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Re: Did not know West Palm Beach banned gun and ammo sales

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 11:57 pm
by Firemedic2000
Thank you, still stupid because it was just for the city. Step outside city limits and you can buy ammo or guns. This was a B.S move. It accomplished nothing. Than restricting the rights of law a bidding citizens to protect themselves if attacked by rioters.

He passed this to protect the rioters, not the citizens obeying the law.

Re: Did not know West Palm Beach banned gun and ammo sales

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:27 am
by Cubanstang50
Nothing to see here. This is already in place under normal ccw laws.

Re: Did not know West Palm Beach banned gun and ammo sales

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:21 am
by Wulfmann
Basically if this is declared stay home period. For no reason, work, school, play nothing do you leave your home.
Some will insist it is their right yes but that don't make it right as sometimes we have to do what is best not what is right

Those with ill intent and are out and armed will be the responsibility of law enforcement until they step foot on your property where you have a lawful right to defend yourself from any person who has a weapon that said local authority has prohibited meaning the fact they are on your property and armed is all one needs to show they have harmful intentions and you are defending yourself from an obvious criminal

Ergo, that law cuts both ways

Re: Did not know West Palm Beach banned gun and ammo sales

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:33 am
by REDinFL
Good point. I'm not one to run out to "show somebody", and will stay away from trouble. But, try to bring it to me.....

A line from humorist and author, James Thurber: "Fools walk in where angels fear to tread, yet all of the angels are in heaven and few of the fools are dead."

Re: Did not know West Palm Beach banned gun and ammo sales

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:17 pm
by N4KVE
Gun shop/school in trouble because of city. ... -from-city

Re: Did not know West Palm Beach banned gun and ammo sales

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:28 pm
by Firemedic2000
Sounds like this B.S political move by this asswipe is having the desired effect. Causing lawful gun store owns to lose enough business to cause them a serious financial crisis.

This so called crisis is to just harrass honest law abiding citizens by a corrupted LEFT WING SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS with power.

Rings just like the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS up North refusing to open states. That are willing to sacrifice Americans livelihoods. Just to hurt Trump during an election year.

This needs to be handled by the GOVERNOR asap and stopped.

Imagine of all the counties and cities run by these NAZIS bastard got together and decide to declare a false local State of Emergency just to over ride Florida State laws. Using these riots or whatever they deem to be an emergency.

To attack gun stores throughout the state.

This is not a State of Emergency. It's a declared City of Emergency so says a Mayor anyways. So how can this over ride state laws.

It would not surprise me if that NAZI Nikki Fried is offering advice to these people.

What surprises me. Is I've only seen this on OAN and no local NEWS networks

Does not the paragraph near bottom of article restrict the actions of the Mayor ... nt-danger/

In April, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an executive order that exempted all firearm and ammunition product manufacturers, retailers, distributors, importers, and shooting ranges in the state from stay-at-home restrictions during the Wuhan virus outbreak. On Tuesday, DeSantis said demonstrations across Florida “have remained largely peaceful over the past 24 hours and no significant law enforcement or civilian injuries or deaths have been reported to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.”
Here's the law. Notice the last paragraph
870.044 Automatic emergency measures.—Whenever the public official declares that a state of emergency exists, pursuant to s. 870.043, the following acts shall be prohibited during the period of said emergency throughout the jurisdiction:
(1) The sale of, or offer to sell, with or without consideration, any ammunition or gun or other firearm of any size or description.

(2) The intentional display, after the emergency is declared, by or in any store or shop of any ammunition or gun or other firearm of any size or description.

(3) The intentional possession in a public place of a firearm by any person, except a duly authorized law enforcement official or person in military service acting in the official performance of her or his duty.

Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to authorize the seizure, taking, or confiscation of firearms that are lawfully possessed, unless a person is engaged in a criminal act.

Re: Did not know West Palm Beach banned gun and ammo sales

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:29 pm
by Firemedic2000
Also here's the rest of the law this Mayor did not post.

Chapter 252, F.S., is Florida’s emergency management law and provides for powers given to the Governor and local jurisdictions during disasters.

Under section 252.36, F.S., the Governor can declare a state of emergency and in Florida that is mostly related to hurricanes, floods, fires and other natural disasters, but may also include things like the BP oil spill. After the Governor declares the state of emergency, local interjurisdictional emergency management plans also go into effect. Both the Governor and Local official have authority to issue mandatory or voluntary evacuation orders under Chapter 252.

Under Chapter 252, F.S., the Governor MAY suspend the sale, dispensing or transportation of firearms, but it is not automatic. However, it does not authorize the seizure of any weapons or firearms that are lawfully possessed if the person is not committing a criminal act.

In contrast Chapter 870, F.S., declaration of emergencies, pertain to public affrays, riots, routs and civil unrest. There are automatic provisions related to firearms but only apply to intentional possession in a public place while not lawfully carrying.

Significantly, under either statute, nothing authorizes the seizure, taking, or confiscation of firearms that are lawfully possessed, unless a person is engaged in the commission of a criminal act.

This means that if you are in lawful possession of your firearm (have a concealed carry weapons permit or are transporting in a car securely encased) and not committing a crime, the law does not authorize the confiscation or seizure of your firearm regardless of the emergency declaration provisions.

Re: Did not know West Palm Beach banned gun and ammo sales

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:32 pm
by tcpip95
Dude, it's the LAW. If you are a law-abiding person you will respect the law. If you don't like the law, work to have it changed.

I too am completely opposed to this law, but I recognize that it is the law of the land.

No one is going to seize your firearms - unless you are violating the law. This tells me to:

1. Stay home. There should be no reason for me to be violating a curfew anyways (unless I have an emergency). I should be home protecting my family anyways.
2. Don't carry a weapon out in public when this statute is invoked (see #1 above).
3. Purchase enough ammo beforehand to not make this an issue.

Re: Did not know West Palm Beach banned gun and ammo sales

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:40 pm
by Firemedic2000
tcpip95 wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:32 pm Dude, it's the LAW. If you are a law-abiding person you will respect the law. If you don't like the law, work to have it changed.

I too am completely opposed to this law, but I recognize that it is the law of the land.

No one is going to seize your firearms - unless you are violating the law. This tells me to:

1. Stay home. There should be no reason for me to be violating a curfew anyways (unless I have an emergency). I should be home protecting my family anyways.
2. Don't carry a weapon out in public when this statute is invoked (see #1 above).
3. Purchase enough ammo beforehand to not make this an issue.
Ok look I've never spoken to you. It's not the law. It's an abuse of the law. Further more these fuck heads are attacking law abiding citizens rights under the guise of the law. To say IT'S THE LAW is a misguided attitude of the law when it is used against innocient AMERICANS.

When it harms businesses and people's livelihoods. It is unjust because it serves no purpose. If people do not complain about this abuse. They will steal more rights away.

Just because you or they say it's the LAW. Does not make it so. It's an abuse of the LAW.

Further more how about you drive over there and be the test case and see if they do in fact seize your firearms. It'd be interesting to see if those that do not respect and abuse the law would do so.

I'm from Florida and this is the first time a Mayor has ever done this.

It's the ok. So it must be legal just because you and they say so.

Re: Did not know West Palm Beach banned gun and ammo sales

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:22 pm
by tcpip95
No... it’s the law because our duly elected officials in the state of Florida legally ENACTED it.

And you know it.

Just because you don’t agree with it does NOT invalidate the law. That’s shit that ANTIFA pulls.

You’re wrong on this one.