens when these territories were acquired.

Many a Tejano fought and died for freedom against Mexican Despotism when Texas fought for independence and later against Mexico in the US-Mexico War of 1846-1848. The 65th Infantry Regiment of the US Army fought a bloody battle in Korea against overwhelming number of Chinese Communist Troops and led a bayonet charge to kick the commies out.



The unit was mostly Hispanic made up of Puerto Ricans and Americans of Mexican ancestry.

In WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and today in the War on Terror, a shit ton of Hispanics have served, bled, and died for this country.

Hell, prior to WWII the largest spoken language in the US other than English was German. There were German Social Clubs, Newspapers, Magazines, etc. All marketed specifically to the German American Communities scattered across the country. Guess what, they all proudly served the country when needed to.

Thanks for promoting that gun owners are a group of racist bigots.
First of all, Mr Snowflake- language is not a race. So stop that crying.

You are the one equating language with race. Actually, hispanic is not a race either. But it is a convenient crying point.

I am discussing the language issue. In America people need to learn English, and business and government need to be conducted in English. You want to talk about people who fought in wars. If you don't see the difference, then I can't help you.
LOL... I am the one that points out Hispanic and Latino is an ethnicity.

I posted this over on Arfcom. Latin America and the Pecking Order. An explanation of Hispanic, Latinos, & the Hate
Hispanic and Latino are two very different things. Hispanic is one that traces their ancestry back to Spain. The Iberian peninsula was called Hispania by the Romans. I am Hispanic... my great grand parents are from Asturias in Northern Spain. Under the Casta, I'd be classified as Criollo (a white person with Spanish or other European descent born in the Americas). My Great Grandparents would be Peninsular (a European born in Spain who later settled in the Americas). My wife would be Mulatta (a person of mixed white European and black African ancestry).

The majority of the illegal migrants and their supporters are the lowest of the low in the Casta.

Mexico is three societies in one. You have the lowest of the low. Mestizo (mixed Native American and European) and Cholos (Native American with some Mestizo). The middle class of Mexico and most of Latin America is Castizos (European with some Indigenous). And finally the ruling class. Which is White Spaniard. The upper class is like me. White Criollos with ancestral connections to Spain and a pure bloodline. Mexico is very rigid when it comes to the Casta.

The Casta is the caste system created by Imperial Spain. This actually has a role still in my Spanish speaking countries and how it has shaped their cultures.

Latino means one born in a Spanish Speaking Country, not one being of Spanish Blood.

The majority of the ruling class in Latin America are not mixed. They are Hispanic for the most part not Latino. The people that push for typical bullshit here in the US are not in any way the ruling class back home. They're the bottom of the barrel. The Cuban community that fled after Castro were the White Upper and Middle Class. Cuba went from being a White Majority nation to being a majority Afro population.

In places like Bolivia, were you have a very high Mestizo and Cholo population. They are looked down upon by other nations like Chile and Argentina. The pecking order is Latin America is very rigid on who is more Spaniard. Thr more mixed or Ameri-Indian, the lower on the pile they are.

Everyone that tries to be someone tries to claim Spanish Ancestry. Look at the more stable nations in Latin America. Chile Argentina (a cluster fuck, but not a backwater place like Bolivia), and Uruguay. The more native or mixed the population, usually the more fucked up.

Plus you have natioal rivalries. Brazil always claimsnto be the big dog, but the majority of their country is empty of people. They're mostly along the coast and the interior is un-inhabitable. No roadways, etc.... so because of this. Many other Latin American Nations look at Brazilians as all talk and no game.

Central America is looked upon as the 'tarded inbred cousins. Places like Guatemala are looked at like the US looks at West Virginia. Corrupt, backwards, inbred, and full of cousin fuckers.

Colombians, Venezuelans, Chileans, and Argentinians consider themselves to be the most cultured. Ecuador, Bolivia, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru, etc... they are very mixed with the Native Populations of Ameri-Indians. Guatemala, in an attempt to be more like their European descended neighbors tried to actually wage a genocide on these populations in the 1970s and 1980s.

Tribalism/Nationality in the Spanish speaking world is very big.

Especially so in the Caribbean. You have Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. The Boricua in Puerto Rico are island born and hate their Mainland born cousins in NY and FL. They that them so much so, that they call them Nuyoricans. They consider them fakes like the Irishmen consider Americans in Boston to be Plastic Paddies.

The Dominican Republic is an odd duck. They're mostly Mulatto yet they're racist as fuck and don't consider themselves Black. This stems from Haiti. Dominicans fought for independence from Haiti and Spain. They view Haitians as untermensch and in the 1930s massacreed them. The Dominican Army asked anyone that was Dark Skinned to say Parsley in Spanish it is pronounced differently than Haitian Creole. If they couldn't pronounce it. They were shot or given the bayonet. The ruling class in the Dominican Republic is light skinned, but the peasantry are not. But they all hold themselves higher than Haitians.

