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Re: 5G - Worth the wait?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 3:42 pm
by TC6969
Wont the 5G phone work OK at 4G until 5G comes available?

Re: 5G - Worth the wait?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 1:01 am
by Taco
Wow, does that thing have snake? A color screen?

Phones, like computers, are disposable products. You should be getting a new one every 6 to 12 months. You don't need to get an n level flagship, n-1 or n-2 is more than you need or (my preference) a Chinese 'spy on you' phone with current flagship specs at bargain basement prices.

Re: 5G - Worth the wait?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 6:47 am
by Wolfdog
milsurp wrote: Sun Dec 30, 2018 3:13 pm Do any of you know what a rotary phone is ? Damn I'm gettin' old,hahahahahahahaha

Does anybody remember party lines? I'm really old!!!
Shesh that's not old, I remember using a phone that did not have a dial, you hit the cradle switch a few time to get the operators attention then asked to be connected, most locals you could just ask for by name, anything out of the area you gave the number and they dialed it. This was in rural Mi during the 60s.

Re: 5G - Worth the wait?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 7:02 am
by Slartibartfast

Re: 5G - Worth the wait?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 8:20 am
by P5 Guy
milsurp wrote: Sun Dec 30, 2018 3:13 pm Do any of you know what a rotary phone is ? Damn I'm gettin' old,hahahahahahahaha

Does anybody remember party lines? I'm really old!!!
Last party line we had was in BuenaVista Acres in Cumberland County NJ. I was five when we moved out of the sticks to the big town of Pitman in Gloucester County NJ.

5G - Worth the wait?

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 11:04 am
by dammitgriff
Flame Red wrote:The company I slave for is in that business, so I will give you my opinion...

It will be a long time before 5G is nationwide, depending on which carrier you subscribe. So depending where you live and travel to, you may not see it for a long time. The phones will fall back to 4G/3G. The densest metropolitan areas will get 5G first.

There will not be a lot of phones initially that have 5G support.

5G is much hyped and depending on where you are located relative to the tower, may or may not provide you the promised hype. Some carriers are hyping supped up 4G as 5G. Some of the high speed 5G millimeter wave features are very short distance and you have to be really close to the antenna to get the high bit rate.

My recommendation - replace your phone when you need to. You can get some really great deals on some excellent phones if you don't want to spend almost $1k on the latest and greatest. You can upgrade again to 5G once it becomes available in your area.
The 5G network will consist of nodes/hubs spaced about 500 feet apart in the cities and along highways. Towers for bubba in the boonies.
Here’s some technical information, if anyone is interested: ... ency-bands
There’ve been some scientific studies on the effects of 5G RF frequencies but so far the FCC has largely ignored them. The health concerns actually go far beyond the 5G cell towers that are being placed approximately every 500 feet on the streets of America’s urban areas.
“It has now been revealed that 20,000 satellites will be soon put into orbit around the Earth to broadcast 5G microwave radiation over every square foot of ground on our planet.” ... an-health/
I’ve worked with military radars my entire 28-year career and I find some of the concerns written about by those not trained or educated in RF engineering to be alarmist. We’ve been subjected to man-made non-ionizing RF radiation since the incandescent light bulb was invented, and as long as the power levels are low there is no need for concern...unless you keep your cell phone next to your nads or head all day.