Another Florida business owner probably about to be charged with murder

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Post by Chigger »

What moronic jewelry store owner doesn't put an electric lock on the door to come and go?

The minute he threatened employees inside the shop with bodily harm, that was the time to shoot.
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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Point in case. If your going to rob a place just make sure your unarmed when you do it. That way business owners lose their rights if they use force.

Gee I wonder if you rob a bank unarmed and are shot in the back as your running away if the security guard armed citizen would be charged.

A felony is a felony what if next time that unarmed person were to rob a place they might kill someone

But the teen did threaten to kill an employee. So the owner did take it that the teen was armed and that it was an armed robbery. But I'm not a judge. But if someone threaten to kill someone running away does not stop the threat. To me anyways.

That was armed robbery if he said he would kill you.

Remember spiderman movie and when he did not stop the robber. Then that robber killed his uncle Ben. Same thing here. To me, remember the article said they robbed another store also. So it was just a matter of time before they hurt or killed someone.

Business owner probably stopped the murder of innocient people from happening. Would a LEO have the right to shoot if they did not stop. If so then why shouldn't you have the same rights. I bet you if that were a cop that was thrown to the ground like that employee. L.E.Os would have lit that car up.

But shooting at the car towards all that traffic. Store owner was very lucky he did not his a passing car.
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Post by Legio »

Outlaws should have NO RIGHTS. They chose the line of work and its deadly consequences.
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Post by 45caldan »

Outgunu wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:29 pm Forcible felony, looks like a good shoot. Don't see how he can be charged.
How is this even remotely a good shoot?
You need to read up on when one is allowed to use deadly force.
Hint, its not when someone is driving away from you!

Having said that, anytime a POS thug gets killed the world becomes a better place IMO.
That doesn't mean the shop owner had the RIGHT to do so....
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Post by GunsandHoses »

Not sure whether it was a good "shoot" from a legal standpoint, but it definitely was a good "shot"! You f around and make a poor decision to threaten someone....then steal their property..... Then hit them with your car and knock the down and expect NOT to get shot?
Looks like "natural selection" got another one! No sympathy here!
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Post by Chigger »

Not sure why some of you believe what you do but,

A person is justified in using or threatening to use deadly force if he or she reasonably believes that using or threatening to use such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony. A person who uses or threatens to use deadly force in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground if the person using or threatening to use the deadly force is not engaged in a criminal activity and is in a place where he or she has a right to be.

There is nothing in there about the attacker having a gun, knife or what have you. It's about the bold print.

It doesn't mean some dip shit prosecutor won't charge you or a grand jury won't bring charges.

The shooting really doesn't meet the Florida staute. Another f'n stupid gun owner. The time to shoot was in the store.
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Post by Gmountain »

Chigger wrote: Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:54 pm What moronic jewelry store owner doesn't put an electric lock on the door to come and go?
A jewelry store that wants upscale customers.
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Post by Flame Red »

Sorry to say that Florida is now almost a Zombie Libiturd paradise and certainly the majority of the prosecutors in the urban areas are brain dead Libiturds.

Agreed, this shoot is questionable and that guy may go bankrupt with all the possible persecution and civil litigation that will come later. I am sure the "choir boy" pictures of the perp are being printed as I am writing this.

That being said, his head shot of a perp in the commission of a felony is OUTSTANDING!!!
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Post by jaytwillerham »

Yes, the employee who fired the shot will probably lose more than a ring.
With the newspapers so biased against guns and gun owners, he will be tried and convicted in the newspaper long before he's tried in court.
If he passed a ccw class successfully, he must not have been listening to the part about defensible shooting.
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Post by OSD »

I'm glad to see there's one less thug, but I also don't think the shop owner did himself any favors. Also the part about the robber making a threat to the employee in the store sounds a little iffy, almost like the owner coached him on what to say when the police arrive to take his statement. If the robber had a weapon and the employee knew this why was he chasing him and trying to hold him and pull him out of the SUV?
Too many questionable decisions made by the robber and the shop owner.
One less bad guy for the world to deal with, but I doubt the shop owner is done dealing with everything. He has to hope the kid doesn't end up a veg and need care the rest of his life.
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