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Re: Undercover operation nets nearly 100 arrests in Sarasota for illegal gun sales

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:44 am
by flcracker
Just go Dukes of Hazzard and carry a compound bow everywhere you go. The dynamite part might get you in trouble, though.

Re: Undercover operation nets nearly 100 arrests in Sarasota for illegal gun sales

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 1:08 pm
by Firemedic2000
dammitgriff wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:14 pm What form of self-defense should be allowed to a convicted felon?
If felons retain U.S. citizenship, and the 2nd Amendment applies to U.S. citizens, isn’t it un-Constitutional to deny any citizen the right to keep and bear arms, specifically because there is no qualifying language contained in the 2nd Amendment?
If I were a convicted felon (I’m not, btw) I would ignore the attempts by my own government to disarm and leave me vulnerable to harm or violent death because the right of self-defense does not originate from the government—we are born with it.
I'm the type of person that believes. Once you've met ALL of your punishment for a crime. That includes everything court costs and restitution.

All of your rights should be returned. You've paid your dues for your crime at that point.

There are some B.S. things that are considered a felony in some states. Like not registering your guns, turning in high cap mags, white collar crime ect..

ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES create laws and CRIMINALS. Unless it pertains to them. Then no laws they create applies.

Now I'm not talking about murder, rape ect....those are obviously good laws.

Re: Undercover operation nets nearly 100 arrests in Sarasota for illegal gun sales

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 2:33 pm
by wjbarricklow
People forget some of the stupid laws here that are felonies. You could chase a deer over the wrong fence and it's armed trespass. Then you're a felon for life.

Same thing with some of the stupid carry laws. Running errands to bank, grocery store, etc.. and you stop by the post office.

Import ban is another one. Swapping out parts on an import rifle can be a felony.

Re: Undercover operation nets nearly 100 arrests in Sarasota for illegal gun sales

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 4:11 pm
by REDinFL
How about the intricacies of IRS regulations. Federal felonies are easy to get.

Re: Undercover operation nets nearly 100 arrests in Sarasota for illegal gun sales

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 4:23 am
by dammitgriff
GunsandHoses wrote: Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:20 am
dammitgriff wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:14 pm What form of self-defense should be allowed to a convicted felon?
If felons retain U.S. citizenship, and the 2nd Amendment applies to U.S. citizens, isn’t it un-Constitutional to deny any citizen the right to keep and bear arms, specifically because there is no qualifying language contained in the 2nd Amendment?
If I were a convicted felon (I’m not, btw) I would ignore the attempts by my own government to disarm and leave me vulnerable to harm or violent death because the right of self-defense does not originate from the government—we are born with it.
Stick, knife, rock, hands/feet? The FBI says they work pretty good! When you commit and are convicted of a felony, you give up your right to a gun.....for ANY reason! You know the rules ahead of time!
The Constitution doesn’t prohibit felons from owning firearms. The rules and laws which infringe upon the right of felons to own firearms are, therefore, unconstitutional. Any law that does not square up with the Constitution and limits natural rights should be considered a clear case of overreach. In cases where the Constitution is found lacking or inadequate, the Constitution contains self-explanatory instructions on how to modify it. Creating laws that circumvent the Constitution and its amendment process out of political convenience is also unconstitutional. The spirit of the Constitution is to keep our government off our backs. What good is it when public servants ignore it and the people it protects from overreach allow it to happen?
All the foregoing notwithstanding, it’s self-evident that criminals ignore the law. A convicted felon won’t give two shits about a gun law. It therefore becomes necessary for the thinking man to question the real purpose of the law. After the authoritarian bullshit this country just went through over the last two years it should be abundantly clear why our government goes to great lengths to pass laws which ignore Constitutional standards.
Lastly, unless a person has been tried and sentenced to death by the State or federal government, a person’s right to self-preservation in this country cannot be legislated away under color of law. Another way to look at it is you are responsible for protecting your own life—not the government. We need to stop relying so much on our government…it enables the evil bastards to our great detriment.

Re: Undercover operation nets nearly 100 arrests in Sarasota for illegal gun sales

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 10:04 am
by TC6969
GunsandHoses wrote: Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:20 am
When you commit and are convicted of a felony, you give up your right to a gun.....for ANY reason!
A good friend got burned by a business partner and a bad check.

He had NO knowledge of any funny checks going on but still went down because he was co-owner of the business.

Other than that, he's never as much as ran a stop sign in 66 years.

