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Re: Whats Up With Climate Change Anyway?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:26 pm
by Skoll
These nutjobs have been crying doom since the 60s, saying it's only a matter of x amount of handful of years. We'd have been dead 20 times over if any of their garbage hysterics were real.

Like all things with the left, this is about control over peoples lives and nothing else.

Re: Whats Up With Climate Change Anyway?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:28 pm
by osprey21
Just follow the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Re: Whats Up With Climate Change Anyway?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:34 pm
by REDinFL
Climate change is real. There once were glaciers as far south as St. Louis, and they melted about 11,000 years ago, obvious warming.

All the hollering people now are just doing that to curry favor, as useful idiots for people padding their own pockets. I doubt one out of ten “activists” could answer correctly:

What causes the change of seasons?
Is the earth closer to the Sun in December or in June?
What is precession?

Re: Whats Up With Climate Change Anyway?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:42 pm
by Skoll
CaptBarty wrote: Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:34 pm Climate change is real. There once were glaciers as far south as St. Louis, and they melted about 11,000 years ago, obvious warming.

All the hollering people now are just doing that to curry favor, as useful idiots for people padding their own pockets. I doubt one out of ten “activists” could answer correctly:

What causes the change of seasons?
Is the earth closer to the Sun in December or in June?
What is precession?
The arrogance of people thinking we can push Mother Nature around when she shows again and again she can end us on a whim.

Re: Whats Up With Climate Change Anyway?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:52 pm
by Lastrites
Oh my the sky is falling...we are all going to die, again.

Re: Whats Up With Climate Change Anyway?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 6:06 pm
by rug357
Lastrites wrote: Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:52 pm Oh my the sky is falling...we are all going to die, again.
How much money are we going to have to burn to find out how to hold the sky up??

Re: Whats Up With Climate Change Anyway?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 6:22 pm
by Tenzing_Norgay
They keep quoting the issues will be happening "by the end of the century". So...2100.

Not sure about y'all, but I think I'll be worm-food by then. Not my problem. ;)

Re: Whats Up With Climate Change Anyway?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 7:02 pm
by Iosef
Actually, the next ice age could start at any time. All it takes is several large eruptions, each spaced about a year apart. If they're timed right, the ash would continually reflect enough sunlight that snow fields would be larger and longer lasting, each year and by year six or so, the sequence would be in charge of the global weather. IIRC, the Little Ice Age was pretty much confined to the northern hemisphere and was initiated by just two eruptions. Ice ages have occurred in times of very much higher CO2 than animals can tolerate. The Greenhouse Effect is comparatively insignificant against Volcanism.

Despite the fact that the sun is getting brighter each year, it'll be at least another hundred million years before the planet is warm enough that it's no longer a matter of a handfull of volcanos getting frisky, to have another ice age.

Re: Whats Up With Climate Change Anyway?

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 9:03 am
by P5 Guy
Look back all thru recorded history, there was always some group claiming the end was nigh.

Re: Whats Up With Climate Change Anyway?

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 9:29 am
by Flame Red
Iosef wrote: Thu Dec 12, 2019 7:02 pm Actually, the next ice age could start at any time. All it takes is several large eruptions, each spaced about a year apart.
Then we are doomed - from all the hot air eruptions coming out of the Libiturds mouths.

They want to ban cow farts, but not their vitriol.
