Are they also going to rename Columbus Ohio since they've been pulling down his statue too and every other city or town they do not like. :
How about these. Look at link. How about all of these. This is IDIOTIC by a bunch of DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS who as usual at every election time run on the same exact platform of RACISM and HATE.
Because they absolutely nothing else to offer. Except a senile old man that has no idea what day of the week it is or even where he is most the time.
I've never seen it this wide spread and it get's worse every year. Because this so called political party who now call themselves the DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY keep stoking the RACISM and HATRED.
They are using murders of blacks as their platform to try to win an election. Oh wait I'm sorry. That falls into the category of RACISM and HATE. My bad.
Jackson County Oklahoma named after Stone Wall Jackson
Jeff Davis County Georgia. Named after Jefferson Davis
Jeff Davis County Texas
Jefferson Davis County Mississippi ... al_figures
Here is the next list they will go after. Founding fathers that were slave owners. The DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY will be leading the charge too. The LEFT WING SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS are already going after Thomas Jefferson Memorial and the the Mt Rushmore Memorial.
They are wanting to put music singer statues and watch sports athletes statues up at state capitals. Also I bet you before it's over with black criminals that were killed because they were breaking the law. But that doesn't matter. How about the two innocient black officers that were murdered by the rioters. Yeah good luck with that.
Charles Carroll Maryland
John Adams Massachusetts
Samuel Chase Maryland
Samuel Adams Massachusetts
Benjamin Franklin Pennsylvania
Oliver Ellsworth Connecticut
Button Gwinnett Georgia
Alexander Hamilton New York
John Hancock Massachusetts
Robert Treat Paine Massachusetts
Patrick Henry Virginia
Thomas Paine Pennsylvania
John Jay New York
Roger Sherman Connecticut
Thomas Jefferson Virginia
Richard Henry Lee Virginia
James Madison Virginia
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney South Carolina
Benjamin Rush Pennsylvania
Edward Rutledge South Carolina
George Washington Virginia
I know another long post
But you watch. I bet these things are coming