So, according to you, for the rest of his life he has no right to defend himself because his business partner wrote a bad check? :roll:

Re: Undercover operation nets nearly 100 arrests in Sarasota for illegal gun sales

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 10:19 am
by osprey21
So it was really a drug bust spun to look like a gun bust operation. :roll:

Believe nothing the MSM tells you.

Re: Undercover operation nets nearly 100 arrests in Sarasota for illegal gun sales

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:43 am
by Firemedic2000
I agree with dammitgriff on a lot of things.

Remember when the wildebeest (Hillary) said about the Bill of Rights in her interview with Wallace. Even Obama agreed with the SCOTUS ruling
When the Supreme Court issued its landmark 2008 decision in D.C. v. Heller, he applauded it. "I have always believed that the Second Amendment protects the right of individuals to bear arms," Obama said.

Not Clinton. When asked in June whether she endorses that interpretation, she conspicuously declined to do so. "For most of our history, there was a nuanced reading of the Second Amendment, until the decision by the late Justice (Antonin) Scalia," she groused.

Asked whether she agrees "that an individual's right to bear arms is a constitutional right," Clinton replied, "If it is a constitutional right, then it, like every other constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulations." If?
The Constitution and Bill of Rights further more are there to recognize and protect Americans from oppressive political attacks from those that would try to abuse their power we granted to them as elected representatives. The Bill of Rights does NOT grant Americans anything. It recognizes our rights and is suppose to protect them from people who would want to deprive Americans of their rights. Like this Democratic Socialist extremist faction of our supposedly elected government. Dominion Guarantees this by fair elections :?

The Bill of Rights was never meant to be changed by regulations period. By law the only way to amend or in their words regulate the Bill of Rights is by voting of the states, people and congress. Here in lays the problem.

The left wing socialist extremist tyrants who are occupying our great halls of law do not want to or either simply refuse to acknowledge these great documents that made America what it is. Further more in their words, outdated documents written by an oppressive and racist people hundreds of years ago that are outdated and do not apply to a modern America.There's that word again these extremist love using to keep Americans divided..racist...

Also the 2nd amendment is absolute in it's wording and is the only Bill that states shall not be infringed or violated.

What does shall not be infringed mean in the Second Amendment?

Security in this sense means "safekeeping, defense, and protection." Infringed simply means "to trespass or violate"; in this case, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be violated. The 2nd amendment does not use words like hunting, types of weapons, ammunition or felony convictions. How often has people been convicted of B.S. charges that makes them a felon.

Remember the lady who was a CWL and crossed a bridge into another state and was stopped and charged and convicted of having a gun. She got on bridge by mistake was going to turn around and go back. Anti gun States also stopping people with tags from out of state gun friendly states. Then making up reasons to search the vehicles. Better yet an empty piece of brass fired from a gun. Remember reading some place that possess spent gun brass can get you charged with a crime. Can't remember where and google is about useless anymore.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
What part of shall not be infringed do they not understand or rather refuse to acknowledge. So in other words as much as some may not like. A felon has a right to bear arms if we follow as written and no left wing socialist extremist nazis in our government has a right to regulate it. Because in essence if they are allowed to regulate our recognized and protected rights.

The the Bill of Rights is just a worthless piece of paper. But we all already know these socialist pos already think that. They believe Americans do not have the gall to stand up to them. But what they are doing right now to seeing what's happening in Canada. They've just ignited or rather by their own corruption caused a great awaking of the rebel spirit that is threatening their grip of power that is by our Constitution and Bill of Rights illegal..

Just look today at the attack on our 1st amendment this left wing socialist extremist political faction of our government and social media platforms have launched against those who do not walk lock step with their agenda. A supposedly elected government telling social media platforms to censor views that differ from their agenda. People doxxed, fired, attacked guns are a health risk and being looked into by the CDC. Regulation of guns because they are a health risk coming soon near you. ... index.html

We've 3 more years of these occupiers that do not recognize laws and most certainly our Constitution and Bill of Rights. It will get worse. Biden is not leading this nation. Someone or group of people are yanking his puppet strings. I predict the creation of new felons or watch list that will be used to strip away protected right including the right to bear arms by these radicals all in the name of safety. In order to promote gun control. Speak out against them and Home land security will dox you as a right wing domestic extremist or terrorist and a threat to national security. Knock, knock who's there :lol:

Re: Undercover operation nets nearly 100 arrests in Sarasota for illegal gun sales

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:55 am
by TonyR
Heeee's back ....

Re: Undercover operation nets nearly 100 arrests in Sarasota for illegal gun sales

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 12:07 pm
by Firemedic2000
TonyR wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:55 amHeeee's back ....
:lol: ;) mostly back :P missed you guys