All whites are racists?

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Post by Firemedic2000 »

mikem wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:56 am
Firemedic2000 wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:22 pm
REDinFL wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:41 pm Some are born that way. On the other hand, I was not born a racist, nor raised to be a racist. I had to learn the hard way.
This right here and I'm one racist sob right now.
stay classy fsn.
I am a classy racist as of right now. I drive a big truck wear a 15k Rolex can by pretty much what I want within reason. But it's them that call me a RACIST and have pounded it into my head to the point of F I decided I am.

Class has nothing to do with it. When those who are the real RACIST are calling me, you and all WHITE PRIVILEGED AMERICANS RACIST, hell they are even calling black people RACIST for not sharing the fruits of their labor. To people who feel entitled to what I and all others have worked for.

People that hate my guts, millionaires who say they are oppressed, to people who say they should get reparations for being a slave. A slave of what, their own stupidity in actually believing the words they puke out of their mouths as if it were the gospel of the bible.

Yet you say to me and others stay classy. Who has not nor does not want to hurt anyone and has treated all people of all races with respect. Yet now they've drilled into me I'm a RACIST and when I/we agree you say stay classy.


Those day's after 12 years of being attacked for not supporting their outright corruption of which 4 years of innocient AMERICANS being attacked and even murdered by these RACIST EXTREMIST. After witnessing outright corruption in our elections. Then again get called a RACIST for even questioning the corruption by these RADICAL LEFT WING SOCIALIST EXTREMISTS PARTY.

No I'm a RACIST against every traitor to this nation. No matter who you are, no matter the color of your skin, religion. They are all my enemy now and the shoe is on the other foot. Let's see how they deal with it when the time comes. When that monster they created devours them their very soul for their acts of treason.
In the Government's/Elitist eye's I'm a Terrorist for believing in the Constitution and taking an oath to defend it instead of POLITICAL LEADERS
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