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Re: Dicks sporting goods / hunting gear

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 8:29 am
I see no need to wish them to go under. I do like the thought that their actions are having a negative result on their bottom line. I know I am avoiding doing business with them because of it. I go to Academy for things I used to shop at Dick's for.

Market forces will decide whether they go the way of Sports Authority or not.

Re: Dicks sporting goods / hunting gear

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 9:55 am
by photohause ... ucks-nike/


After the Parkland shootings, Dick’s stopped selling assault rifles and increased its minimum age for gun purchases to 21. Some gunmakers severed ties, and Dick’s stock slumped, owing in part to weak hunting-equipment sales. Dick’s has struggled as well in athletic apparel, where many brands it offers also sell direct online. But if it can boost its own e-commerce, Dick’s could reward investors who buy in at today’s low valuations."

Re: Dicks sporting goods / hunting gear

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 12:08 pm
by p7fl
I was amazed to see that while Dick's dropped ARs, they had a black Benelli 12 GA for sale.
Do they have a clue?

Re: Dicks sporting goods / hunting gear

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:47 am
by lakelandman
S&W collector wrote: Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:58 am See you later Sports Authority.....I mean Dicks :lol:
1+ Just selling sporting gear is not enough Amazon or even Walmart will beat them at that.

Re: Dicks sporting goods / hunting gear

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 8:10 am
by chester field
If Dick's is now talking about phasing out their other shooting related and hunting products, it is probably because no shooters or hunters will shop there anymore.

On the plus side, think of all the room they will now have for hiking boots, granola and vegan tofu jerky.

Re: Dicks sporting goods / hunting gear

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 11:44 pm
Dick's will go down. I stopped shopping there before Parkland due to their trending toward anti-gun. I know many who did the same. Across the web everyone says the same. You'd be surprised that many non-firearm enthusiasts in the sporting world empathize as they too don't like the idea of the government regulating or legislating against their sport.

In store front retail, it only takes a few percentage points to get behind and start the downfall.

This new economic world is ultra cut-throat. With Amazon causing so many chains to shut won't take much. It has never been tighter for brick and mortar stores.

The article essentially says Dick's only hope is online sales. Good luck with that. Amazon is a juggernaut.

That's how it goes. A retreat from the physical space to cyber space, then a total slaughter in cyber space.

I will very much enjoy watching their liquidation.

Re: Dicks sporting goods / hunting gear

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 6:30 pm
by GunsandHoses
Im USUALLY not one to hope a business goes out, but I'm with you RKBA! The day they close their doors will be a most joyous one for me and can't come soon enough!

Re: Dicks sporting goods / hunting gear

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:30 am
by cvo
Dicks prices are extreme, like $80 for a rain jacket made in Vietnam. :shock:

Re: Dicks sporting goods / hunting gear

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:42 pm
by 45caldan
N4KVE wrote: Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:44 am I’ve done a few FTF deals with a few members in their parking lot. GARY.
I have done the same at the one in Haines City off I-4 a few times.
The irony was not lost on me or the other member!

Re: Dicks sporting goods / hunting gear

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:50 pm
by Firemedic2000
cvo wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:30 am Dicks prices are extreme, like $80 for a rain jacket made in Vietnam. :shock:
Yeah even before they turned stupid and are on their way of the sports authority, OUT OF BUSINESS.

I NOTICED THEIR PRICES WERE IDIOTIC. But I guess there are priced for the people who do not shop around and have more money than sense.

When are these businesses going to get it. Do not believe ALL OF THESE BOGUS and fixed POLLS.

President Trump's win should have opened their eye's to that.

But it's like the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY'S play book Hitler's Mein Kampf.

These business seem to believe in the same concepts and even push them. Here's a list of a few of Hitler's guidelines right out of Mein Kampf. See if any sound familiar.


“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern (AMERICAN) peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.”  

“The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.”  

If you win, you need not have to explain. 

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”  

“Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.”  

“Only the Jew knew that by an able and persistent use of propaganda heaven itself can be presented to the people as if it were hell and, vice versa, the most miserable kind of life can be presented as if it were paradise. The Jew knew this and acted accordingly. But the German, or rather his Government, did not have the slightest suspicion of it. During the War the heaviest of penalties had to be paid for that ignorance. 

The quote above I believe is the brainwashing taking place of the youth in our schools today. That AMERICA'S CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS are evil and will fail. That AMERICA is the evil nation of the world.

The youth are being taught in schools SOCIALISM is the answer. The drive to destroy the very founders of AMERICA. To turn them into monsters by the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY. Supported by the very money of the wealthy they are condemning. But the rules they want for us will not apply to them as in all SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS GOVERNMENTS. Businesses like DICKS SPORTING GOODS ECT.....

They started with the destruction of Confederate monuments. Next will be the monuments to AMERICA'S founding father and everything that AMERICA is based upon. 


“Use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.”  
The DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY do this at every opportunity they get. Just like businesses such as DICK'S. The very concept of a CONSERVATIVE AMERICA is based upon an evil ideology. CONSERVATIVE AMERICANS are evil, racist, bigots ect...yet it is the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY that are the ones that attacking every AMERICAN who thinks, acts, dresses, believes differently than them. That is a threat to their gaining power.

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”  

This is being done now. How many time have I heard parents here complain of the ANTI AMERICAN sediment being taught to their children in schools today. Schools now saying it is wrong to be proud to be AMERICANS. To fly the AMERICAN FLAG because it will offend others here in AMERICA that refuse to assimilate. ILLEGALS breaking our laws. Muslims that refuse to accept our laws. Look at how the NEW MUSLIN POLITICAL LEADER IN POWER IS ACTING NOW. All the while with the blessing of the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY 

“The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.”  

“The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one or more category. ”  

As is CONSERVATIVE AMERICA is being portrayed now as being racist, anti gay, anti immigration anti everything.  DICK'S and companies like them that started off as pro 2nd ADMENDMENT and now are openly making a anti BILL OF RIGHTS statement by their action. Shows their support of the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY'S ADGENDA. Companies like DICK'S by doing what they have done are openly attacking the values of CONSERVATIVE AMERICA and the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS. They are basically telling CONSERVATIVE AMERICA WE DO NOT WANT YOUR BUSINESS. WELL ASK COMPANIES LIKE THE SPORTS AUTHORITY HOW THAT WORKED OUT FOR THEM.

This list goes on and on and these are the exact words right out of Hitler's Mein Kampf. The NEW DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST PARTY'S play book is almost wood for word. Along with business like DICK'S and others that back and support them.

The DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY along the SOCIALIST CORPORATE WORLD that wants pay for some form of security from this new SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY are turning against the very CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS in order to gain absolute power over AMERICA and the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

But if they'd pay attention these new SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY self proclaimed leaders AOC, OMAR and the other slips my mind. They want total control.

They do not care what you do or how much money or support you give them. If they gain power. These new SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY LEADERS WANT EVERYTHING THEY HAVE AND THEY CANNOT BUY THEMSELVES A SAFETY NET.