Cuba split after 1959. The majority of the White affluent population fled to the US. The Afro population grew because of that. Cubans in the US and on the island are completely different. And this comes down generationally too. Cubans like my parents and grandparents are nothing like the current influx. But Cuba itself has shifted culturally as a country that once prided itself on casting off the yoke of Spanish Rule but still revelled in being Spaniards. This especially was the case afterthe Spanish-American War. Spaniards flocked to Cuba for work and opportunity. Fidel Castro's own father was one such man. But Fidel was a bastard son from an out of wedlock affair with the farm staff. Fidel was raised with the mulattos and connected with them. After the revolution, he pushed Cuba to forget its European past.

Because of this, Cubans in Americaconsider themselves the best out of Caribbean. They view themselves as the best. Puerto Ricans consider themselves the best since they're all Americans but still are separated and act as if they're their own thing. The Dominicans constantly try to be the better. But they're stuck in the middle and reminded of that.

There is no friendship amongst Latinos and Hispanics. We all truly hate each other for the most part. Chile and Argentina have viewed each other as enemies. Colombia and Venezuela also are rivals. The Ameri--Indian populations are looked upon like trash and the chip on their shoulders make them hate the White European populations. Mexico thinks their shit doesn't stink, yet they're constantly reminded that they're all half breeds.

All while Spaniards look down on everyone.

In the US, the constant push by the Left is that Latino/Hispanics are all good friends with a unified voice andthat we're the same race. In fact that is far from the truth. You have White, Black, Ameri-Indian, Japanese, and Chinese. Peru is especially the case with Japanese. Their ruling class is a mix between Japanese and White Spaniards. But the Ameri-Indians breed like rabbits. So that is changing.

In the end... we aren't all the same and we all aren't Brown skinned Ameri-Indian half breeds that look like the lost Incan or Mayan tribe.

Secondly.... Let me show you what NRA & GUN OWNERS SHOULD BE DOING and how they SHOULD SPEND THEIR MONEY-

It Looks like this-

Rachel works for GOA here in Texas. When I say WORKS FOR, I really mean, works HER ASS OFF for. Just look at her Facebook timeline. She's a dynamo, running all over the State of Texas putting on seminars on how to testify at the Legislature for the upcoming session. Take a look at WHERE she was most recently, South Texas, lots of "brown faces" in those hand shaking events......

She's a serious competitive shooter and an instructor and pro gun beyond the pale.... THESE are the kinds of people we need fighting for Gun Rights.

In the end, if you want to expand gun ownership, you need to branch out. Stop the petty bullshit about not speaking Spanish.

The reality of the fact is that you have Spanish speaking communities in this country. Go stick your head in the sand. Shit, in Puerto Rico you had SAF fighting for Constitutional Carry and a metric shit ton of Boricua signed up for CCW permits there.

But keep making it seem that gun owners are closeted troglodytes that only want a 1950s Leave it to Beaver TV Americana that never existed.
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Post by Gmountain »

Miami_JBT wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 9:42 am
Secondly.... Let me show you what NRA & GUN OWNERS SHOULD BE DOING and how they SHOULD SPEND THEIR MONEY-

It Looks like this-

Rachel works for GOA here in Texas. When I say WORKS FOR, I really mean, works HER ASS OFF for. Just look at her Facebook timeline. She's a dynamo, running all over the State of Texas putting on seminars on how to testify at the Legislature for the upcoming session. Take a look at WHERE she was most recently, South Texas, lots of "brown faces" in those hand shaking events......

She's a serious competitive shooter and an instructor and pro gun beyond the pale.... THESE are the kinds of people we need fighting for Gun Rights.

In the end, if you want to expand gun ownership, you need to branch out. Stop the petty bullshit about not speaking Spanish.

The reality of the fact is that you have Spanish speaking communities in this country. Go stick your head in the sand. Shit, in Puerto Rico you had SAF fighting for Constitutional Carry and a metric shit ton of Boricua signed up for CCW permits there.

But keep making it seem that gun owners are closeted troglodytes that only want a 1950s Leave it to Beaver TV Americana that never existed.
You still don't get it. We get nowhere playing identity politics and having a fractured society. We need to be united, and that means one language, one message.
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Post by Miami_JBT »

Gmountain wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 9:48 am
Miami_JBT wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 9:42 am
Secondly.... Let me show you what NRA & GUN OWNERS SHOULD BE DOING and how they SHOULD SPEND THEIR MONEY-

It Looks like this-

Rachel works for GOA here in Texas. When I say WORKS FOR, I really mean, works HER ASS OFF for. Just look at her Facebook timeline. She's a dynamo, running all over the State of Texas putting on seminars on how to testify at the Legislature for the upcoming session. Take a look at WHERE she was most recently, South Texas, lots of "brown faces" in those hand shaking events......

