Civil Disobedience by Gun Owners in the 21st Century?

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Post by dammitgriff »

zeebaron wrote:
Greg wrote: Sat Dec 01, 2018 11:01 am It’s best not to discuss these things nowadays online.....
Even private forums aren't safe now, because AntiFa & SJW's collecting SSI & welfare for their mental illness get to sit at home all day and infiltrate them if you're against their agenda. They collect all the info they can and use it against members.
Thanks to the de-facto soft coup of 9/11, the NSA does the same thing, but you can take comfort in the catch-phrase, “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.” (It’s got such a hypnotic quality about it...)
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Post by MadMan »

It's not the first guy who gets things going. It's the second and third guy who will bring in the crowd. The first guy, people haven't bought into whatever he's "selling" and there's still a chance he'll fall flat on his face. The second and third guy's getting up and walking to the first guy, make it legit.
There's actually a name for this, but I'm too lazy to look it up.
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Post by jaytwillerham »

The founding fathers of these United States didn't have trepidations about speaking out.
Why should we?
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Post by MadMan »

jaytwillerham wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:26 am The founding fathers of these United States didn't have trepidations about speaking out.
Why should we?
Hell, the democrats sure don't.
What's that saying? The best defense is a damned good offense.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Greg wrote: Sat Dec 01, 2018 11:01 am It’s best not to discuss these things nowadays online.....
I agree. Everything that's said here could one day be use against you. If anything were or should I say when something does happen.

Quick note though. It only takes one person or group to stand up to TYRANNY. Once it happens if kinda starts spreading like a virus.

It did not just pop up all at once back in the day. It took just the ideas of just a very few to spark the flame that raged wild. No one wanted to fight. They too thought they had to much to lose.

But there were men and women that did fight. Regardless of those that said there was no point to do so. Because they could NOT WIN against someone so big and powerful.

Trust me, I'm sure they said the same exact things then that people are saying now as our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS are being trampled upon.

Our very CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS ignored by the very political leaders we elected as they little by little. Strip away our FREEDOMS. While granting themselves more power over AMERICANS.

The same political leaders that swore an oath to protect those rights. Yet stomp them under their feet. These POLITICAL LEADERS that do not believe in AMERICA'S CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS and feel those documents are out dated.

Elected POLITICAL LEADERS that scream the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS need to be done away with. Rewritten to reflect a more modern time. These traitors believe that AMERICANS are too stupid to have the freedom they have now.

These ELITIST believe they know what's best for us. The social elites, movie starz, POLITICIANS, NEWS MEDIA all think that the common AMERICAN is to dumb to think for themselves.

It's all about POWER. POWER over us. It's a repeat of history. But they can not have this power with that pesky CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS and especially that dreadful 2nd ADMENDMENT.

Because these ELITES can not rule, have power over an armed POPULATION. So they must be disarmed. Before they can TAKE POWER AWAY FROM US.

This is why these ELITES will never stop. Never quit and never will. Until they succeed in DISARMING AMERICANS. Exactly like the SOCIAL ELITES of the British Empire attempted to do.

Yep it all started with just a spark. Started by just a very few people. That said no, enough is enough. No more will our rights be violated. No more will we be trampled upon. No more will we be belittled for our beliefs.

Like they all said we must be stupid because of who we voted for. So we are attacked in the streets at work and at our homes. Because of our beliefs and how we vote. We are not capable of making responsible decisions on our own because of who won the election.

But there's one hugh difference between then and now. We have a CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS. We know exactly what is being violated. What FREEDOMS are being stolen from all AMERICANS.

These rights are suppose to be protected by those we elect. Instead the very elected representatives are working to deprive AMERICANS of their Constitutional rights. These elected representatives are VIOLATING the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS.

Because they all think we are all to stupid to know what they are doing.

WE ARE NOT STUPID AMERICANS because can see exactly what you are attempting to do.
We know you are also reading these posts. So read this. AMERICANS will never succumb to your TYRANNY. Your not to big nor to powerful. Because the power of AMERICA is the people. Not the government and the people far out number you. So keep violating our laws, our CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS. Keep attacking AMERICANS.

