Florida Man Fires AR-15 In Downtown Orlando

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Post by Firemedic2000 »

Not a natural born AMERICAN. Notice at the 21 min mark area he said he came to America. OK

Then turns right around and he's from and get this. Here we go again. He said I'm from N.Y. :? OK

But then changes his story from basically immigrating here to America, to saying he was born here. :roll:

So here we have an idoit move from NY where guns like ARs are basically not allowed. To a free state. Then can't decide if he was born here in America or immigrated here to America :lol: actually it's not funny.

Maybe whatever country he came from. He could just start shooting like that. Who knows.....

Then keeps saying he did not want to shoot and kill anyone. My question is if he did not want to shoot anyone. Then why did he pull a weapon in the first place. I mean he made it to his car. Why did he not just get in it and drive to a safe location and call L.E. but nope he got his weapon out and went after those he said accosted him. Then fires weapon up into the air.

This guy is a nut and is damn lucky he was not shot by that LEO.

That officer showed a hugh amount of restraint and dido to him. He is well trained.

If this fool from NY had pulled his crap in NY he'd be dead right now. NY Cops would have lit his ass up.

All kinds of wrong here. An immigrant to America and from NY. This is exactly Florida's problem. All these idoits from up North moving here.

Kinda reminds me of a post of a guy that tried to buy a used gun. Remember he went to buy a used gun from BASS PRO I believe and thought there was a gun loop hole he'd use.

He thought If You bought a used weapon there was no paperwork or background check. After he was told there is no such loophole. He still had to have a background check and waiting period.

Then still argued that dealer was wrong about the law. Store had to call L.E. To remove him from store and he was banned from ever coming back to BASS PRO.

Because this person believed the LEFT WING SOCIALIST NEWS MEDIA and the LEFT WING SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS about loopholes and guns.

Then as stated about the mommy comment. My baby did nothing wrong. Yet he did not get in his car and leave after he got to it. Instead he pulls a gun and shoots it. But he did not want to kill anyone. I just don't understand stupidity like this.

Florida needs a wall to keep these fools out. As officer said when this IDIOT stated he knows the law. Sir no you don't know the law. I believe America should deport these people back to wince they came.

Oh yeah this guy is lucky that someone with a CWL was not there. He might have ended up dead for running around and shooting a weapon and banishing it like he did. He could have easily been mis takes for a mass shooter. A foreigner with a gun shooting it in downtown Orlando. Bring back memories from not long ago.

This is funny after he was apprehended. But at the same time it's not.
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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