She's a serious competitive shooter and an instructor and pro gun beyond the pale.... THESE are the kinds of people we need fighting for Gun Rights.

In the end, if you want to expand gun ownership, you need to branch out. Stop the petty bullshit about not speaking Spanish.

The reality of the fact is that you have Spanish speaking communities in this country. Go stick your head in the sand. Shit, in Puerto Rico you had SAF fighting for Constitutional Carry and a metric shit ton of Boricua signed up for CCW permits there.

But keep making it seem that gun owners are closeted troglodytes that only want a 1950s Leave it to Beaver TV Americana that never existed.
You still don't get it. We get nowhere playing identity politics and having a fractured society. We need to be united, and that means one language, one message.
And yet the Right is losing. Identity Politics can be used to unify. You can't unify different communities if you can't reach them. That means you need to reach out to then first and foremost and identifying with them is key. The Left has succeeded at this because they're willing to reach out and identify with them.

Even business marketing teach that.
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Post by Gmountain »

Miami_JBT wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 9:58 am
Gmountain wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 9:48 am
Miami_JBT wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 9:42 am
Secondly.... Let me show you what NRA & GUN OWNERS SHOULD BE DOING and how they SHOULD SPEND THEIR MONEY-

It Looks like this-

Rachel works for GOA here in Texas. When I say WORKS FOR, I really mean, works HER ASS OFF for. Just look at her Facebook timeline. She's a dynamo, running all over the State of Texas putting on seminars on how to testify at the Legislature for the upcoming session. Take a look at WHERE she was most recently, South Texas, lots of "brown faces" in those hand shaking events......

She's a serious competitive shooter and an instructor and pro gun beyond the pale.... THESE are the kinds of people we need fighting for Gun Rights.

In the end, if you want to expand gun ownership, you need to branch out. Stop the petty bullshit about not speaking Spanish.

The reality of the fact is that you have Spanish speaking communities in this country. Go stick your head in the sand. Shit, in Puerto Rico you had SAF fighting for Constitutional Carry and a metric shit ton of Boricua signed up for CCW permits there.

But keep making it seem that gun owners are closeted troglodytes that only want a 1950s Leave it to Beaver TV Americana that never existed.
You still don't get it. We get nowhere playing identity politics and having a fractured society. We need to be united, and that means one language, one message.
And yet the Right is losing. Identity Politics can be used to unify. You can't unify different communities if you can't reach them. That means you need to reach out to then first and foremost and identifying with them is key. The Left has succeeded at this because they're willing to reach out and identify with them.

Even business marketing teach that.
You don't pander. The message needs to be that if you need to speak English to have a voice in the way things run in the USA. Everyone needs to be one community. Thats the direction this country needs to move in.
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Post by JonathanW »

As a immigrant to this country, I do think foreign speaking immigrants should learn the basics of English. It would be completely moronic and damaging to the cause to refuse to spread the second amendment in other languages for people to better understand. Very few countries only speak one language and while I think English is the main one, having Spanish speaking representatives wouldnt be a bad idea if your serious about preserving the second amendment for all people.
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Post by flcracker »

Just my observations.... People who focus on "this is America - speak English" never seem to grasp the possibility that the people they hear speaking Spanish or any other language most likely CAN and DO speak English when they need or want to, but that they tend to express themselves better to fellow speakers of their native tongue when using the language they were raised speaking. This is America, for crying out loud. The land of the free and the sacred 1A. Freedom of speech, and all that.

No-one has the right to tell anyone what language they should use when they are having a private conversation, but you can search YouTube to find many examples of self-appointed language police harassing complete strangers in public for speaking a language other than English. Why would we NOT want a pro-2A organization to use whatever language they feel is best to get their message across? Seems to me that it would be easier to explain 2A issues to someone in the language they were raised and educated with, rather than trying to force them to grasp the nuances in our version of the English language.
....and some rin up hill and down dale, knapping the chucky stanes to pieces wi' hammers, like sae mony road-makers run daft - they say it is to see how the warld was made!
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Post by tector »

flcracker wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:27 am Just my observations.... People who focus on "this is America - speak English" never seem to grasp the possibility that the people they hear speaking Spanish or any other language most likely CAN and DO speak English when they need or want to, but that they tend to express themselves better to fellow speakers of their native tongue when using the language they were raised speaking. This is America, for crying out loud. The land of the free and the sacred 1A. Freedom of speech, and all that.