There will be people that rise up. But not me. I'm too old and crippled, blind in one eye, deaf, sit and drink until I pass out, fat and can't walk and can't get an erection with pills plus my wife won't let me out after 6pm by myself. So don't come knocking on my door. I have a bladder problem also and might pee myself. Oh yeah I have a weak sphincter and I give a new meaning to the phrase he had the crap scared out of him. :P
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by zeebaron »

Hey hey, this is actually a bit of my forte. I have been following this sort of stuff since around 2013ish.... I want to stay intentionally vague but I was doing some work for a large well known conservative PAC. I found out that they had contracted a startup which had a team of people who would help "balance the conversation". I didn't learn too much directly, but I do know that they had a small team who had created vast webs of social media accounts and had bots which would help manipulate (promote and demote) social media posts and comments. This is where I learned about the "digital campaign intelligence" industry, which is HUGE. It propped up after Obama's 08 run where he showed how well big data helps campaigns...

The most lucrative startups at these biannual conferences in DC were ones that focused on social media. Just like how marketing has found social media to be FAR MORE valuable in terms of ROI over traditional marketing, so were political players. There were, at the time, tons of startups who were offering different services. They were all very opaque and never public about what they did. You had to reach out to them and usually know someone to get connected.

Around the same time China's digital manipulation campaigns were becoming more transparent. People were learning how they were doing it, and learning their incredibly effective techniques, and brought them over to the US with these private industries.

I don't want to get into the details too much. I've already done novelas worth of this stuff talking about the details, but in brief the most effective techniques are cultural changes within platforms.

When these organizations want to push something, they don't need to brute force it with tons and tons of their own people. That's unrealistic. However, what they have that organic communities DON'T have is organization, so a small group of people can effectively take over large groups.

Their main goal isn't to debate, offer counter information, or anything like that. It's to derail conversations which they don't want happening, and promote positive conversations. The goal is to mainly act so toxic and hostile towards people who aren't toeing the narrative line, that those people just stop participating. Whenever they bring something up, they just get derailed, disgruntled, and an all around unpleasant experience. This pushes people out. Meanwhile, they promote, using bots and algorithms, people who are on board. Eventually, after a few months curating a social media community, they can effectively have developed an ideal culture which keeps in line with the narrative. It only takes a small handful of people to curate these spaces. For instance, on Reddit, if anytime you have a calm rational, fair dissagreement, and you're met with tons of downvotes and hostility, how long would you continue participating? However, if you agreed and always got upvotes and exposure, how much would you participate? Eventually the culture builds upon itself.

The reasoning behind this, as the Chinese noticed, is to prevent fair discussion. They intentionally design echo chambers. They don't want outsiders looking in, and seeing rational and reasonable discussions. They just want to shut down ALL discussions which aren't in line. Don't argue or debate the person, just don't have it period. This way, you prevent people from seeing different perspectives as well as create a lot of social pressure. When you go into a space and the only people talking about something are negatively hit hard, then you too think that everyone must dissagree with X Y and Z for good reason. And if you never see people calmly discuss these issues, you never really get exposed to them.

I'm serious. This is WIDESPREAD. It's not just Russians... It's politics in general. Both the left and right... Everyone can talk about the switch that hit /r/politics within 24 hours bringing a traditionally anti-establishment space into full swing cheerleaders for the establishment dems.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

IM getting a 3D printer for christmas :P the things i6can do with that. :P :P :P :P
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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Post by dammitgriff »

I’d make more 3D printers if I had a 3D printer...
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Post by Skoll »

Firemedic2000 wrote: Thu Dec 13, 2018 2:33 pm IM getting a 3D printer for christmas :P the things i6can do with that. :P :P :P :P ... nted-guns/

Go forth and multiply, my friend.
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Post by tector »

dammitgriff wrote: Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:02 pm I’d make more 3D printers if I had a 3D printer...ImageImage
On the road to the gray goo problem....
“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”
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