No-one has the right to tell anyone what language they should use when they are having a private conversation, but you can search YouTube to find many examples of self-appointed language police harassing complete strangers in public for speaking a language other than English. Why would we NOT want a pro-2A organization to use whatever language they feel is best to get their message across? Seems to me that it would be easier to explain 2A issues to someone in the language they were raised and educated with, rather than trying to force them to grasp the nuances in our version of the English language.
I have a close friend from Central America--green card, eligible to apply for citizenship next September, will do so on Day One. Speaks English so/so, but has a 7 year old daughter who is fluidly bilingual, speaking English amazingly well (really, in second grade, her vocabulary amazes me). He goes to the movies in English, watches some English TV, etc. Yet, plainly, he is much more fluent in Spanish, and if he needed the Second Amendment case laid out to him (fortunately he doesn't), Spanish would be the tool of choice to get it done.

When I want and have the right tool to get a job done, I use it. I don't have an ideology that prevents me from doing so.

While imaginary bright-line-rules worlds are fun, that is a luxury we cannot afford any longer in this fight. We need every vote, however obtainable.

Vaya con Dios, mi amigos.
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Post by Miami_JBT »

JonathanW wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:08 am As a immigrant to this country, I do think foreign speaking immigrants should learn the basics of English. It would be completely moronic and damaging to the cause to refuse to spread the second amendment in other languages for people to better understand. Very few countries only speak one language and while I think English is the main one, having Spanish speaking representatives wouldnt be a bad idea if your serious about preserving the second amendment for all people.
Yup, Spanish was my first Language and I spesk English fluently. But I speak Spanish at home because it is easier to communicate some ideas and feelings in Spanish.

Also my Grandparents speak Spanish primarily because even though they understand English. It is hard for them to speak it.
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Post by Miami_JBT »

flcracker wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:27 am Just my observations.... People who focus on "this is America - speak English" never seem to grasp the possibility that the people they hear speaking Spanish or any other language most likely CAN and DO speak English when they need or want to, but that they tend to express themselves better to fellow speakers of their native tongue when using the language they were raised speaking. This is America, for crying out loud. The land of the free and the sacred 1A. Freedom of speech, and all that.

No-one has the right to tell anyone what language they should use when they are having a private conversation, but you can search YouTube to find many examples of self-appointed language police harassing complete strangers in public for speaking a language other than English. Why would we NOT want a pro-2A organization to use whatever language they feel is best to get their message across? Seems to me that it would be easier to explain 2A issues to someone in the language they were raised and educated with, rather than trying to force them to grasp the nuances in our version of the English language.
My wife and I speak Spanish at home because it is what we're comfortable with. English sucks at eroticism. Spanish rocks in that regard. :lol:

Also you are right about comfort. Plently of folks I know understand and speak English. But it is a second language to them and expressing ideas comes easier in their native tongues.
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Post by Skoll »

Miami_JBT wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 11:10 am
flcracker wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:27 am Just my observations.... People who focus on "this is America - speak English" never seem to grasp the possibility that the people they hear speaking Spanish or any other language most likely CAN and DO speak English when they need or want to, but that they tend to express themselves better to fellow speakers of their native tongue when using the language they were raised speaking. This is America, for crying out loud. The land of the free and the sacred 1A. Freedom of speech, and all that.

No-one has the right to tell anyone what language they should use when they are having a private conversation, but you can search YouTube to find many examples of self-appointed language police harassing complete strangers in public for speaking a language other than English. Why would we NOT want a pro-2A organization to use whatever language they feel is best to get their message across? Seems to me that it would be easier to explain 2A issues to someone in the language they were raised and educated with, rather than trying to force them to grasp the nuances in our version of the English language.
My wife and I speak Spanish at home because it is what we're comfortable with. English sucks at eroticism. Spanish rocks in that regard. :lol:

Also you are right about comfort. Plently of folks I know understand and speak English. But it is a second language to them and expressing ideas comes easier in their native tongues.
I think what pisses off some native borne people here is when you have some people in some places like Miami, whom like you said can understand English, but won't speak it. I'm white as the driven snow and I've had experiences like that, where someone just absolutely will not use English at all and proceeds to squawk at me in Spanish even if I explain to them my grasp of Espanol is worse than theirs of Ingles. It comes down to the entire, even though its not official, English is still the dominant language of the country thing. Funny thing about that is if things had gone a little differently int he 1700s, German might have been our dominant language.

All that being said, I do agree that we need to increase support for 2A and other civil liberties by any means necessary. If the US Army can drop pamphlets in Farsi and shit over war zones, we can print Bill of Rights primers in Spanish.
"The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted."
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